NEW CONTEST: Zucchini Contest (and some miscellaneous changes I am making)

in #contest6 years ago

The first change is that I am announcing my intent is to use bitchute instead of ewetube any more. Here is my first bitchute video upload, my example for the Zucchini Challenge!

I am pretty sure I will be able to imbed them, I just have to dig in and figure out how. I tried dtube, it just never worked well for me. I know many are using dlive now but I have not had good luck with that either. I joined bitchute a year and a half ago, before steemit! This is my first upload because it did not work for me at first. Now it seems much better, so maybe dtube or dlive will be part of my future. For now, my primary goal was to get OFF ewetube. I am not a sheep or a potato, I do not want to be a ewetuber any more.

Now then, about that contest... It is zucchini season around here. The running joke in our community is that this is the time of year when you MUST lock your cars and homes or people will break in and drop off zucchini. I like them when they are small and tender, but those ones that hide and grow into Zukzilla are a challenge. Well, they USED to be. Now they are how I start a stampede (see video.) My "Zucchini Challenge" is to have you show me what you do with your Monster Zucchini. I will accept any format; video, slide-show, photos, or even plain text. You must post your entry IN THE COMMENTS BELOW. You are free to make a post and link that in the comments and I will probably give you an upvote there too. The winner will be selected capriciously by my whim and they will be awarded 1 STEEM. This is about having a little fun, not any of us getting rich. If by some miracle this post actually earns more than 1 STEEM there might be a second and third prize offered. Original work ONLY, that is the only official "rule." Upvotes and resteems are very much appreciated, of course. (Question: Why do I not get paid in SBD at all any more? I am set at 50/50 rewards which SAYS I will be paid in half SBD and half SP, but all I get is STEEM and SP now. What did I miss?)

Back to the changes... I started a account:
If you happen to be on minds, let me know! So far I am a little "meh" but I just got started, maybe it will grow on me. At least it is not tracebook. I am trying to just bail on the google / facebook / youtube trinity of evil for most of my internet activity.

You may notice I am not following you any more, but probably not. I unfollowed accounts that have not posted or commented in a month or more. I also unfollowed people who do not follow me. I am not clamoring about "follow for follow" but I am looking to increase engagement. If you are not following me, I am taking that as a sign that you are not terribly interested in engaging with me. It does not mean I do not like you or care about you, it just means I am trying to focus on the people who actually interact with me.

You may notice I removed you from my autovoter. This only happened to a few people but this is why:
I ran that report on everyone I autovoted. You see how the arrow goes both ways, showing that @longsilver and I vote for each other? There were a few folks on my autovote who never upvoted me, there was a one way arrow from me to them. They are not on my autovote any more.

You may notice you get a bigger autovote from me. This may need adjusted but I tried to up the percentage I vote on my "fanbase" to at least 50% (except for one person who I have a 10% deal with.) Almost everyone is cut down to ONE vote per day to try to keep my vote power from getting drained. Since my 100% vote is only worth about 3 cents, you may not notice this change at all, really. It is an attempt to give a vote with some actual value at least.

I have dropped the qurator and openmic curation trails. I was voting at such low power they were not doing anyone any good. I seriously doubt anyone will even notice. I just don't want to be spread so thin that my vote has no value, and those large groups are more than my puny vote can support. I raised the vote percent on thealliance trail, that is the group that seems to support me the most (everyone likes their back scratched!) so I want to focus on having those votes actually doing some good. I will try to adjust that upward if my VP holds. I also dropped the youarehope trail, it was not really much of a trail and it sounds like sircork is going to be making some major changes soon. I still support YAH whole-heartedly, but I am trying to set an autovoter so it is most useful. If you actually notice that my vote has gone away, SPEAK UP. I do not wish to cut off any relationships, I simply want to make my upvotes worth having. I miss stuff though, for sure. Don't be shy.

Trivia... My reputation score is sitting at 58.99. I am very curious who will push me over the top to 59, and very curious if I will even be able to tell. I am watching steemnow like a hawk, if your upvote is the magic one, I will swing by and let you know and drop you a tip. That is, if I can tell - lol!

I think that is about it for now. I am not leaving, I am not angry or upset with anyone or any group. I am trying to roll with the changes. I set that autovoter up when times were good, if we get out of this quagmire I will get back on more trails. Now then, before you just click to the next post don't forget: ZUCCHINI. That was where we started, remember?

Here, enjoy a lovely photo of the sunset from back when we could see the sky. I am starting to feel like I have asthma from all the smoke. I hope it rains HARD, soon!


Photo by me or @longsilver using one of our cameras, I think me using the Kingear... lol!



I chipped in a little to the zuc contest but I got no zuc's. My mom used to feed watermelon rind to our cows and they would come running. Of course she also called them with an unfortunate "here boys" which sounded kind of like a hog call.

Aw, thanks! And you are in! Entry standards are very low. I call Bessie like a dog. She tries to sneak down all casual-like, but another cow will see what is up, then the stampede is on.

I finally got Dtube to work by using it in Google Chrome, it seems to be fussy about browsers.

Reputation is based on number and values of upvotes per post, and is limited to votes placed in a few hours of post creation. That is why there are so many few month old accounts at 65+ rep - investors throwing money at bots shoot their rep up with every post they push to a few $100 plus.

