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RE: NWO = Nazi World Order

in #conspiracy8 years ago

You've presented some fairly good information here. I'll say I think the NWO has far more facets that simply Nazism. While Nazi ideology certain does have deep occult influences I think it's a bit of a push to give them all the credit.
There are dozens of secret societies rooted in the mystery religions which at their roots are all basically astro-theological and luciferian in nature. Which ultimately are the worship of human intellect and will. Thus aligns very well with the tenents of Nazism.

If you are looking for some fairly deep information on this subject I'd recomend William Cooper's Mystery Babylon series. It's about 43 hours of presentations relating to what you are writing about with at least three hours dedicated to the occult roots of Nazism.

Very good write up though. 👍

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