Day 44- Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Prize 114.31 SBD

in #contest6 years ago

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Day 44

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The Contest prize is growing every day!!!

We are grateful to our contest sponsors. The prize is now 114.31 SBD!!!!!


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Eliminated players

All here.

I had asked the question about the prize being paid in SBI or SBD and got some questions.


Your payout will be the final prize amount divided by the final amount of players. It will be transferred into your wallet and you do as you please.

This option is better for you if:

  • You need money to cash out right now or in the near future.
  • If you are not sure if you are going to stay on Steemit.
  • If you are not planning on posting at least once a week.
  • If you are fully focused on powering up and want to use all you can get.


SBI (Steem Basic Income) will give you an upvote on your posts for life. The size of the upvote depends on how many shares you have and on the value of Steem. There is a lot of information at the account @steembasicincome and you can join the discord server and ask questions there.

1 Steem buys one membership for 2 people - one for the person buying the membership and one for the person who it is given to.

If you choose this option, the Freewrite House will benefit as well with more shares and more income to run more contests.

This option is better for you if:

  • You are planning to stay on Steem and want a long-term benefit.
  • You are planning on publishing at least one post per week.
  • If you like to give back to the Freewrite House.

I am not sure what the exact timeframe is (Joseph can answer that in discord) but I seem to remember that after a year, SBI becomes a straight profit for the buyer of the membership. How you account for 2 people getting the upvote, I am not sure. In my opinion, that means it pays for itself sooner than that.

How is the SBI prize calculated.

@improv asked the question if we buy steem first and then figure out how many shares each one gets.

Please keep in mind that the Freewrite House is basically a non-profit enterprise. We have given out all liquid earnings as prizes.

A huge shout out to is in order here. He is donating half of the SBD from his Big Bird saga and from the reading of Elma. We so appreciate this and it is turned into more prizes and rewards!!!

That said, if we can swing it and the exchange rate stays favorable, I like to do a one to one. That means if the payout is 5 SBD we try to make it a 5 SBI sponsorship.

Hope this all makes sense - keep asking questions, please.

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Some Fun Selfies from Yesterday

So many of your selfies were great!!! This is a random pic and yours will also be here someday 🤩

See if you recognize each other's faces.








See if you can list all the names 😊

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If you haven't checked the Daily Prompt yet...

Prompt: core values

brought to you by @kimberlylane

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Remember you have 24 hours to drop your selfie with you freewrite link into the comment section.

Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful faces - or masks - every day 🤪

Your selfie + freewrite must be posted by 8 AM Pacific Time on 6/27/2018

I know that many of you are in timezones where that might be a different date already. Use a time converter to make sure that you enter on time.

If you are late - you are eliminated. No exceptions.

This contest is for Registered Players Only. Registration is Closed.

But there are many fun activities at the Freewrite House - check them out!

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Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Hey guys ,

So now my mom is on some hormone medicines. It's not good , but right now since we don't have money for surgery , plus there are others issues with my sister , so mom wants to make sure everything is okay with my baby sister first. So I'm just praying there won't be any side effects and this problem stops soon.

Thanks again guys for your kind heart. I love you all very much and pray for each and every one of you guys. 😍😍❤️❤️❤️

Today's Freewrite.


Believe me when I say this. I am a person who has strong cire values , I'm not even kidding. While growing up , what my grandparents taught me , is still with me.then what my mom and dad taught me. I still remember once in school , we had these uniforms with a shirt and in top of the shirt a pinaform. So I used to put even the top button. And nobody did that. And one day a tea her came to me and removed it. I don't know , usually teachers want kids to be disciplined, I was over disciplined. Haha , imagine.

But after coming for college , alot changed. There were really bad days , when I really ft like disobeying my parents. There were days when I felt , was I a person with core values , because some of my friends were doing some very bad things. I questioned myself. They say , a persons real identity can be seen through his/her aylist and their friends. And I felt really lost. Cause I never expected my friend to be in that kind of situations. I was dissapointed in myself , for everything.

Then there were days when I had feelings for this guy , and i almost would have even started dating him , if it weren't for my core values , and offcourse my conscience. I am a person who can love only one person. I'm still that person. I'm so glad j haven't changed my core vues much , I improvised them. I almost broke some promises , but I didn't . Thank God.

I was / is always scared I won't meet the love of my life. I was always a hopeless romantic , but the way my life is going , like a tornado. I just don't know. But I am going to carry my core values , and trust God with everything. I know he won't let me down.

Feels good to stick to our values. I've found, at times, that I alter mine and am later sorry.
Hoping too that your mother's condition improves. (((HUGS)))

Thanks sis 😘😘 , ND me too , after altering , I feel sorry or even guilty.

Hope your mom and your sister are going to be well soon.
Glad you know where your comfort level is and are sticking to it.

