in #contest5 years ago



I know the Tag #learnandearn and the contest are really getting noticed ! Lovely to see friends joining in the contest and challange. I am waking up smarter every day its GREAT 😉 i didnt even know it was possible to get smarter by the dat 😉
Like many others its a real eye opener.

But most off All : FUN, so I say to all reading my blog start learning and make that blog !

I Made a New picture, i think thats fun, so art is by me face is by the inventor of this challange @matkodurko


This is My entry for this week: WEEK 19

  • Kids spent an average of 3 hours behind a screen, from the age of 6 !

  • I want to go to Ultra Miami ..... to see Armin play live.
    But i Will settle for BURNING MAN too.

  • The proposal for two Months after birth paid parentleave is coming in Holland.

  • Tesla is having rearviewmirror cameras for a uber service in the future. That way the person ubering his Tessie Will get paid to lent his car and can keep an eye on the person driving it. ( amzn.to/2WHM6UX )

  • Listen to gut feeling..... ALWAYS !!

  • I learned that #steemterminal is getting noticed and is appreciated. @heyhaveyamet is working and for newbies paying off too. So i am a happy camper about that ! I love working on this project.
    Saluts for @thekittygirl and @xcountytravelers

  • Coconut oil and beer are good for my hair and coffee rub is good for your face. ( blog coming soon )

  • This was a week where we had many Nice things but a few rough ones too, so i Will stop here cause i promised to move on and not think about it anymore.

  • I learned that i am extaticly inpatiently waiting untill my new phone arrives. I learned that the cam on my new phone Will be better than the one i have now !

  • And I learned that my #STEEMITWORLDMAP FLAG BLOG is so much fun and i have alot off steemit friends in USA - read all about it here:




So have you got you flag yet??

I am signing of leasing you with a steemit question,
I am the girl with ideas, alot of them, so time is off the essence where do you but yourself time to do more??


Thanks for stopping by, its appreciated
And remember Focus on Being creative instead of Being busy !

  • “Consistent Actions Create Consistent Results”
  • “Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer"

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

I fully support witness and developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support them, they would appreciate your vote here.

They build Steemify, a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.
Get it Here:

Member off the #steemitmamas #steemterminal #powerhousecreatives #needleworkmonday and #payitforward and on Discord @ brittandjosie3488

Sources used : My own private stock collection, Pixabay and Pexels and with others its mentioned in my blog.

I would like to thank all my STEEMIT friends who have been supporting me. Feel free to leave me any feedback.



Interesting learning week, @brittandjosie.

"Listen to gut feeling..... ALWAYS !!"

Well, you're going to forgive me but I will ignore your advice. Every time I listen to my gut feeling I f@ck it up. What I need to do is listen to my gut feeling, and do the exact opposite. This is easier said than done.

Nice Learn and Earn post... too bad it's the last one, at least for a while.

I just love that you are so busy and active. I jokingly said, "You are entered in everything every week." just a few moments ago and then found this post! I take back the joke and say, I am amazed! You are a machine!

I have been tagged for this challenge but I do not quite understand it. Of course, I will use the stroke excuse, but before that I wasn't so sure what it was! haha!

You make a list of things you learned during the week and put the number of the contest week inthe blog and share it inthe comments of matkodurkos blog, it fun and there i always something to learninghis new life ......
Andreas friends always hear your voice In my hart 😉🙋🏼‍♀️

Thanks for the reminder again.

Good to hear Steem-Terminal is getting noticed.
I haven't been following up this last week, but I will pick up again with delegations to newcomers soon. I started taking the liberty of sending them the explanation how to create a Discord account, and then give them the link to Steem-Terminal, telling them they can get (most of) their questions answered there, lol). It beats having to copy/paste the same comment over and over again. I'm so glad there are still people who are concerned about the troubles newcomers are facing :0)

Een hele leuke is @ steem-diva misschien wil je die meteen je comment sturen, zou ik waarderen

Ik heb haar een delegation gestuurd, met wat uitleg en een linkje naar de Steem-Terminal discord server :0)

Coconut oil and beer for hair?
The oil I know of but beer....
Waiting to find out more :)

Do you not already have maternity leave?
I'm surprised...

I learnt through you too
This is great :)

Oh, and that's a great collage of @matkodurko

I take a beer to let the coconutoil set in my hair LOL
and the maternity leave i didnt have started working again after 8 weeks but now both new parents can stay with the baby, we were the only country in europe without this apparently

hahahaha.... ok that's a good one :)

Oh, that's what our maternity leave is... 2 months for the mother
But the father I think gets like 3 days :/

Here its 1 day for daddies

finally done to read... coconut oil really helpful .

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank youfor Reading what did you learnthis week?

actually i always the try to reading every content learning new things always, all people are share different different things this my virtual ( on line) learning. real life, everything day by day complex but i learning how to survive this. anyway thanks for your feedback. coffee rub is good for face.... good.

Posted using Partiko Android

Can i help you, and make a blog about what you learned from Reading differents accounts and blogs

actually others people always to share different different topic. but i notice your every content, you always try to write your own memories and own thinking (4 o,clock signature blog) that's why i always try to read every content. no thanks dear, no need more extraordinary support. 💜💜

Posted using Partiko Android

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