US & Israel Evacuate ISIS Terrorists in Syria, Local Sources Reveal: US Choppers Rescuing ISIS Commanders in Deir Ezzor & Israel Evacuated ISIS Terrorists in 'White Helmets Rescue' in July

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

Recent interviews with Syrian locals expose US, Israeli direct support for ISIS terrorists in Syria

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US helicopters have been "conducting heliborne operations to openly rescue" besieged ISIS commanders in eastern Deir Ezzor, locals in the cities of Hajin and al-Shaafah told RT Arabic in interviews on Monday November 19, Fars News Agency (FNA) reported. This is but the latest in a string of local reports over the recent months which describe US coalition helicopters carrying out ISIS rescue operations in the region.

Syria's state news agency (SANA) reported earlier this month that the US helicopters, in a new heliborne operation, flew away a number of injured ISIL terrorists from Southeastern Deir Ezzur.

It further said that the heliborne operation was done in an ISIL-held region near the small town of al-Sha'afah, adding that the evacuated terrorists were all foreigners coming from different countries. - FNA

More on these recent reports of alleged US rescue operations from SouthFront:
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On September 10, the US coalition along with its Kurdish proxies (SDF/YPG) launched a military operation to clear ISIS from the Euphrates River Valley in eastern Deir Ezzor province where a small ISIS pocket remains on the US-occupied side of the Euphrates River, but no notable gains against ISIS have yet been made by the coalition in over 2 months, while the coalition airstrikes allegedly targeting ISIS in eastern Deir Ezzor have massacred hundreds of civilians including many women and children in the past several weeks. The RT Arabic report went on to note that the US warplanes have during this bombing campaign targeted residential units that are far from ISIS bases in eastern Deir Ezzor.

This failure by the US coalition, complete with all of its advanced weaponry and heavy firepower, to effectively make any notable advances against this small ISIS pocket containing an estimated 2,000 Jihadi fighters while successfully pounding civilian houses suggests that the US operation to clear this ISIS pocket is disingenuous and insincere, especially considering the quickly shrinking ISIS presence in Syria is the only 'legitimate' pretext left for the illegal US occupation of Syrian territory where coalition forces currently occupy 30% of the country.

Recent reports of US helicopters conducting special operations to rescue ISIS commanders from areas where the terrorists have come under siege or attack by US-backed forces is just another indication of the continued western support for ISIS and other Jihadi terrorists in Syria. There is no doubt the coalition is conducting heliborne operations in the region, as the US-backed SDF claimed on November 9 that US troops had carried out an "airborne operation" to capture a "prominent ISIS leader" in the province of Raqqah, and in light of the recent reports it is not difficult to see how such a 'capture' could in fact have been a rescue.

Given the overwhelming evidence of past US military support for ISIS in Syria, and considering the US government track record of repeatedly lying about this western terrorist support, these recent reports are very believable.

The Pentagon has repeatedly denied this reports claiming that it is not cooperating with ISIS in any kind. However, the problem is that the US military also denies that it has reached any kind of deals with ISIS in Manbij and Raqqah, which is an obvious lie. So, as reports about US helicopters evacuating ISIS members or providing supplies to them continue to appear, the concern is growing that Washington is still using ISIS as a tool in its geopolitical standoff with other powers. - SouthFront

According to FNA, the RT Arabic report "went on to say that some of the analysts believe that the US backup for the ISIL is aimed at reviving the terrorist group on the Eastern bank of the Euphrates River," while Russian and Syrian media and officials have repeatedly accused the US of protecting this small ISIS pocket to justify its illegal occupation of Syrian territory.

Earlier in the month a captured ISIS terrorist from an al-Safa cell in the south admitted that the Islamic State ('Daesh') "receives supplies from al-Tanf areas where US forces provided them via intermediaries with ammo, anti-air weapons, Kornet missiles, cars, and food." At the beginning of the month a large ammo cache of 450,000 US-made machine-gun bullets left behind by ISIS in the province of Deir Ezzor was seized by Syrian government forces after winning the battle for al-Mayadeen, demonstrating that the ISIS terrorists operating out of the Euphrates River Valley are indeed also armed with US weaponry.

And while the US is at least waging a superficial military operation against the ISIS terrorists in the Euphrates Valley, US forces at the same time continue to allow hundreds of ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists, along with a host of other 'moderate' Jihadi militant groups to freely operate in the al-Tanf military 'terrorist protection zone,' where the 'moderate' Jihadi terrorists are trained and armed by American instructors before supplying some of the weaponry to ISIS and other extremist terrorist groups. The US claims it is only supporting 'moderate' militant groups in Syria while denying any accusations of support for ISIS, however the problem is that the 'moderate' militant groups are obviously working hand-in-hand with the extremist ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists towards the same western goal of toppling President Assad's secular Syrian government, waging the same brutal Jihad under the same sectarian ideology with the full support of the USA.

