Day 33 - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Prize SBD

in #contest6 years ago

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Day 33

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The Contest prize is growing every day!!!

Slowly now, since Stem is so low, but it is growing 😄

We are grateful to our contest sponsors. The prize is now 109.146 SBD!!!!!


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Eliminated players

What are you guys doing? Today, I have to eliminate @digitalmind. He posted his selfie - but not his freewrite. So sad!! I am glad that @kilbride added her hand and is still with us.

Only 17 more days to go....

Hang in there!!!

We are sorry to see you go @digitalmind

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Some Fun Selfies from Yesterday

So many of your selfies were great!!! This is a random pic and yours will also be here someday 🤩

See if you recognize each other's faces.








See if you can list all the names 😊

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If you haven't checked the Daily Prompt yet...

Prompt: skinny

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Remember you have 24 hours to drop your selfie with you freewrite link into the comment section.

Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful faces - or masks - every day 🤪

Your selfie + freewrite must be posted by 8 AM Pacific Time on 6/16/2018

I know that many of you are in timezones where that might be a different date already. Use a time converter to make sure that you enter on time.

If you are late - you are eliminated. No exceptions.

This contest is for Registered Players Only. Registration is Closed.

But there are many fun activities at the Freewrite House - check them out!

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Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


I wrote literally five different things for this and all of them made me cringe. The reality is that this prompt is bringing up a lot of weirdness in my brain and I almost don’t want to write in response to it. But I don’t want to get booted from the contest.

It’s actually kind of interesting. My immediate impulse was to write from my own perspective, of someone who is and always has been skinny, but the freewrite that I actually followed through on ended up being from the perspective of someone very overweight. No offense or assumptions meant…

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It says "skinny as a twig" -- sorry it's illegible


“You’re as skinny as a twig,” Aunt Celine said to me. “You haven’t been eating enough!”
I knew that was a lie. The fact was that I had gone from a little bit overweight to technically obese in the time since I had last seen her. But aunts like to feed you no matter what, and it’s polite to say that someone is “as skinny as a twig,” just as it’s polite to gorge yourself on homemade lasagna. What a cliched simile. Clearly meaningless.

But I ate some of Aunt Celine’s famous lasagna, anyway. Too much of it, really, considering that it wasn’t even any good. I ate past the point I was full, like I always promised myself I wouldn’t. Something felt so satisfying about being too full. Feeling like you’re right at the point where you’re going to vomit. It was slightly burned, and too cheesy, and the ground beef hadn’t been separated enough. But I enjoyed it anyway, if only for the masochism of it.
I sat at the table with the rest of my family, contemplating this and that and nodding my head to pretend that I was engaged while they spoke, occasionally offering an “mmhm.” Nobody seemed to notice that I had obviously tuned them out a while ago. I couldn’t quite shake that glassy look in my eyes. But the nodding my head rhythmically in tune with their voices—that was a trick I learned in college seminars.

In reality, I was trying my hardest to take a glance at my phone here and there, to see if Mike had texted me back yet. The reality was that he probably wouldn’t. Not after what had happened last time we spoke. Why should I want to talk to him anyway? He called me a fat bitch. On the one hand, I knew he had no right; on the other, I didn’t particularly care. Anything was better than this feeling of loneliness, and the fat would only increase with the lonely. Food, my only friend. Ugh, more cliches.
And the conversation continued. Gossip about someone’s neighbor. My other aunt Thelma bragging about her son who had just gotten into some Ivy League school and wanted to be a doctor. I secretly hoped he’d get addicted to opiates or something. I mentally slapped myself for having the thought. The golden child of all the cousins. They were politely ignoring the subtext that I was five years out of college and still only sporadically employed in jobs that we all knew were far beneath my capabilities. Ending up in shitty relationships with people who called me a fat bitch. Technically obese. And only getting worse. But hey, at least I showed up for dinner.

Sometimes, late at night, I’d read mean blogs making fun of celebrities who had gained some completely inconsequential amount of weight and maybe had a totally human amount of cellulite. I don’t know why I did it. Maybe to feel worse about myself; maybe to validate the way I already felt. I would tell myself that it was motivation to get up off my ass and do some crunches, or some yoga, or something. Anything, really. That was a total lie—I wasn’t trying to motivate myself at all. I was trying to justify my lack of motivation by showing myself that I was utterly hopeless. If celebrities who weighed half as much as me looked like beached whales to trolls on the internet, what would they think of me? Would they make me into a meme? A punchline about fat people logic? Fuck them.

Your story reminds me of some of the stories he has shared about his over weight troubles. He began warning family and friends. They weren't having any of it. Eat what's on your plate. It hasn't killed you yet.

Here is the skinny of it... Mom said, "If you can see your feet, you're skinny."


lookin so purdy!! is it hot there?

Thank you! It's very nice here now. Shorts and tank top weather! It's not too hot, currently.

yay sooo nice !! :)

Moms say the darnest things ... .too..haha

Is this the only skinning picture in the whole apartment?

what do you mean skinning?

Sorry for the late reply, was super busy last few days

That was supposed to be skinny. If you are skinning something, I hope it isn't human.

Well... now that you put it that way... ... ... I hope your hopes aren't in vain.

friggen hilarios! nice bathroom!! 😛

Hahaha thanks! :P Glad you enjoyed it :p

@svashta hehe "shy" hehehehe OMG that made me LOL

I thought about doing that! You look great!

But why didn't you? ;P
Thanks! :D Means a lot! :D

Sorry for the late reply, was super busy last few days

I have actually done this on and off on some nights... hahaha

Me... too? ;)
Just don't tell anyone ;)

Sorry for the late reply, was super busy last few days

Excuse my selfie, I don't have that cool photo editing app. that you pros have. 😘


skinny pop is awesomesauce!!

Turned out great! I'm not even sure how to do what you've done, so I'm pretty impressed!

I think I ran out of votes on my way here. Running kind of skinny on steem.


"No … I was not sucking in."

em thats just em er wow

How do you mean it? Like, "Oh my god! Look at that hunk!" or "We might need to get this one help ya'll." hahaha

i said wow, did i say OMG? hehe
both of those are hilariouss lolzzzzzzz

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STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 62984.76
ETH 2472.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55