NWO = Nazi World OrdersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy8 years ago (edited)


I have absolutely no doubt now that The NWO is run by Nazis, and in this article I will show you irrefutable proof about it. Now first of all let me be clear, this is not a lunatic conspiracy theory, this is well documented research with enough evidence to prove this to be the case.

This is not sensationalism, this is the raw truth as it is. I have studied history, extensively, and I have read many books about international politics, so I can detect many patterns that are very present in history.

One of them is the rise of totalitarianism, which is unfortunately coming back, both to Europe and to America, and even other to places of the world. All this spying, lack of privacy, endless wars, lack of human rights, and the general chaos in the world are prerequisites.

So without further talk, here is the irrefutable evidence, with links and sources, well documented:

1) The Name

First of all the New World Order terminology comes from the "New Order" doctrine of the Nazis, which is really a self-evident truth. Now the Nazis wanted to control Europe, and unite it, and have totalitarian control over it.

2) European Union

Surprise, there is the European Union, which was modeled and planned exactly by the Nazis in 1942. Also other continental unions follow the same model, and probably similar ideology as well.

3) World Domination

They don't just control Europe, but the entire world via secret societies, globalist think-thanks, like the Bilderbergers who have strong Nazi ties.

Not to mention the same elite families who have been funding the Nazis, and the same corporations who have been funding the Nazis, still have a lot of power, more than they ever did:

If you study closely, these corporations have most of the power in the world, they are probably still the biggest corporations in the US now, and they have a dirty Nazi history.

4) Public School Indoctrination

A lot of libertarians hate public schools, but do you know where they originate from? All public schools are modeled after the Prussian Model, which was a precursor to the Nazi ideology.

The German nationalist movement of the 19 century was literally the baby form of the Nazi movement, the Nazis perfected it and took it to a more extreme, more evil level. The brainwashing was perfected under the Nazis, and now it's widespread in all countries, it's just that they have whitewashed it, put up a positive image for it, but the same brainwashing is happening now, as in Nazi Germany.

5) Nazis Infiltrated The Government and Education

To take this to a more extreme level, did you know that after WW2 the Nazis made a secret deal with the US, and imported most of them to work in Government. During Paperclip, more than 1500 high level Nazis have joined, and later took over the US. Both in science positions, and in high level Government.

The same happened in the Soviet Union, more than 2000 Nazis have been imported as well, and later took over. Would it be crazy to think that the fall of the Soviet Union was engineered by these same imported Nazis who's loyalty were to Hitler.

Furthermore the Nazis have also joined in the post WW2 German Government (how insane is that)

How crazy is that? Basically Germany is still run by Nazis, because pretty much all high ranking politicians were ex-Nazis, and guess what ideology their offsprings will follow?

Is it then a coincidence, that refugees in Germany now are hosted in concentration camps:

In the US you have Arnold Schwarzenegger and other high ranking officials or ex-officials who allegedly like Nazi culture, not to mention that Schwarzenegger's father was a Nazi Officer:

6) Eugenics

Why are we constantly hearing about overpopulation, population reduction, and eugenics in the media? Maybe because these are all Nazi ideologies.

Here are many articles about Eugenics in the USA, that can be directly tied to the Nazis:

Add to this the fact that certain high level scientist in Government have Nazi ties from the Paperclip operation illustrated in point 4), and you can see the big picture.

The "Nazis scientists" is the stereotype of the mad scientist, like Josef Mengele who was an extremely evil Nazi scientist that tortured and did human experiments with concentration camp prisoners.

These are the same type of people, eugenicists, abortion and human experimenters, all of them originate from the Nazis.

7) Cashless Society

Nazis made everybody they didn't like an enemy, and stripped their citizenship away. With the creation of cashless society, everybody can be controlled, and wealth can be seized with the push of a button.

Hitler did confiscate Jewish, Jehovah witnesses, Homosexual, Gypsy, and other wealth. If the NWO is implemented, this thing can happen again, and now with the push of a button.

8) Spying and Surveillance

Nazi Germany had the most sophisticated surveillance mechanism of that time. All letters were read, all telephone conversations recorded. Gestapo goons at every corner, informants watching everyone and terrorizing Jewish people.

It was exactly what Orwell feared and based his book 1984, it's only that he thought that the Socialists would take over.

However the Nazis have infiltrated both the Soviet Union and the USA, and guess what, the intelligence community as well, and now they were the same people who advocated for mass surveillance.

You see the Nazis now are more covert now, they don't openly advocate their ideology, they setup the system covertly, subvert a Government, and then and only then wait for the reincarnation of Hitler.

