more curiosities about whistleblower Ronald Bernard and the bank he is foundingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy7 years ago

In my last piece I told you that I worked for dutch whistleblower Ronald Bernard and quit a few days ago. Last article was mainly about everything I don’t know. This one gets deeper into what we can find out about him and his project b. of joy.


The b. of joy is the project Bernard was advertising in his famous interview.
This is mainly why he did the interview. To tell people about his bank project and invite them to join. That's why I followed and did so. I donated and applied for a job. Ronald Bernard claims he wants to found a bank for the people. One that only invests in sustainable projects, keeps your money safe from big banksters and crises and offers products that are affordable for everyone. Additional to that he wants to introduce a new currency – URA. In my next article I am going to talk about those products and ideas. This article is mainly about two people, related to this project.

Tony, protected by the pope himself

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from their webpage

Fondly they call him Tony. Tony is part of the International Advisory Board for the B. of Joy. Besides that he is the Grand Chancellor / President of the International Chancery of the Byzantine Order of the Holy Sepulchre - OBSS..

Delete the Elite – Jerusalem is controlled by the Order of the Holy Sepulchre

This order is the oldest order of knighthood under the protection of the pope. How can this guy be on the Advisory Board for the b of joy? The Vatican is highly involved in the system and its crimes that Bernard spoke about.

Still today, the order bestows Canons as well as Knights, with the primary mission to "support the Christian presence in the Holy Land".

(source: wikipedia)

I asked my supervisor about this contact and he answered:

People seem to claim a change of heart is only exclusively possible for those that are not member of some sort of order. That is not true. Fear plays in due to the context created by media and alternative media. Even those people can change, even in these orders consciousness shifts. Everywhere there are bad apples. We people (me including from time to time) are giving those bad apples so much power that creates a tendency that the rest of the people are not capable of achieving anything, or that everything has to be corrupted.

No, I’d never claim that. But if someone changes his heart, would he still stay the Grand Chancellor of an entity protected by the Vatican? Ronald talks about his first life that he had to leave when the shift happened to himself. Doesn’t Tony need to leave his “first life”, too?

anti-Semite or not

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from their webpage

Hans van der Liet, lawyer working for the b. of joy, is a big supporter oft Israel. Isn’t that odd? I his video interview, Ronald Bernard made some remarkable claims that many people consider anti-Semitic. Bernard talks about the protocols of Zion and how telling it would be to read them. Besides the fact that it’s easily proven that those protocols were faked, how can those two forces join the same boat without getting this boat to sink? One who basically states: “The jews planned it all! It’s a Zionist conspiracy!” while the other one signs & shares petitions on facebook to tighten the Dutch bond with Israel. Fighting anti-Semitism seems to be his favorite topic.
In this article (in Dutch language) he explains that the growing anti-Semitism comes from Moslems that spread in Europe.

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Quotes from Ronalds Interview:

In all those studies and recoveries I found that document which everybody claims it’s bullshit of course. The protocols of Zion. And nowadays I recommend everyone to read the whole of that incredibly boring document. Just work through it, read it though.

Interviewer: You are talking about Zionsim?

Yes, of course.
If you read the protocols of Zion and reall study them and understand, then it’s like reading the newspapers of the daily life. How from their position of ultimate power, and ultimate power it has literally become (…)

We have all been programmed. If you dare to say something against Zionsim, then you are branded an anti-Semite.

The negative, you can say evil, the Luciferians, the Satanists, whatever you wish to call it, it is a real entity. I have found that what is written in the bible, and not just in the bible, you can find it in so many books, (…), in which a group went their own way and are carrying an intense hatred. The people who do not underestimate the severity of this are but few. Because this is an annihilating force that hates our guts. It hates creation, it hates life and it will do anything to destroy us completely. And the way to do that is to divide humanity.

Van der Liet & friends

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"(the pope), a good guy"

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van der Liet: "after Reagan the best they had"

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documenting anti-Semitism on facebook, van der Liet likes that

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In my next article I am going to write about the concrete plans of the b. of joy. Stay tuned.


This may be the most important article not being read on steemit today... I am ALWAYS suspicious of whistle blowers who get on TV. The REAL ones get a bullet, not fame. Thank you for taking the time to put t his all down in writing.

nice to meet you, @fishyculture! Thanks for your kind words.

He wasn't on TV. Or is youtube considered "TV" these days?

LOL! It is for me! I assumed I was watching an interview that originally aired on TV, but your point is well taken. I do not have one of those monsters in my home, forgive my ignorance. ;)

That's exactly what I just said to myself. Minnow question - why can't I resteem this?

Because it is "post payout" meaning more than a week old.

Gotcha! Thanks. I thought that was only Dtube but it's system-wide. Thanks!

because it's too old. That's stpid, isn't it?!

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"The b. of joy is the project Bernard was advertising in his famous interview."

Um, no? Please give me a time-stamp in that interview where he "was advertising" the B of Joy.

"This is mainly why he did the interview."

Wrong again. He revealed his exact reasons for doing the interview in the third part - but seems like you didn't pay much attention to it.

"This one gets deeper into what we can find out about him and his project b. of joy."

Where exactly is the content about him (Ronald Bernard) here? Quoting from his interview is not exactly "getting deeper" is it? More than half the article deals with Hans van der Liet and what he likes on facebook.

"Hans van der Liet, lawyer working for the b. of joy, is a big supporter oft Israel. Isn’t that odd? I his video interview, Ronald Bernard made some remarkable claims that many people consider anti-Semitic. [...]"

You realize you just provided great evidence that Mr. Bernard can't be the anti-semite certain people accuse him to be? If he was, why would he have someone on his team whose favorite topic is fighting anti-semitism and making no secret about that? Exactly.

Why would someone whose favorite topic is fighting anti-semitism be on the same team with an anti-semite? Exactly.

Is that what you would call shooting yourself in the foot? Great job :D

you are so special!
I worked for this bank! I know what the videos were for. What do YOU know? Please, just troll someone else. You don't need to agree with me. Why would you care so much? Go and do your own research. Totally unbelivable!

In case someone else is reading this useless discussion and wondering about my unusual temper. This guy tries to argue with me for days now. And he won't accept that I don't want to talk to him. In fact he just registered here to argue with me.

Uh, did I hit a nerve or what?

"I know what the videos were for."

And you can claim a lot but without providing any evidence to that it's totally null and void.

"This guy tries to argue with me for days now."

"This guy" who is actually female (and I told you so on voat but paying attention is really not your strong suit, is it?) attempted a few times to get some straight answers from you on voat, but besides some evasiveness nothing much came from your end.

Oh noes, you wrote some articles and now someone doesn't eat it up but asks some questons, can't have that now, can we? Better accuse said person of trolling.

"And he won't accept that I don't want to talk to him."

Interestingly, you accuse others of being evasive and not answering your questions while doing the exact same thing.

"In fact he just registered here to argue with me."

In fact I registered here BEFORE I asked my questions on voat but it took a few days for my account to be approved. And when I googled and found out that some accounts take weeks to be approved I thought, well, let's try this on voat in the meantime.

WOW. I cannot believe the detail you have provided here. Thanks v much for doing all of that work. Newbie question - why can't I resteem this?

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