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RE: NWO = Nazi World Order

in #conspiracy8 years ago

What if Christianity was created after existing ideals/cults so that people who were fond of this ideas would submit to few or a single ruler thinking not to do so equals being killed by an all powerful force?

With me or against me, that's how the Christian god speaks, can you get more fascist than that?

A lot of Christians like to believe that the leaders of the cult and those who do things they don't agree with aren't Christian and just use the label to hide without giving second thought to the very real possibility that the whole religion was created so that evil could hide.


Christianity did some evil stuff too, they got total power over religion in Europe, and they abused that power like any other totalitarian institution.

But what they did was nothing compared to the Nazis, like human medical experiments and genocide takes it to a whole new level of evil. The Nazis probably came out of the barbaric pagan death cult culture that was present in the 2nd or 3th century in German tribal areas.

They did have a lot of sculptures and art glorifying paganism and ancient barbaric germans, so that is an indication of it.

Of course there's pagan symbols in Germany, half of Christianity is pagan shit that was absorbed so they could grow and feel familiar to the locals.

Why can't Nazi's, or people, just be fucked up because they're fucked up? Why do you need to tie it to "secret death cults?" It's ridiculous... as much as I hate religion and think it has caused a lot of evil there's no need to go beyond the will to power and plain old hatred on this one.

I am not sure what part of Christianity was about goat sacrifices and weird rituals with fire and torches:

You have to admit that Nazism had some weird cultic/religious element to it, how else could they draw into it so many young healthy people?

They used massive propaganda and cutting-edge brainwashing tactics, mixed with this cultish fanatical element, and you have a recipe for disaster.

And with all of that, they only gathered about 10-12% support of the population.

That was not the question. You asked about occult rituals, which do happen there.

I was an analogy how the Nazis did similar occult rituals. And given that rich and powerful people go there, and the place is paganist germanic themed, I would not be surprised if Nazi elements would show up there.

The question was about Nazi having "a weird cultic/religious element" to it, I asked for a citation and you gave me Bohemian Grove in California... which according to people who have spied on it sounds like a bunch of rich people having a party, not an occult gathering.

I am not sure what part of Christianity was about goat sacrifices and weird rituals with fire and torches:

A) Those are Ukrainian
B) Those are neo-Nazi's, not regular Nazi's
C) According to your article: The Uniate Church.

You have to admit that Nazism had some weird cultic/religious element to it,

I don't, but I honestly don't know Nazi history intimately. I know they were nominally Christian and the Swastika itself is a religious symbol, but that hardly adds up to occult cults. Feel free to cite something.

how else could they draw into it so many young healthy people?

The same way Trump did?

They used massive propaganda and cutting-edge brainwashing tactics, mixed with this cultish fanatical element, and you have a recipe for disaster.

Pretty sure they only used the first one of those, along with controlling the press and imprisoning dissenters.

And with all of that, they only gathered about 10-12% support of the population.

Well, maybe if they had actually used voodoo or something it would have been higher. :P

I don't, but I honestly don't know Nazi history intimately. I know they were nominally Christian and the Swastika itself is a religious symbol, but that hardly adds up to occult cults. Feel free to cite something.

Bohemian Grove

The same way Trump did?


Bohemian Grove

I fail to see what a gathering nin California has to do with the rise of Nazi Germany... but also:

That was not the question. You asked about occult rituals, which do happen there.

I was an analogy how the Nazis did similar occult rituals. And given that rich and powerful people go there, and the place is paganist germanic themed, I would not be surprised if Nazi elements would show up there.

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