The biggest indication that US forces have in fact been recently evacuating ISIS commanders is likely found in similar events of the past. And not that long ago, the US helped organize a White Helmets rescue operation in July, in which it turns out several FSA commanders and hundreds of other opposition militants including ISIS terrorists were evacuated from southern Syria by Israel. We will now turn our attention to this White Helmets rescue operation and new details which have since emerged in an interview with a White Helmets leader in late September, and which further reveals the very close coordination between the western states and the entire Syrian 'opposition' - from the 'moderate' FSA to the extremist ISIS - in an evacuation which foreshadowed the more recent US rescue operations.

British independent journalist Vanessa Beeley in a recent trip to Syria in September uncovered much more evidence which rips the official western Syria narrative to shreds, and she published her information-packed report of the trip at 21st Century Wire on October 17. The in depth report is well worth reading in full...

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Of most interest to this post was Vanessa Beeley's visit to a White Helmets center south of Damascus in Daraa al-Balad where she was able to interview the local White Helmets leader named Abu Mohanad Al Mahamid and another member, as well as talk to an 'opposition' militant leader who remained in the area. Beeley was told it was the only remaining White Helmets center in all of Daraa and Quneitra due to the whole southern area now having come under Syrian government control following many fierce battles and also reconciliation agreements with the militants.

In July when it was announced that the US and western allies were planning the rescue operation, western media claimed the lives of the White Helmets were in imminent danger of "assassination by the regime," and that the members were expected to be "slaughtered" by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) upon capture. It was unclear at the time why the White Helmets couldn't just reconcile with Damascus alongside other militants who chose that route and then hop on the bus headed to the Jihadist stronghold of Idlib. Well, it turns out this was just another corporate media lie, and that in fact all 38 White Helmet members at the Daraa al-Badad center joined the reconciliation and continue to operate under the partial supervision of the SAA. Al Mahamid said there had been 635 White Helmets in the area; others had taken the bus to Idlib while many left for Israel during the evacuation, but it turns out none faced any violence at the hands of the SAA.

Al Mahamid said that only about half of those who were evacuated by Israel were White Helmets, while the other half were opposition militants - "factions who work with Mossad". He also said that ISIS terrorists were among those rescued by Israel. That Israel armed and funded various 'opposition' militant factions in Syria has now been confirmed by the IDF, while Israeli forces in July shot down a Syrian warplane hunting ISIS terrorists near the border of the occupied Golan Heights, in what appeared to be an obvious show of support for ISIS.

Vanessa Beeley followed the tracks of those who had fled to the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights for evacuation, and "a number of civilians living close to the areas traversed by the “special” evacuees" confirmed that about half of those who left for Israel were militants, and when asked from which factions, the answer was always the same - "they are all the same, all terrorists." 800 White Helmets were allegedly evacuated by Israel, but only 422 reportedly arrived to Jordan, more evidence backing up the Syrian claims that only 50% of those who were evacuated by Israel in this 'White Helmets rescue operation' were actually White Helmets members, with the other 50% being militant factions working directly for the Mossad.

Even at the time it was obvious Israel had used the occasion as cover to evacuate at least a few of its intelligence assets, as Al Masdar News reported that Israel had evacuated 4 FSA commanders, while some locals were even claiming that 2,200 foreign special forces operatives had been whisked away in the rescue operation.

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Below is the relevant portion of the interview where Al Mahamid discusses the White Helmets evacuation by Israel - Vanessa Beeley was asking the questions through her translator, signified by 'we':

“There are some (armed) factions connected with Israel, those factions were gathered by Israel in Quneitra and were told that you will leave with the White Helmets. By the way the number of White Helmets in the southern area are 635, but those who left were 800. This means that there are (armed) factions who work with Mossad and they were extracted alongside the White Helmets. But for us here, we stood against this and demanded that the record of the White Helmet members to be reviewed because not all who left were White Helmets. Because not all those who left were White Helmets, there were people who left from Quneitra. There were terrorists, some left from the Yarmouk Basin”

“You mean ISIS” we asked


“So ISIS left with other armed factions alongside the White Helmets?”

“What happened is that Israel told the factions it supports to leave with the White Helmets. But here in this center were 38 members but no one left.”

“So, those who left – where were they from?”

“They were from Quneitra and the FSA and armed factions who are supported by Israel. This what we witnessed, I do not deny the fact that around 50 % of those who left to Israel were White Helmets but the rest were factions supported by Israel.”

Considering the US role in organizing this evacuation along with all the other evidence of the US supporting and protecting ISIS terrorists in Syria, it sure does seem that the claims of US helicopters rescuing ISIS commanders in Deir Ezzor are credible. And if true, it wouldn't be the first time the US was heavily involved in the evacuation of besieged ISIS terrorists in Syria.

A big thank you to Vanessa Beeley and all the other courageous independent journalists out there whose tireless work to help bring the truth about Syria into the public light continues to provide an invaluable resource for researchers, truth-seekers, and all those good souls fighting to expose the western 'Empire of Lies'. Link to full report at 21st Century Wire which covers much more information, way too much to get into here:

There is a reason the MSM smears and slanders independent journalists including Vanessa Beeley without challenging a single claim they make, because just as Ron Paul says, "Truth is treason in the empire of lies."
(The Revolution - A Manifesto, Preface)


I resteemed you again, you are superb, you cover the things I want to though simply do not have time to, I hope it gets you superb rewards my friend, thank you.

Great article Thanks.
vote & resteem.

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