They do little overtly, with their Neo-Nazi groups, who are just pawns in this, because the real Nazis are in high level Government positions, and wait for the right moment to take total power, which is unfortunately coming because society is having again a "right-wing" push.

9) False Flags

The Nazis are the grandmasters of false flags and propaganda. They did the Reichstag Fires to win the election, and since they have infiltrated the Governments since, it raises some serious suspicions whether recent false flag events had a Nazi hand in it.

It is suspected that the Bush family had alleged close Nazi ties:

So it should be obvious to anyone who doesn't believe in the official 9/11 narrative that there could have been some dirty Nazi elements of the Government involved in it.

The Nazis are truly experts in creating false flags in order to create tyranny. The Reichstag Fire false flag was used to enact the first surveillance laws in Nazi Germany, and 9/11 was the false flag that was used to enact the first surveillance laws in America. A very clever but diabolic Nazi tactic.

10) Occultism

Most people think that the Nazis were Christians, but that couldn't be further from the truth. That was just a front in order to show a better public image to a largely Christian Europe back then.

But in the inner circles, the Nazis were all occultists, a weird death cult, and probably pedophiles as well, after all Hitler did molest his underage niece.

And the same occultist pattern seems to be happening in the secret societies, the animal same sacrifice pattern, like how some Neo-Nazis leaders have admitted to goat sacrifice and similar actions. It's a very weird cult-like mentality in the inner circles.

It's almost like the whole Nazi ideology is just for the outer party, but the inner party is just a bunch of psychopaths who just need an excuse to do horrible evil stuff, like Mengele or Himler or Eichmann.

Additional Sources: http://www.prisonplanet.com/10-signs-that-Nazis-run-america.html

Upvote, ReSteem & bluebutton


A lot of libertarians hate public schools, but do you know where they originate from? All public schools are modeled after the Prussian Model, which was a precursor to the Nazi ideology.

I got this far...

If all public schools are based on the Prussian model, then it was a precursor to ALL modern ideologies. Singling out a bad ideology to make public school look bad is ridiculous.

Of course, I'm not defending Communism, or any other collectivist ideology. I myself am an individualist.

So pretty much everything that comes out of the government bakery (public school) will be rotten.

Only philosophy and critical thinking can save humanity from tribal hatred, or ideological fanaticism.

Well... no. Sorry, education is needed and the reality is public school is the best way for the masses to become educated enough to learn philosophy or critical thinking skills.

That is, if you left it up to the parents to be homeschooled everyone would only be taught what their parents know. I can guarantee you most Americans will learn more about Socrates, Plato, and Nietzsche than they possibly could from their parents.

Private school might be better, but most people can't afford it and even if they did it's generally not much different... just more rigorous.

Individualism won't save humanity from tribal hatred, because humans naturally form groups and always will. Humans would need to fundamentally change for it to work. The more likely scenario is for humans to eventually see the entire world as one tribe. Similar to how everyone in high school forms cliques, but all the cliques see themselves as equally part of the school. But that tends to work best when there's a rival football team, so we probably need aliens to show up so we can see ourselves as a human tribe and the aliens as the rivals.


Well... no. Sorry, education is needed and the reality is public school is the best way for the masses to become educated enough to learn philosophy or critical thinking skills.

Ok but then it will never get reformed. Like how can you hold a government accountable for anything? They get away with almost everything, and they just laugh in your faces.

A private school is not perfect and you might be influenced to some corporate evil, but atleast they are held accountable, tightly by their customers.

A government stealing money from you by force, to keep your children indoctrinated by force.

How is that a moral way of teaching people?

It will never get reformed? The same way gay marriage was never legalized? Or how marijauna isn't being legalized? Or how alcohol wasn't banned due to public pressure and then unbanned due to public pressure? Or how education wasn't reformed (badly) by Bush?

Also no, public schools don't indoctrinate you. Moreover private schools would just indoctrinate people into the beliefs they want, the only "advantage" would be parents choosing the the school. But look how many people come out of Catholic school only to become atheists... which mostly shows the indoctrination you think happens in schools doesn't work.

It will never get reformed? The same way gay marriage was never legalized? Or how marijauna isn't being legalized? Or how alcohol wasn't banned due to public pressure and then unbanned due to public pressure? Or how education wasn't reformed (badly) by Bush?

Those are little things. But the major problems never go away.

Also no, public schools don't indoctrinate you. Moreover private schools would just indoctrinate people into the beliefs they want, the only "advantage" would be parents choosing the the school. But look how many people come out of Catholic school only to become atheists... which mostly shows the indoctrination you think happens in schools doesn't work.

Well even though private schools are privately administered, the curriculum is still government enforced.

