Finish the Story Contest - WEEK #15 WINNERS!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Finish the sentence - earn SBI shares and upvotes!.v2.png

Hoist the colors, proud storytellers!

I will just shoot some cool things as they come in my mind..

Next guest writer: for week #16 emerged from the darkness... @dirge! A skillful sci-fi and horror author. Prepare and keep in mind that "in strange dirg-eons even death may die"!

About the selection: choosing the winners have been terribly difficult, so I mainly based myself upon those that have been voted, with a tiebreaker. As anticipated, I gave a preference to those that showed a "story" and interesting narrative elements.

About the reward: since you've all been awesome, I will add 1 SBD to the pot which I will distribute as tips to those that didn't get the SBI share.

About the contest: I got interviewed by the @steembasicincome team! (click here for the post). It's been a wonderful chance to talk about this contest and this developing community-creativity lab-ongoing workshop-temple of bananafish worshippers.

About us in general: I see very good vibes spreading, don't you? Every feedback is welcome, we make this thing together! If you have an idea about being sponsored, maybe having some good whale-size votes for the Wednesday post that goes 100 % shared, do not hesitate!

Some Statistics directly from my private ledger (a.k.a. the Necronomicon)

  • 54 @steembasicincome shares have been awarded in 14 weeks.
  • 20.588 SBD awarded in 13 weeks. Keep participating, the pot can only increase!

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Alright, let's cut the chatter, brave storytellers, the winners of the 3 @steembasicincome shares, from the first to the third classified, are:

@calluna: stop writing so well! I already commented exhaustively about her contribution. In the first half, I offered by purpose several narrative hints. She exploited them making them hers. She also created a complex main character, not easy in 500 words!

@ablaze: welcome to the contest! You took a long time but when you landed here you did it with style. A meaningful plot, elaborate and adventurous. Well done!

@brisby and @marcoriccardi: this is a draw, my friends! This 3rd place was originally for Marco and his mystical perspective before Bris came with an outstanding idea that gave the tesseract a totally original meaning. Please DM me because, I hope you understand, I'm really in a mess for how to assign this third share.

@cyemela, @theironfelix, @giddyupngo, @anixio, @fun2learn, @seesladen, @oivas, @flyyngkiwi, @wonderwop: you all did great and the reward is 0.23 SBD! Let's grow up together and the pot will grow as well!

.. see you all next Wednesday with another story and a rich pot of 3 @steembasicincome shares + the SBD payout!


For those that want to join the fun, here is how this contest works:

1. You receive an unfinished fiction story or a script

2. You finish it with your own post or a comment in the comment section. A limit of 500 words is recommended.

3. YOU WIN! 3 @steembasicincome shares to the writers with the best ending + Wednesday's post SBD PAYOUT between all the participants who won't get one of the 3 shares

It's so simple and, most of all, we'll enjoy our fiction ideas!
Nothing is mandatory here, but voting and resteeming is highly appreciated!


What's next?

I will run 1 round of this contest next Wednesday 13th June, 1:00 PM, California time zone. The result will be out on Monday 18th June, 14:00 PM California time zone. Submission deadline: Monday 18th June, 12:00 PM - noon, California time zone

If you like this contest..SUSTAIN the @bananafish and SPREAD THE GOSPEL! I'm grateful for your resteeming and word of mouth. The purpose of this initiative, especially targeted to minnows, is to enhance creativity while distributing wealth and create a fiction workshop of friends. Everything helps to make us grow together!

A huge thank you to @terminallyill, @wandrnrose7, @omra-sky, @dynamicgreentk, @josephsavage and the amazing communities of the @greetersguild and Dynamic Steemians for their support.

banner f3nix 3.png


The @greetersguild, a place where to learn and grow together! Click here for the discord chat


@f3nix if you allow me to, I would like to sponsor one of the 3rd Place winners. We are all winners here, under your guidence @f3nix. Please let me know if this is acceptable.

Indeed it's acceptable.. it's a very cool act. You rock as always, my friend. Go forward, I'll follow you.

Thank you @f3nix these stories were just so good!


