Named & Shamed! - A New Steemit Community Series We Can All Participate In - Identify Those Criminals!

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

The Steem community is amazing and I suggest as a group we should name & shame some of the scum who steal, murder and enslave us. Lets call them out and place their crimes on the blockchain for all to see!

In many of the posts I write I discuss financial corruption which is used to manipulate or almost our entire lives. However I have rarely used names as I did not want to dilute the topics. The truth though is that almost all of the misery we see around is is controlled, instigated and run by a very few families.

When we see an Oxfam report that states that 8 men own as much wealth as the poorest half of the planet. This is atrocious! 😡

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Lets Name & Shame These Scum!

Steemit and the blockchain provide us amazing opportunities. We can add information to the blockchain which is not easy to manipulate.

I would like to offer all Steemians the opportunity to add to this series. I will be reading the posts, upvoting and commenting! Choose a person of terrible moral rectitude and write a post about them. Call them out on their crimes and how they covered those crimes up.

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Some Suggestions!

Oh my goodness where to begin there are so many serious criminals and thousands of their scum lackeys who for bribes or blackmail will facilitate the crimes of the elite. Still I would like to add a few names and I will be writing some posts on myself but I would love to read yours!

Here are some scum which need to be named and shamed! Feel free to add more!

There are so many more, these are just a starting point. I would like to read a post on each of these lackeys exposing their history, who funded them and the crimes they have committed! Lets join in and make this a community/Steemit open source investigation! 😉

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Image source: 1, 2, 3.

Jockey loves you All and dislikes economic slavery! 😉



Awesome! Let's stop letting these scum walk around like they are good people. Start treating them like the pieces of shit they are.

Yes.... Let us call them by their real names. Let's name and shame these people! I hope this series is something we can do together as a Steemit open source investigation! I will write a post soon! Great name! Followed and Upvoted! If you write a post in this series please send it to me on so I can UPvote it and try to get it resteemed! =)


Thank you. I will put something together.

Great I will help if I can! I will also write some! Hopefully we inspire more people to participate. Some of the histories of these criminals are truly mind boggling! Did you see my series of posts Everything We Have Been Told Is A Lie? =)

I will check it out. I have known the world "as we know it" is a lie all my life. Have you watched David Icke's 7 hour Wimbly presentation? I did several years ago. He goes into it all. Connects the dots.

Yes I saw that! Glad you are awake mate! =)

Sending a great big KISS to you @jockey I was just finishing a post to a workgroup I moderate called "Fully Informed Public". Was recommending the blockchain as a means for protection of material and non-censorship.

I also suggested that more like minded people begin working on the solutions rather than only talking about the many issues that are facing us today only because a few sit in their "perceived" seats of power.

I feel it..... it is time to put forth the effort and see just where Universal Synchronicity will take us. We already have all the tools we need or we wouldn't be sitting in front of this screen doing what we do ;)

Do you have some truths to tell? Steem It!

BTW: What do you think of MainSteem Media?

There is a great big kiss winging its way from Cambodia to you too Vickie! 😘 Do you mean Main Stream Media, or MainSteem Media? Please always feel free to contact me on! UPvoted! 😃


I like to think big, shoot for the moon :) I think Main Steem Media will overtake the current Mainstream Media. Media not driven by the corporate elite dollars, threat and intimidation but instead by Steem

Also, I love big horsey kisses. (I don't have them anymore but loved them when I did) I've been to the once and signed in at discord. Will go back and spend a bit more time there soon. I'll look you up!

Please do! I bread horses for years and really miss their kisses and wonderful smell! I know what you mean! UPvoted! =)


I totally love you enthusiasm. Together we are strong. You and I can be good friends! Well done! UPvoted! =)

Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck - This is the man who thinks people do not have a right to water. He is paying California, a small sum each year to enable him to draw all the ground water out from under the state, bottle it and sell it back to the people at almost $2 for a 20 ounce bottle. I have been boycotting Nestle products since 2005 because of this man.

Excellent point! Lets name and shame this guy! =) UPvoted and followed! =)

Number one on my list by a country mile - evil zionist prick jacob rotchild - hopefully the evil pile of scum really has just died in a helicopter crash but I suspect that is fake like everything else he has done.

And for someone more in the public eye - Bil Gates (I'm thinking of writing something about the parallels between windows, vaccinations, and bitcoin)

Yeah, those two should just be shot into space. Absolute scumbags. I don't use any microsoft products because of this guy. I am not contributing to his insane wealth.

I do use Win 7 but I certainly have never paid for any microsum products - in fact I've been pirating all their software and giving it away for 20 years...

haha, yes that's good too. Their products are way over priced any way. For me Linux is the only way :) Apple is banned from this house as well lol.

Yes please lol. But again, yes at the moment it's mint, ubuntu on my kids pc.

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