I would rather see a full public school, with independent curriculum, where the kids can choose what topics they are interested in.

There is no point in boring math kids with literature, or chemistry kids with geography.

There is no point in boring math kids with literature, or chemistry kids with geography.

I disagree, as I've gotten older I've seen more and more how the stuff I should have learned fits together. A nice specific example is that I always sucked at math, mostly because I never had interest so never did the work. Went to college and became a programmer thinking I could make video games... only it turned out math is pretty critical for graphics programming.

It all worked out, but teaching kids only what they are interested in will actually limit them in the future.

I think what we do need to do is expose kids to as many subjects as possible so they can find what they like doing. (I didn't discover I enjoyed programming until college, there were no computer classes in my high school.) Then help students understand how other subjects can tie into what they enjoy doing.

There's really no question our school system needs work, though...

I think what we do need to do is expose kids to as many subjects as possible so they can find what they like doing.

Then they will drown in information, and will understand nothing.

It's like the dependencies in linux, yes you need math as a dependancy for programming, that is why the 2 should be taught together.

However I hardly see any relation between geography and psychology?

So why force people to learn that. People should choose themselves. A 14-15 year old kid has enough knowledge to know what he wants.

I admire your effort in writing this but feel you're hugely wide of the mark.


'But in the inner circles, the Nazis were all occultists, a weird death cult, and probably pedophiles as well.'

Is an example of why I can't offer you an upvote. What makes you think Occultists are a 'weird death cult'? The word 'occult' simple means secret or hidden.

For an example of the misinformation spread about Hitler, look at what was said about his anger at Jesse Owens winning gold medals at the Berlin olympics. Then look at what Owens himself said about Hitler congratulating him.

The NWO is far far more complicated than just 'Nazis'.

When are they going to fix comment limits? :(

Then they will drown in information, and will understand nothing.

Only if it's structured that way, and it's not like they need to understand everything... just be exposed to it so they're drawn into the parts they like.

It's like the dependencies in linux, yes you need math as a dependancy for programming, that is why the 2 should be taught together.

Except it's not as straightforward, and even in a field the knowledge you need may change. For instance now planning and time management skills would be more beneficial than math, or better people skills. Or even if I had better (or any) skills for house repairs since I'm looking into buying more rental property. It's pretty hard to predict what someone will need or find useful in the future...

However I hardly see any relation between geography and psychology?

I was going to flippantly say politics and leave it at that, but honestly psychology would be useful to anyone both in understanding one's own motivations as well as the motivations of others. Maybe if I was better at psychology I'd be better at convincing you of the value of education, for instance. The ironic part here is that psychology isn't taught in grade or high school....

So why force people to learn that. People should choose themselves. A 14-15 year old kid has enough knowledge to know what he wants.

There's a lot of education already going on before age 14-15.

Also, no people don't know what they want to do by then. I sure as hell didn't, and 12 years into my career I'm looking for a change. Either way a lot of the stuff I ignored then I'm using more and more now. Kids are a terrible judge of what knowledge they'll need in the future. Hell, plenty of adults are terrible judges of what they'll need in the future...

What if Christianity was created after existing ideals/cults so that people who were fond of this ideas would submit to few or a single ruler thinking not to do so equals being killed by an all powerful force?

With me or against me, that's how the Christian god speaks, can you get more fascist than that?

A lot of Christians like to believe that the leaders of the cult and those who do things they don't agree with aren't Christian and just use the label to hide without giving second thought to the very real possibility that the whole religion was created so that evil could hide.

Christianity did some evil stuff too, they got total power over religion in Europe, and they abused that power like any other totalitarian institution.

But what they did was nothing compared to the Nazis, like human medical experiments and genocide takes it to a whole new level of evil. The Nazis probably came out of the barbaric pagan death cult culture that was present in the 2nd or 3th century in German tribal areas.

They did have a lot of sculptures and art glorifying paganism and ancient barbaric germans, so that is an indication of it.

Of course there's pagan symbols in Germany, half of Christianity is pagan shit that was absorbed so they could grow and feel familiar to the locals.

Why can't Nazi's, or people, just be fucked up because they're fucked up? Why do you need to tie it to "secret death cults?" It's ridiculous... as much as I hate religion and think it has caused a lot of evil there's no need to go beyond the will to power and plain old hatred on this one.

I am not sure what part of Christianity was about goat sacrifices and weird rituals with fire and torches:

You have to admit that Nazism had some weird cultic/religious element to it, how else could they draw into it so many young healthy people?

They used massive propaganda and cutting-edge brainwashing tactics, mixed with this cultish fanatical element, and you have a recipe for disaster.