Bravo @wonderwop, one good turn deserves another. Here is an SBI share for you too. :-)Screenshot_20180611-201334.png

Thank you @giddyupngo that was very kind of you and is much appreciated. 🙏 What a great group of Steemians that follow @f3nix.

Wow! Guys, you're all fantastic!

You're awesome Giddyupngo!

Thank you, Bruni! You've such a kind heart and I just want to give you a big hug right now!

Big hug back @brisby and well deserved. 👍👍

What a lovely thing to do @wonderwop You the man..

Congrats to the winners!

It's been a great week, congrats to everyone!

Congratulations to all the winners and looking forward to the next post!

Thanks for your support (duly noted)! See you tomorrow, I'm sure you will enjoy dirge's prompt as much as I did ✌️

Congratulations to the winners! I loved reading their stories.
(I'm taking a bit of time off for beginning of summer but will be back in a few weeks)

Take it easy and enjoy holidays, we're always here waiting for you!

Congratulations to the winners of this week's SBI shares and to the runner ups! I know I say this every week but, the stories just keep getting better!

Grazie for feeling that my ending was worthy enough to win one of this week's SBI shares F3nix! I do feel that it should go to Marco though. Not only did he write a terrific story, but he posted it early and made sure to visit and read everyone's offerings prior to the deadline for submission. He surely pleased the bananafish! ;)

@wonderwop and @giddyupngo, I'm touched by your generosity and am happy to be in this contest with people who have such giving hearts!

As Giddyupngo said, "one good turn deserves another". So....


Wow, thank you @brisby and @giddyupngo your generousrosity has left me speechless, and that's not easy to do. You rock! Thank you @f3nix for starting this infectious disease with your contests.

Yeas I love to spread this kind of diseases.. soon we all have a sufficient amount of SBI and SP to sustain each other and happily write altogether. This is the spirit and you guys are amazing!

Thanks to you @f3nix, spreading your love unselfishly.

Thanks @Brisby, and love the squirrel picture!

Oh wow thank you so so much! <3 I am always at a loss as to how to express how much it means! It really was such a pleasure to be able to try and draw out the blocks of the story and work from them. I do feel a bit bad winning again! Although it does mean I have more to give away ;)

There were so many fantastic stories, it is wonderful to be able to read them all, I was blown away by so many of them! I can't wait to see what we have for the next round, I am so excited to see what we get and what everyone does with it!

About today's story, I'm just replying to you with one word: Dirge.
Don't feel bad.. I don't want to award you but what can I do? everyone's voting you! Joking XD
You're a great add to the contest/community Cal.

This contest is spreading generosity all around!
I'm very happy we're becoming a sort of ka-tet (I'm still in the Dark Tower mood inspired by the story)

Wow!! The ka-tet! tip! (and I wonder why the tesseract number was the 19..?). Amazing simile Marco.

The "19" was one of the first things I noticed ;)

(Thank you for the tip, I was just now visiting Tipu blog because my last tip comment didin't worked)

Hi @marcoriccardi! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @f3nix!

Earn daily income on steem: @tipU distributes 100% profit + 60% curation rewards to all investors.

20.000+Followers can see you.(@tenorbalonzo,@hakanlama,@cemalbaba,@asagikulak) Send 0.200 Sbd or Steem. Post link as memo for

So thrilled about this @f3nix. Chuffed to have been picked out, given all the good finishes that there were... This competition is really cool, and just looking at the comments here, it is like a little microcosm of what Steemit is and should be. People encouraging and helping each other flourish.. Sending good vibes to you all..

I see you're commenting so I take the chance to tell you that week #16 is out ;-) This is Dirge's time, he's a talented author of horror stories and he created a crazy prompt. Yes, I see it's coming out as I wished. I don't give a damn about farming here and accumulating power into steemit, it's a looser attitude and I have other life priorities. Here I wanted to concentrate nice creative works + solidarity. Hopefully if the crypto world doesn't crashes under our feet we'll manage to do something... just my two badly written cents :-P

Cool, I don't head for a few days, so going to try and get an entry in for this, lovely vibe of your last contest, sound bunch of writers..

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