You can't upvote all the people all the time, and I do wonder who even looks to see who upvoted their post. It's more important to do what you enjoy, create your content for you first and if people like it it's a bonus. And have fun, enjoy the posts you like reading and support them.

Spotted the more fires post, hope all is well with you and @longsilver.

#thealliance #witness

I think part of my problem is my internet connection, bitchute (on the ONE video I have uploaded) got the upload done pretty fast. Granted, it was a 20 second clip so I have not really put it to the test. Even with youtube I sometimes get a "no connection" message in the middle of an upload and have to start over. WIth dtube the uploads are so slow it just happens over and over, I never get the upload done before the connection blips out on me.
The fires from the storm were all put out very quickly. To be honest, a little too quickly... now I realize there was no way they even tried to actually stop the big fire. It was small and right by the road for 24 hours before it started racing up the hillsides where it smolders still. They admit it will burn until the rain or snow flies. This last round of fires started with howling winds. The fire Mark spotted grew about 1/4 mile as he drove past at 65 mph, that fire was raging. But they got it out, even with the wind howling. There were 7 fires started right in our area that night, they got them all out. No help from the Forest Service or BLM needed, just our local volunteer departments - who had all been called to another county during the Mesa Fire rather than sent home to put out the fire in their own backyard.
Today I tried to take a drive up, see the damage. There was an evacuation notice posted on the dirt road up the river. There was NO evacuation notice anywhere on the internet. It is just creepy, like they WANT people to be forced to panic, to loose their homes, to burn the timber.
Anyway, thanks for the tips, I will take them to heart!

I raised about a hundred (semi) free-range chickens one summer as a kid and they absolutely loved zucchini. We also fed them a little alfalfa too, but I couldn’t get rid of all that zucchini fast enough!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah, the cows used to have to share with the chickens. I decided to take a year off raising chickens, so the cows get the whole lot now. And you are entered!
Now here is a fun thing, I had a neighbor drop in and while I was at the door, three votes rolled in that put me over 59 and yours was one of them. So, tip! (I hope it still works, I will check back!)

Hi Fishy! It's always a delight to cross your path! Good for you for dropping ewetube. I still need to check out your video. But, couldn't help but drop in a reply by reading your piece. I tried to encourage @sircork to keep steeming. Guess we will see how it all rolls. I have just started loving thinly julienned zucchini and beet on my salad. I just need to find the device that does that type of thin strips LOL. The zucchs are slow to arrive this season. It seems our new garden needs an abundance of nutrients or something it seems to be lacking in the largeness of the fruitfulness department. Haha. I have also grated and frozen fresh zucchini to add to soup and meatloaf over winter. It worked out great too. With those crazy big daddies save or roast the seeds...they're so yummy toasted. And, stuff the beast with a medley of whatever you have rice, quinoa, ground meat, peppers, mushrooms, spinach, cheese, tomatoes! Here's to hoping the zucchs start getting out of control! Have a great evening! Chao for now :)

💖Oh, those are some GREAT ideas! You are SO entered! Let me toss one at you from a crafty friend: Dehydrate it and use it to thicken up your marina sauce... Good stuff!

Good one! I can't get over the cow's reaction! 😲Who knew!! That's awesome 💜

One of Bessie's daughters beat her to the trough this morning. Cows can give POWERFUL stink-eye... lol!

Cows 💚💜🌱🌳💜💚

Apparently there are no SBDs being printed at the moment as there are too many being held or somesuch, thus payouts are 50% Steem and 50% Steem Power. You can have a look at Markymark's post here

I can but juice my courgettes as I am sorely lacking in cows!

The cows are pretty funny about it. Bessie is a big ol' heifer, all her offspring are half angus and so about 3/4 her size. Not only is she the matriarch, she is the biggest kid on the block too. She shares. A little. If I bring enough... lol!
And you are entered, you said the magic word and taught me a new one!

Exyle was also saying that SBD isn't printed now the ratio is not right for more to be printed or something which affects us getting it.

...come on 60! You must be closer then ever now!

It takes me months to gain a point these days. It is logarithmic apparently. The last nine points took me longer than the first fifty. But I will get there some day!

I like to make zucchini bread - specifically, the most nom zucchini recipe bread from my friend's mom that was given to me with the understanding that it is TOP SECRET and I am special to have it shared with me, so alas, I cannot post it on Steemit. ;)

Close enough, the rules are pretty loose. You are entered!

Let me see if this works, I have not used it in a while... tip!
I stepped away for a moment to answer the door and broke 59 on either you, anarchonist or themothership, so THANKS for the support!

Aw, thanks! I've never used that. How do you set it up?

Well, I USED to transfer a little SBD to the @tipu account and then I can tip until my balance gets to zero. Then I transferred a little more. I am pretty sure they take STEEM now too... I hope so cuz I only have ONE SBD left... lol!

I really hope that it rains soon and without lightning! Hope the last one that started blows away from you! I wish I could do a post about zucchini but all mine was eaten when it was smaller. The hungry hoards here have decided that veggies taste good! 🤣🤣

You're in! You know how it is with zukes, all you have to do is mention them...
They got the last one out pronto last night, thank God. It was horribly windy, it could have been really ugly.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

You just planted 0.05 tree(s)!

Thanks to @edthecanadian

We have planted already 3313.45 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 19544.33
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

Thanks, and thanks @edthecanadian! Although I confess, I want to see the video of a bot planting 0.05 of a tree... :)

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