"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law" - Part Two

in #conspiracy6 years ago

I advise that you read the first part before continuing.

I've mentioned that I believe if "the fall" happens, then it will be in many different countries, and many different populations would then be left with a type of freedom or anarchy. But I would like to focus on the United Kingdom specifically in this part, as I have a better idea how it would occur here than anywhere else.

I previously stated that I believe the growing anarchist community to be largely a product of conditioning. I believe this to be so utterly evident in the very fact that anarcho-capitalism exists and is so well supported. Anyone who comes to think of anarchy through honest and diligent reasoning rather than through subliminal or overt propaganda, would not be able overlook the obvious truth that capitalism is counter to anarchy, for capitalism will always lead to a massive wealth disparity which produces a society with elites and rulers- or if there is no government at all, with kingpins and druglords- which is just another type of tyrannical force.

On the subject of anarcho-capitalism, which ultimately describes the very conditions of "do what thou wilt shall the whole of the law," the following paragraph is taken from wikipedia;

in an anarcho-capitalist society, law enforcement, courts and all other security services would be operated by privately funded competitors selected by consumers rather than centrally through confiscatory taxation.

I have noticed that often, especially in legislative writing, the thing that is really bad and intended to fuck you is said first, and then it is followed by something that sounds awesome so that you forget about the first half of the thing and focus on the positive aspects of the sentence.

This is telling us straight up in the very first line that anarcho-capitalism means that the job of governing is a pay-for-hire business. If you consider the role of the witnesses, you might even realise that this model is visible within Steemit also, which was in the earlier stages, overwhelmingly an anarchist and anarcho-capitalist community.

I mention this all because it seems possible to me that to get to the place I fear, a society with freedom, where the strong or rich pray on the weak and poor, will be an anarcho-capitalist society by definition, and so if you are an anarcho capitalist then I really hope you will read on to see what that looks like in my head.

I stated that Steemit uses the anarcho capitalist model in a way, though it ought to be more akin to a minarchistic one, and would be if Steemit Inc played an active role in stamping out the worst forms of abuse- but they do not. I wonder if that is because this is an experiment to see how an anarcho-capitalistic society, without government, would function, and to heavy an influence from them would pervert said experiment.

If a revolution of sorts were to occur at some point after brexit, or the government was to fall or be dissolved in some other way and we were left with an anarcho-capitalist society, then this would not be a good thing at all, for there would be no force out there to protect the weak from the force that is paid by the wealthiest people who are oppressing the rest.This is what we have seen on Steemit, but in the streets it would be far worse. What is likely to occur, is that the police forces and gangs will be hired as muscle by the richest citizens, and they will use those forces to carve up territories where they will enforce their own custom laws.

Now i certainly do not think that everyone out there is a cunt, so I do not expect that this will the instinct of most upon the government going away. But, as I said I believe this to be planned, I don't really consider that the government influences will also go away, they will just influence things on the ground to ensure that people do in fact behave the way they want. A way that leads to a lot of depopulation, primarily. I realise while writing this, that it will essentially be like an extended purge, if you have seen the movie. They have certainly made a lot of them now too, with a new one coming out soon.. I wonder why?

As there will always be good people out there, they may unite and form good territories here and there, but we know that it is harder to survive with more morals, so my guess is that more territories would be occupied and/or owned by people who are looking to become king essentially. If this were to happen, and if there was to be no government force to protect any of the population, and all armed forces were bought and paid for, then it would most certainly follow that some very dark and sinister territories would arise.

You would have your territories were perhaps paedophilia was legal, and or slavery. And right now across the UK, including in this city I live in, there are popular facebook groups of paedophile hunters who catch them, interview them and then call the police. With no government, it would become their job to deal out punishment too, and that in itself would drive paedophiles to that paedo friendly territory they heard of- and because I live in this world, I will know that the paedophile hunters that drove the paedos to the territory would have been employed by the territory they ended up in.

There may be good territories and charitable ones, just as there could be ones with oppressive landlords who demand high payment for the security they can offer- which many will be forced to accept for an inability to protect their selves. There will be weed-friendly territories, cultural territories, lgbt territories, and life could very well become somewhat of a real life monopoly game as power hungry anarcho-capitalists seek to grow the size of the pyramid they sit atop.

As I said, I believe one reason why this would be planned for the future is because it would stimulate depopulation to a significant degree if it happens in enough countries. And if it does happen, it will not be an indefinite thing. The point will be to have a great deal of people killed without a government being responsible, but by the people theirselves, so that it was evident to us all that government is necessary. And then, when the EU returns to Britain to offer them a chance to come back into their ranks, albeit under a new digital dictatorship type deal, we will find that it is no longer the EU but the GU, and that we have no choice but to accept.

If that occurs it really will be game over for the notion of freedom I hold, and the likely the one you do also.

I have lived with the belief that this could be on the horizon for about a year now, and it is not a comfortable future to imagine. Not for someone like me anyway, who mostly just wants to be left alone to think.

I would love to appear less crazy by saying that I believe there is only a 1/10 chance of this future, but if I am to be truly honest it seems more like 6/10 to me at this moment, though I do hope that future observations defeat that probability.