And with all of that, they only gathered about 10-12% support of the population.

That was not the question. You asked about occult rituals, which do happen there.

I was an analogy how the Nazis did similar occult rituals. And given that rich and powerful people go there, and the place is paganist germanic themed, I would not be surprised if Nazi elements would show up there.

The question was about Nazi having "a weird cultic/religious element" to it, I asked for a citation and you gave me Bohemian Grove in California... which according to people who have spied on it sounds like a bunch of rich people having a party, not an occult gathering.

I am not sure what part of Christianity was about goat sacrifices and weird rituals with fire and torches:

A) Those are Ukrainian
B) Those are neo-Nazi's, not regular Nazi's
C) According to your article: The Uniate Church.

You have to admit that Nazism had some weird cultic/religious element to it,

I don't, but I honestly don't know Nazi history intimately. I know they were nominally Christian and the Swastika itself is a religious symbol, but that hardly adds up to occult cults. Feel free to cite something.

how else could they draw into it so many young healthy people?

The same way Trump did?

They used massive propaganda and cutting-edge brainwashing tactics, mixed with this cultish fanatical element, and you have a recipe for disaster.

Pretty sure they only used the first one of those, along with controlling the press and imprisoning dissenters.

And with all of that, they only gathered about 10-12% support of the population.

Well, maybe if they had actually used voodoo or something it would have been higher. :P

I don't, but I honestly don't know Nazi history intimately. I know they were nominally Christian and the Swastika itself is a religious symbol, but that hardly adds up to occult cults. Feel free to cite something.

Bohemian Grove

The same way Trump did?


Bohemian Grove

I fail to see what a gathering nin California has to do with the rise of Nazi Germany... but also: http://www2.ucsc.edu/whorulesamerica/power/bohemian_grove.html

That was not the question. You asked about occult rituals, which do happen there.

I was an analogy how the Nazis did similar occult rituals. And given that rich and powerful people go there, and the place is paganist germanic themed, I would not be surprised if Nazi elements would show up there.

Good job! The Nazis were all about Eugenics. There was a psychiatrist named Dr Ernst Rudin who provided the intellectual/ethical foundation for the "final solution" of infants, cripples and others that didn't fit the warped views of the Nazis. He became good friends with Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. There's a video on Y-Tube called JFK to 9-11, Everything's a Rich Man's Trick you should see. It talks in depth about the NWO (for about 3 hrs). There are others about Rudin and psychiatry.

Truly sickening stuff. It makes my stomach crumble, but it's the truth.

Profit, you are smart and the stuff you write often is a stimulus for me to consider something, often in a new way.
I am INTP. The P quality people do something I call chord thinking. They hold many possibilities as possible truths simultaneously and are reluctant to be forced into one because each possibility has an argument that must be extinguished beyond doubt. The strength of Ps is that when there is enough information to actually choose a possibility, it is high quality. That is also their weakness. Action requires choice and Ps experience action paralysis because of chord thinking.

You might be an ExxJ. You make statements. You do not pose questions or a spectrum of possibilities. If that is accurate, you are averse to indecision and will tend to quickly move to a stance and be able to act in accordance with it. The strengths of Js is that they can quickly accomplish things in a direction. That is also their weakness. Only random luck or intelligence in excess of the problem guarantees that the chosen direction is correct.

I'm not intending this as a criticism - at all. What you have stated here some facts and a conclusions. I agree with pretty much all of your facts & I accept your conclusions, but only as possibilities. I suspect you have the causality backwards on Nazis for instance, it is probably more likely that Nazi's were a manifestation of existing secret societies tied to the occult beliefs and eugenics - so calling it Nazis is somewhat right, but technically wrong. I agree, the 'Nazi' ideological influence carried on and spread after WWII. You rather glaringly omit the infiltration of US government, banking, education and media by Jewish influence. It seems to me to be so evident and pertinent to any real understanding of the forces in play that it is likely to be a deliberate omission on your part. Why?
You conclusion about 'Nazi' fascism sweeping US and Europe seems backward. Contrary to them gaining power, their seems to be indicators that confirm that they may have been secretly significantly in power but are now losing it and scrambling with increasingly desperate manipulation attempts to retain it and as much secrecy as they can salvage. Again the Jewish element is present, but it almost appears aligned with the 'Nazi' ideology lineage. From our view at the bottom here, it is hard tease out what the Nazi/Jewish relationship is at this time. It may actually be a Jewish controlled conspiracy, a Jewish/Nazi alliance, or even a Jewish/Nazi secret cold war that has been driving things from behind the scenes.