Thanks sis 😘😘

Get better mamma and sister... still praying 🙏

Thanks brother 🙂🙂

I hope you family finds some peace and health soon!

As for this

I was / is always scared I won't meet the love of my life. I was always a hopeless romantic , but the way my life is going , like a tornado. I just don't know.

If I can find the love of my life in the midst of the chaos that I was in (major self destruct mode) then I totally believe that you can find yours. Love sometimes shows up when we least expect it.

hugs I wish you peace throughout these stressful times.

Thanks sis 😘😘 I hope first my family becomes stable... With health ND even get a house...maybe that's why god didn't bring romance yet...
Thanks sis for your kind words.

I'm so sorry that you are having so much stress in your life right now. I hope that your mom gets better soon and that things ease up for your entire family.

Thanks sis 😘😘😘 love you sis.

All these things happening at home, and you still find time to #freewrite good for you. Plus you're beautiful and you will find your true 💘 when the time is right. It took me 53 years. 😉

Sending your mum, sister and you tons of positive thoughts 💗

I don’t usually think of myself as someone who has a strong ‘moral compass’ and I have a hard time even defining my own "core values" I think because my ‘morals’ don’t seem to always fit those around me. I was raised in a very conservative family and everything always seemed about following the rules. “Good” people followed the rules and “bad” people broke the rules. It was as simple as that.

Of course as I grew older, I realized that the “good people” weren’t actually doing everything right, they just pretended to when they were out in public (especially at church!) and looked down at anyone who had the misfortune to make a mistake.

They didn’t care if their kids were partiers or bullies or theives, as long as they could pretend on Sunday morning that they were good, then that’s what counted. I listened as my parents would talk in hushed whispers about the lady down the street who was always nice to me. She was leaving her husband “gasp” even though he was such a GOOD man, although I later found out that he drank a lot, cheated on her and maybe was a bit rough. Still, my parents would just say that he was tempted into sin and that the woman was the one that was “Bad” because she gave up on her marriage vows.

That frustrated me to no end. That idea that as long as you could ACT like a good and decent person once a week, then of course you were a “good person,” but if you gave any indication that your life was less than perfect, then you became the pariah.

Maybe that was just life in a small town in a conservative area. I couldn’t wait to leave, though, and found my own communities where people were much more concerned with your heart and your life on a day to day basis, rather than which suit of “good” that you could put on once a week in public.


I can really relate to your write, as I too grew up in a very conservative, small town and within a church-based home. I think all of that makes it really difficult to figure out what our real values are? Which are theirs, or something we heard or were shamed about repeatedly. Glad you've found your own supportive communities. Like here!

It really does make it hard to dig through the muck to figure out what I do believe.

I am too familiar with the conservative crowd. I was in a Baptist Church for 13 years of my married life and I watched the hypocrisy that you speak of. In my book, true love of a Christian coming from the heart excepts the sinner and prays for those who fall rather than snickers behind their hands or wag their heads at one person. There's always something complex when it comes to marriage. Sensitivity starts when you take the mind of Jesus and realize that there's always going to be fault on both parties in one way shape or form, some though, should not stay together.

It's very much a real problem in human nature in general, but religion seems to make some feel that they are better than others or something. I'm not sure what it is, but it's not "Christian" at all!

I agree. It takes more than words to sort them out, but actors cannot hide from reality.

I think you came out just fine. Praise the Lord. 🙏

We all have to make our way through our muck in some way or another, I suppose. It's either that or just give up and I'm not ready for that.

I have come across so many who practice by the book - on the day of worship and yet they are some of the nastiest people I know
And they don’t really practice the hard stuff like being kind, or generosity...more the actions of worship almost like it gives them a clean slate to be nasty again 😬

I think they just like to do the easy parts instead. It's truly ugly.


I have a 102 fever and I’m dripping with sweat right now and I actually want to die just a little bit but i’m doing this right now so I won’t get booted at the 11th hour. And my internet isn’t even working so I have to do it from my phone.


I don’t know how I’m even going to write coherently right now, let alone about core values. I don’t even know what that means. It makes me think of church going people in Texas or something. Like they have really solid core values. My only core value is to be excellent to others, to paraphrase Bill and Ted. I think. I don’t know, my brain isn’t working. I’m sorry. i cant do this. please don’t boot me.

As sick as you are, you did spectacular. Take 2 aspirins and #freewrite me in the morning.

Sending you loads of healing thoughts
And your freewrite wasn’t garbled text 😊

Thank you so much! <3

Hope you are feeling better!!! Hugs and healing energy to you!

Thank you <3 <3 <3

Hello Hello FreeWriters.... So close to the finish line we are...
I think I am going to miss this mad rush of getting this out before the deadline haha

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