It was not actually until I started writing this post that I realised it was anarcho-capitalism itself that described the conditions that I fear for our future. Anarcho capitalism is certainly freedom, but a freedom we should never want.

Governments are not the problem. The design of modern government and the people currently in power are the problem. But should you find yourself one day in the future, in the midst of a revolution in your country, then remember this post and prepare the best you can for what is likely to occur when there is no government in between the corporations or the gangs during a time of scarce resources.

So if this is the plan then how do we stop it? I think the time for organizing ourselves using the internet - their weapon - is gone. We need to do what we can to combat such a future in our local communities. It's actually really simple. We just have to make the effort to introduce ourselves and each other to our neighbours, and reestablish that sense of community that has been stolen from us. They will keep on with the migrant crisis because it is yet another divider of community, and it ensures that without a government we would be at one another's throats for rights to the land we have come to share. But then the answer is to find a way to merge those communities quickly and openly too, for the fact is they're not going anywhere, and in many cases, we really wouldn't want them to anyway. So if we can quickly and efficiently integrate refugees into society by simply being really fucking friendly and actually taking an interest in new people moving to our area, we might then get to know them and become emotionally invested in their well being, and them in ours. If we managed this, and I know it's a big task but it's also a very easy one, because literally all you have to do is make the effort to make new friends everywhere you go, then if and when a government did go away, or if we teared it down, we would have done so together and would build a community that is for the people, and perhaps build our own, honest and minimal governing body. Then we'd have no need to accept a solution from a Global Blockchain Union.

Whether I am right about this theory on their agenda or not, I do not know. But, I still know that the way to prevent it is the same way to take back this world. When you think of an idea how to save the world, never think big. Think only on ideas of how to restore genuine community spirit in the hearts of everyone who lives in your small area. And then, when you think of something successful, share that with everyone out there you know who gives a shit, and have them do it in theirs. Just make sure it works and is not damaging before you encourage others to do what you have done.

I obviously hope I am wrong, but I have shared my worries now, and so I won't be giving anymore energy to this belief. I am going to quarantine my imagination within a universe of my own, and I will be introducing that world to you soon.

Thanks for reading.

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The funny thing is that I read this post and thought to myself:

"Maybe Akons own country in Africa will be our last hope."

I can see things going the way you described them, but I am not sure on how quickly it will happen.

This is something I could never even create a theory on. I see so much evidence for it, but none for when to expect it. But, given what I have seen in the kid's shows my family have been watching, I am sure it will happen in their lifetimes, and so very likely my own(if it does- that is).

It could be anytime, really. Dependent on the impulse that triggers it, I reckon.

I don't think anything I say in this comment could really make me look more insane, so I will tell you one theory I have on when it will happen; the year 2020.

I say this because of the phrase 20/20 vision. If you look into the measurement process, it seems like a selective decision to go with 2020.

My initial thought was that perhaps this phrase 20/20 vision is a clue that the apocalypse- which really means "the unveling of the truth of the universe" may be arriving in 2020, and that 2020 vision refers to how much more we will be able to see about the truth of our world by then.

I had at first thought that this was one of the many clues left by the ones controlling this world and influencing language, but I have since come to think that, if 2020 vision means something to do with the year 2020, then it was more likely to be a coincidence- which is just another word for the true Creator's work. It is very comforting to imagine that the true Creator could be leaving clues for us here and there in every day sayings.

Anyway, I just want to clarify that I do not place much faith at all in this. I just think about an awful lot and found the observation an interesting one, but if I felt there was more than a tiny bit of a chance this was the case, I would have wrote about it in this post.

We don't talk about "20/20" Vision here in germany, so I am not sure if I can follow your train of thought here.

But I do like the basic idea. Even though I think that there are some slight weaknesses to it. At the very least, 2020 ain't too far away, so time will tell.

Well if it is not a global thing then it is even more likely to be nothing.

But here in the UK if someone has perfect eyesight you say they have 20-20 vision. I had though eyesight was measured this way everywhere, so thanks for alerting me to my ignorance on the matter.

What kind of measuring system do people in the UK use?

We in germany have the metric system, americans use that other abomination. That would be the factor that I would consider to be one of the problems with this thesis of yours.

"20/20 vision" is a term for visual acuity. The Numerator (the top of the fraction) refers to distance and the Denominator (the bottom of the fraction) refers to size. Since the standard distance of the chart is 20 feet which is equivalent to 6 meters the term 2020 Vision or Vision 2020 refers to the ability to see a certain size letter at a certain distance from the eye. In this case a size 20 Letter at 20 feet. The term ""6/6 vision"" is used as the meter equivalent.

What I was saying was that this seems like an overly complex means of describing one's eyesight. This is in itself evident by the fact that most people know what 20/20 means but they do not know what 20/10 means or any other configuration.

It also seems rather selective that it ended up being 2020, as it could have just as easily been 30/30. For this phrase and way of measuring to arise a few decades before the year 2020, which is at a time when many are expecting the apocalypse to occur, seems to me to be a tiny bit coincidental.

As I said, it is not a claim that this means shit is going down on the 6th of June 20/20. You asked if I have any idea about when, and this is the only idea I have. But, it is one that, as I said, I place very little faith in, and less so in light of you not even being familiar with the phrase.

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