I think I am leaning to a secret alliance in my analysis. Some weakening of that alliance - either in overall loss of power or a fracturing of it may explain what we are seeing. The smell of fear coming from the shadows seems real. I also estimate that is a good thing, unless the desperation drives those forces to a scorched earth contingency.

What do you think?

Again the Jewish element is present, but it almost appears aligned with the 'Nazi' ideology lineage. From our view at the bottom here, it is hard tease out what the Nazi/Jewish relationship is at this time. It may actually be a Jewish controlled conspiracy, a Jewish/Nazi alliance, or even a Jewish/Nazi secret cold war that has been driving things from behind the scenes.

Jewish people aligned with Nazis? I am sorry but that is just ridiculous, not only that but also very insulting to Jews in general and especially Holocaust survivors.

My aunt was Jewish she explained to me with tears in her eyes what her parents told about the Nazis, and how her parents hide from them in the forests. I highly doubt any of them would "align" with Nazis, that is just a very insulting statement.

Yes there is Jewish influence in banking and politics, but what does it have to do with this? There is many other influence there as well from other groups of people.

There are leftist Jews like Marx, there are Liberals, there are Right-wingers, and there are Libertarians like Rothbard. The Jewish people is a very diverse community and it comes in every form.

Putting them under 1 umbrella, is pretty anti-semitic, you cannot say a "Jewish Element" is doing it because the Jewish community is very diverse and it's very insulting to most people.

Just like Marx wanted to redistribute all your wealth, but Rothbard wanted to eliminate all taxes. So why are you insulting Rothbard, and saying that he was exactly like Marx, when he was actually the opposite of him. It was not Rothbard's fault that he was born Jewish, but he loved freedom and wanted everyone to have prosperity.

My Jewish cousin is an accountant, she is not even religious, what does she have to do with the NWO? C'mon, it's just ridiculous, let's just drop the anti-semitism, and focus on the real issues.

The point is that you cannot say a statement about a heterogenous group, because it will probably not be true for most of the members of that group. That is the exact definition of racism, to generalize something about a group, which only applies to a small fringe element of a group.

First off, I didn't know you were Jewish before I gave my analysis. Second, It doesn't matter. Third, I reject that my analysis is anti-semetic. That is just an Ad Hominen attack. Just because you try to restrict discussion with labels doesn't mean the labels even apply. You hypocritically apply the label Nazi and use group reasoning and magically claim group reasoning does not apply to the Jewish label. Ridiculous.

What does banking have to do with anything in a discussion about groups in control? Are you serious?

Well, at least you answered why you avoided referencing the Jewish aspect in your post. If you are championing a Jewish religious jihad against Nazis, you should be clear about it and accept that YOU ARE racist.

To proceed in a discussion about groups, secret or otherwise, it is clear that a proper manner of indicating membership needs to be arrived at. It should also be clear that feigned or real emotional responses have little to no validity in an objective rational discussion.

Look Profit,
My interest is detecting and removing the parasites that have attached themselves to humanity at our areas of control. They seek to extract maximum value from humanity at a minimum cost to themselves. It would be good to replace them with people that follow the golden rule.

Rather than adopt a devisive stance, we should work together. I'm pretty sure we are after the same thing. When I analyze something, I am primarily interested in accuracy not how someone might feel about it. The only class of people who I have negative intent to is the parasite class. Thus, any other class of people that takes offense is doing so in error because no offense is intended to them.

I believe we are up against a corruption that has as a resource some of the smartest people to ever live - the best money can buy. We need to guard rational thought because it is our best weapon.

Take care,

You've presented some fairly good information here. I'll say I think the NWO has far more facets that simply Nazism. While Nazi ideology certain does have deep occult influences I think it's a bit of a push to give them all the credit.
There are dozens of secret societies rooted in the mystery religions which at their roots are all basically astro-theological and luciferian in nature. Which ultimately are the worship of human intellect and will. Thus aligns very well with the tenents of Nazism.

If you are looking for some fairly deep information on this subject I'd recomend William Cooper's Mystery Babylon series. It's about 43 hours of presentations relating to what you are writing about with at least three hours dedicated to the occult roots of Nazism.

Very good write up though. 👍

You read too much propaganda. Quit drinking the koolaid. Alex Jones is a #cryptojew You do realize all that you've learned about the Nazis was taught by the subversive victors who declared war in the first place, don't you?

great article.
the veil of occultocracy is hidden behind intricate and more broad ideological and hierarchical layers that overlap.


"tyrants create a power structure very elabortae, consisting of a multi-level hierarchy consisting of a conspiracy of accomplices" -La Boetie: Discourse on Voluntary Servitude

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