Contest! Punday Monday 23! Contest results from Punday Monday 22

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Last Monday, our performers sent in a cavalcade of puns based on the world, "Glitter"

You can see those entries here:

Go ahead, go read them. Try to guess which pun will win BEST PUN.

As you know,

Unfortunately this week there were no entries that qualified for BEST VIDEO PUN.
We have two categories to give prizes to, then. Each winner will receive an upvote and a tip on the post of their choice. The POCKET CHOICE AWARD (awarded by their peers) also wins entry into the annual POCKET CHOICE CHAMPIONSHIP.

If you want to get involved, it's simple!

Follow the instructions here:
Then post your pun based on today's word in the comments below, any time between now and next Punday Monday.

This is a great way to guarantee yourself a little bonus cash.

You might notice that I upvote EVERY pun submitted. I reserve the right to not do that, but I enjoy puns so much, I can't keep my finger from clicking. Additionally, we've built a very friendly supportive community of punsters here, and I'm proud of them.

Get to it!

I can hear you cry.

Winner of the POCKET CHOICE AWARD this week

is rookie @chrisroberts! Huzzah! Drop a comment with your pun entry this week and include a link you'd like me to upvote and @tipu tip! Congratulations!

Winner of BEST PUN is...

drumroll please.

YES! @chrisroberts has won both awards, and gets to send me TWO links!

The POCKET WINNER'S CIRCLE now includes @chrisroberts, @stinawog, @doctorcrypto, @heroic15397 and @littlescribe in the pock

This week's word is...

As in, "How can you defeat the homework monster? Lie bary still."

Your turn!


I cant make puns but the LIE BARRY told the LIBRARIAN at the LIBRARY ANN showed us has certainly BOOKED a spot in my mind forever.

Sounds like you CAN make puns!

More like puns can make me. I'm just a pawn of puns. Checkmate!

Thank you very much! Couldn't have done it without the ever-bewildering English language... So I'm to share two links, eh? I'll get to that in a second. I'm actually running a couple of contests, one of which you already magnificently entered, @improv.

But first... here's a pun. I understand that this may be a stretch from books, but I started a lot closer. I can try another one if it needs to be more books. Ahem...

As a tourist passes a surfer on the beach, he asks "Excuse me, do you know anything about that hotel across the street?" Retrieving a folded paper casually from his trunks, the surfer replies, "Bro, sure."

And now the links...

HERE is the link to my Revenge of the Words contest. In this contest, I'm asking for angry poetry to be dropped in the comments. It's been pretty fun so far! I'm running this contest for another week and a half. I'm hoping the prize pool will increase with multiple posts, though I'm starting it at 10 SBD! Bring on the wrath!

This is my entry in week one of the #openmicsongwriters challenge. I've actually written several original songs for Steemit, and I plan to do more.

Thanks! This was fun.

Spoiler alert... you didn't win this week, BUT YOU HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE.

Yours was very good, though.

My local library is haunted. After hearing voices and seeing books move around many people have BOOKed it out of there. Not me though, I think it's cool.

I love to stay up late and read in bed. My wife says I'm turning into a real larvae of the common furniture beetle.

A bookworm, I presume?

Yes, I really hit the books this week.

BEECH YOU (bet you) don't know the etymology of the word "book."

I do love learning.


I asked a bookworm out on a date once. She turned me down because her free time was all booked up.

Was the bookworm actually very author (hot or) you just liked her.

I once asked a policeman during church to pass me the hymn notes. He threw the BOOK at me.

Well, I've NOTE-iced that police men aren't nice

Which sitting US Senator thinks this week's pun contest is the greatest?

Sen. Cory Anthony BOOKer

Atlas, I'm back for Punday!

library FINEally!

And to the librarian, Ed, ition be difficult to explain since I'm an open book.

So many good ones this week.

I suspect the winning punster this week will be bookish.

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