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RE: NWO = Nazi World Order

in #conspiracy8 years ago

Profit, you are smart and the stuff you write often is a stimulus for me to consider something, often in a new way.
I am INTP. The P quality people do something I call chord thinking. They hold many possibilities as possible truths simultaneously and are reluctant to be forced into one because each possibility has an argument that must be extinguished beyond doubt. The strength of Ps is that when there is enough information to actually choose a possibility, it is high quality. That is also their weakness. Action requires choice and Ps experience action paralysis because of chord thinking.

You might be an ExxJ. You make statements. You do not pose questions or a spectrum of possibilities. If that is accurate, you are averse to indecision and will tend to quickly move to a stance and be able to act in accordance with it. The strengths of Js is that they can quickly accomplish things in a direction. That is also their weakness. Only random luck or intelligence in excess of the problem guarantees that the chosen direction is correct.

I'm not intending this as a criticism - at all. What you have stated here some facts and a conclusions. I agree with pretty much all of your facts & I accept your conclusions, but only as possibilities. I suspect you have the causality backwards on Nazis for instance, it is probably more likely that Nazi's were a manifestation of existing secret societies tied to the occult beliefs and eugenics - so calling it Nazis is somewhat right, but technically wrong. I agree, the 'Nazi' ideological influence carried on and spread after WWII. You rather glaringly omit the infiltration of US government, banking, education and media by Jewish influence. It seems to me to be so evident and pertinent to any real understanding of the forces in play that it is likely to be a deliberate omission on your part. Why?
You conclusion about 'Nazi' fascism sweeping US and Europe seems backward. Contrary to them gaining power, their seems to be indicators that confirm that they may have been secretly significantly in power but are now losing it and scrambling with increasingly desperate manipulation attempts to retain it and as much secrecy as they can salvage. Again the Jewish element is present, but it almost appears aligned with the 'Nazi' ideology lineage. From our view at the bottom here, it is hard tease out what the Nazi/Jewish relationship is at this time. It may actually be a Jewish controlled conspiracy, a Jewish/Nazi alliance, or even a Jewish/Nazi secret cold war that has been driving things from behind the scenes.

I think I am leaning to a secret alliance in my analysis. Some weakening of that alliance - either in overall loss of power or a fracturing of it may explain what we are seeing. The smell of fear coming from the shadows seems real. I also estimate that is a good thing, unless the desperation drives those forces to a scorched earth contingency.

What do you think?


Again the Jewish element is present, but it almost appears aligned with the 'Nazi' ideology lineage. From our view at the bottom here, it is hard tease out what the Nazi/Jewish relationship is at this time. It may actually be a Jewish controlled conspiracy, a Jewish/Nazi alliance, or even a Jewish/Nazi secret cold war that has been driving things from behind the scenes.

Jewish people aligned with Nazis? I am sorry but that is just ridiculous, not only that but also very insulting to Jews in general and especially Holocaust survivors.

My aunt was Jewish she explained to me with tears in her eyes what her parents told about the Nazis, and how her parents hide from them in the forests. I highly doubt any of them would "align" with Nazis, that is just a very insulting statement.

Yes there is Jewish influence in banking and politics, but what does it have to do with this? There is many other influence there as well from other groups of people.

There are leftist Jews like Marx, there are Liberals, there are Right-wingers, and there are Libertarians like Rothbard. The Jewish people is a very diverse community and it comes in every form.

Putting them under 1 umbrella, is pretty anti-semitic, you cannot say a "Jewish Element" is doing it because the Jewish community is very diverse and it's very insulting to most people.

Just like Marx wanted to redistribute all your wealth, but Rothbard wanted to eliminate all taxes. So why are you insulting Rothbard, and saying that he was exactly like Marx, when he was actually the opposite of him. It was not Rothbard's fault that he was born Jewish, but he loved freedom and wanted everyone to have prosperity.

My Jewish cousin is an accountant, she is not even religious, what does she have to do with the NWO? C'mon, it's just ridiculous, let's just drop the anti-semitism, and focus on the real issues.

The point is that you cannot say a statement about a heterogenous group, because it will probably not be true for most of the members of that group. That is the exact definition of racism, to generalize something about a group, which only applies to a small fringe element of a group.

First off, I didn't know you were Jewish before I gave my analysis. Second, It doesn't matter. Third, I reject that my analysis is anti-semetic. That is just an Ad Hominen attack. Just because you try to restrict discussion with labels doesn't mean the labels even apply. You hypocritically apply the label Nazi and use group reasoning and magically claim group reasoning does not apply to the Jewish label. Ridiculous.

What does banking have to do with anything in a discussion about groups in control? Are you serious?

Well, at least you answered why you avoided referencing the Jewish aspect in your post. If you are championing a Jewish religious jihad against Nazis, you should be clear about it and accept that YOU ARE racist.

To proceed in a discussion about groups, secret or otherwise, it is clear that a proper manner of indicating membership needs to be arrived at. It should also be clear that feigned or real emotional responses have little to no validity in an objective rational discussion.

Look Profit,
My interest is detecting and removing the parasites that have attached themselves to humanity at our areas of control. They seek to extract maximum value from humanity at a minimum cost to themselves. It would be good to replace them with people that follow the golden rule.

Rather than adopt a devisive stance, we should work together. I'm pretty sure we are after the same thing. When I analyze something, I am primarily interested in accuracy not how someone might feel about it. The only class of people who I have negative intent to is the parasite class. Thus, any other class of people that takes offense is doing so in error because no offense is intended to them.

I believe we are up against a corruption that has as a resource some of the smartest people to ever live - the best money can buy. We need to guard rational thought because it is our best weapon.

Take care,

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