Why You Should Keep Your Kids Away From Unvaccinated Children

in #satire6 years ago

Is it not a genuine disgust to imagine allowing your freshly vaccinated child to play with one of those anti-vaxxers?

Does the very notion of it not sicken you to your stomach? It should.

Just think for a moment about all those germs all over your child.

Normally when a kid gets the measles or a bad flu, it's clear for others to see that they're sick so they know to keep away.

But with vaccinations, your beloved child could be carrying a whole menu of unpleasant illnesses around and no other children would know to keep away from them.

It truly is disgusting isn't it? To realise that you are putting the safety of other children in jeopardy in order to protect your own- or perhaps in order to save yourself from hassle with the government.

It's indeed sickening to realise that the parents out there sensible enough and brave enough to say no to having their child injected with harmful chemical cocktails, are let down by the rest of us who either ignorantly or cowardly allow our children to be vaccinated, and turned into weaponized disease carriers that put unvaccinated children at risk.

You should never let your kids play with unvaccinated children. Because if that unvaccinated child gets sick, then it was very likely your fault for allowing drug pushers to turn your child into a disease dispersion device.


I opened this thread thinking "What the hell?!" at first until I remembered that you wanted to write this.

Great that you did, send me through all the emotions and caught me off guard.

Haha. Don't worry. I'm still crazy.

And entertaining!

You have my gratitude. Though perhaps not that of your vaccinating followers.

What no one talks about, especially the doctor or nurse that gives out the vaccine shot, is that YOU JUST GOT SICK.

If you got the MMR shot, you just got Measles AND Mumps AND Rubella!
And you are just as infectious as any other person who has those diseases.

It is abhorrent to my mind that people do not know this.

You know it was only a couple hours ago that I learned this. I did know that you are infected during a vaccination, and I think even the word "vaccinate" implies that we have an innate ability to produce our own vaccines, which is kinda the whole point of how it works, and also the entire reason we don't need them.

But for some reason, I had never expected that after an injection you would be literally contagious for up to a few weeks. That makes this whole agenda pretty transparent. They are for sure trying to make unvaccinated kids sick in order to better justify the need for vaccinations.

Disgusting truly is the appropriate word.

The rabbit hole goes even deeper.
With Louis Pasteur having lied to the people (to make money)

He, and his partner, found that germs do cause disease, but not all the time. There is another trigger that matters more.

In fact, it has been stated that all disease exist in all people. If we had an accurate enough test, we would test positive for all disease. So, it really isn't the germs.

But, this stuff was all buried.

Do you know of any decent resources where I can find out more about this?

I will try to remember the name, and that should get you to the top of the rabbit hole.
Sorry, Boogle is currently, specifically designed against people of my memory type.

Hey, what do you think? Earth is round or flat?

I asked this question because it has the same problem as your vaccine theory. To what end? All world govt and doctors came together to fabricate the biggest lie in the history but why?

I don't think the Earth is flat, but I also don't see the two as similar. The shape of the world makes absolutely no difference to any of our lives, as made evident by the fact that we apparently still can't agree on what shape it is. Vaccinations on the other hand have a massive effect on our species.

If you are asking why they would lie about vaccinations, I can think of quite a few reasons, that I believe any honest person ought to consider a possibility.

How do you sell as much of your product as possible? The best way, is to make a deal with the government to ensure that everyone in the country has to have your product, and that payment be guaranteed through taxes.

BY making vaccinations mandatory, and by telling us we need many different ones, the vaccine manufacturers would then guarantee themselves billions of sales.

We know that CEO's are obliged under contract to put profits first and foremost, and so it should then not be surprising that profits would be more important than public health.

If on top of this, the vaccines just happen to be weaknening the developing immune systems of our children, then the same drug industry has caught themselves a repeat customer for life in each one, who will constantly be needing one drug or another to deal with whatever they're currently suffering with. And you can be sure that there will be a drug for whatever that is too, because just as they invented the need for vaccines, they also invented the need for 99% of "medicines" out there.

So you are saying that these companies made a deal with all the govt. of the world and not one of them said no. They also convinced all the doctors to vaccinate their kids and family because what's more important than the money.

In the mean time average life expectancy just happen to go up and lot of deseases which were widespread disappeared. Tell that to people in Africa who's kids still get hit by polio.

I do not mean that at all. I have not been to every country in the world to know whether vaccinations are pushed as aggressively as in many Western countries.

But assuming that every country is the same, why would that be surprising? As far as I know, every country in the world agrees to taxing their citizens. And as far as I know, poverty is something that exists even in the richest of cities, perhaps even moreso in some circumstances. So why would none of them have said no to taxing their people?

Doctors learn what they are taught. Nothing more. Nothing less. And doctors nowadays are trained to sell drugs. They are trained how to find problems, and then decide what drug or expensive surgery to offer as a solution.

Do you know what lobbying is? If so, this shouldn't really be so hard to believe. And this is just what is legal and transparent. Who knows what illegal things people would do for profits in the trillions..

Professional lobbyists are people whose business is trying to influence legislation, regulation, or other government decisions, actions, or policies on behalf of a group or individual who hires them.

Also, you should be more specific about where life expectancy has risen, but again, regardless of whether it has or not, there is far too much going on this world to connect that to vaccinations as the primary cause.

Polio is not that severe a disease, nor is it highly contagious. Also, more than half who contract it do not even experience any symptoms. Just as the measles is really not a big deal either, or the cold, yet we have vaccines for all these.

This explains the other curiosity you expressed, towards why would the people so easily fall for it. Because of fear. We have all been lead to believe that disease is really scary and we need to fix it with as many drugs as we can get. But, the placebo effect proves that all one needs for a healthy body is a healthy mind.

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