White Helmets in Southern Syria Request Evacuation to Terrorist-Occupied Idlib Ahead of Possible Staged False Flag Chemical Attack

in #geopolitics6 years ago (edited)


The remaining White Helmets in Southern Syria who were not among those recently evacuated to Jordan by Israeli forces, have now requested international assistance in being moved to the terrorist-occupied province of Idlib. One of the founders of the White Helmets, Majd Khalaf, made the request in a phone call with Reuters from Istanbul, Turkey last Thursday (7/26).

“We want the UN or any international agency to remove the White Helmet volunteers from Deraa to Idlib so we can continue to work in the north of Syria.”

The director of the White Helmets, Raed Al Saleh also spoke over the phone from Turkey.

“Unfortunately we wish we could stay in these areas, but it is not in our hands.”

He also said regarding the evacuation request that, “We are asking for their evacuation to protect them.”

I'd like to first point out that these leaders of the so-called 'Syrian Civil Defense' are sitting in Turkey as they request evacuation of their members from southern Syria, which seems a little odd but shouldn't be surprising as the group really isn't Syrian at all, having been originally founded in Turkey by a British mercenary, and then funded with millions by the U.S. and U.K. That explains why the leaders are in Turkey, but not why they are requesting evacuation for their members to the province of Idlib currently in the hands of thousands of Daesh and al-Qaeda terrorists.

They say, "so we can continue to work in the north of Syria" and because Deraa "is not in our hands." But, if they are truly a neutral humanitarian civilian rescue organization as they claim, no province could ever be 'in their hands', but rather only in the hands of either the SAA or Jihadi terrorists. This betrays their true allegiance to these terrorist groups which are little more than Western proxy armies, which has long been known to many; and it demonstrates they are not willing to "continue to work" on behalf of Syrian civilians anywhere but in terrorist-held territory, showing once again that the White Helmets aren't actually working on behalf of the Syrian people but rather the terrorists and their U.S./U.K. puppet-masters.

It remains unclear why the White Helmets would need special evacuation to safely reach Idlib though, as the SAA has been consistently granting safe passage to Idlib to all Daesh and al-Nusra militants in the region who accept the reconciliation terms of handing over their large weaponry to the SAA. In fact, in many of the towns liberated by the SAA in recent months, the White Helmets took full advantage of this safe passage granted by the Syrian government, boarding the Idlib-bound buses right alongside the Jihadi militants. Why they act as if they are now unable to do the same, but instead fear being arrested or executed by the SAA is a mystery, and it is surely some sort of propaganda stunt.

After all, just today in the recently liberated town of Jubbata al-Khashab, 6 more buses full of Jihadi militants left Quneitra province for Idlib, demonstrating that this offer of safe passage is still in effect, and all the White Helmets need to do to safely get there is hop onto these buses!

Buses to idlib.png
(Photo: SANA)

It also now appears that the White Helmets last 'urgent' call for rescue and the ensuing evacuation by Israel was a sort of propaganda stunt, used as a cover for and distraction from a bigger Israeli operation to withdraw several thousand intelligence assets from Syria. We now know that at least 4 FSA commanders working for Israeli intelligence were withdrawn as a part of that Israeli 'evacuation' operation, as reported by Al Masdar news, but there were also claims from sources in Syria that the entire rescue operation was aimed at withdrawing a much larger number of 2,200 special forces and intelligence operatives to protect them from capture by the SAA. Ziad Fadel of Syrian Perspective wrote that,

The true reason, [for the evacuation] I am told by my sources, is that there were 2,200 special ops and intelligence officers who were trapped at the border with the White Helmets and who were under threat of being captured or killed by the Syrian Army.
Of the 2,200 foreign spies and the special ops rodents, 1100 were from Gulf States like Qatar, Dubai, Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi. They are now in Amman awaiting repatriation.

While this story has yet to be confirmed, Brandon Turbeville points out that it is coming from a credible source, "whose information and sources have been consistently reliable throughout the seven years of this war." If true, this would explain why Israel agreed to evacuate 800 White Helmets, with only 422 reportedly reaching their destination of Jordan, and would also demonstrate how there is much going on behind the scenes of the clearly unnecessary calls for evacuation by the White Helmets.

Which brings us to the question, what is going on behind the scenes in Syria right now? Well, the terrorists are currently losing badly in southern Syria, and are clearly acting out in desperation as their recent spate of attacks targeting civilians in Swaida province demonstrate. As the SAA is now only days away from fully liberating the terrorist-controlled southern tip of Syria, all eyes look to Idlib where the SAA is anticipated to focus their next major offensive against the terrorist groups.

A very fierce war in Idlib looms ahead, and all sides are preparing for this coming battle. South Front reports that:

Militant groups in the province of Idlib have started an active phase of preparations to counter an expected advance of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the area.

On July 29, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra), Jabhat Tahrir Suriya (formerly Ahrar al-Sham), the National Front for Liberation, the Turkistan Islamic Party, Horas al-Din and some other groups created a new operations room to coordinate their military actions against the SAA.
On the same day reports appeared that leaders of Idlib militants and Turkish officials met in the Turkish capital of Ankara to discuss the future of Idlib.

So we have the terrorists preparing for battle with the SAA in Idlib, and we have terrorist leaders meeting with Turkish officials in Turkey to discuss this upcoming battle, the same Turkey which is also hosting several leaders of the White Helmets, the same White Helmets who want their members in southern Syria evacuated to Idlib. The reason Turkey is so concerned with the future of Idlib is because they also occupy a part of the province (Afrin), and if the Turkish-backed terrorists are defeated there, their chances of holding onto Afrin diminishes greatly.

Turkey is in much the same boat as Israel and the U.S. who also currently occupy portions of Syria, and this is why all 3 countries have a vested interest in the terrorists defeating the SAA, the complete opposite of what is currently taking place! It seems at this point that they are all putting their eggs in the same basket right now: Idlib. If the U.S. coalition can somehow help the terrorists defeat the SAA in Idlib, or even slow the terrorists' defeat by the SAA in Idlib considerably, this would help advance their geopolitical goal of toppling Assad.

And how best to aid the terrorists in Idlib when the SAA forces advance upon the province, but to engage in airstrikes against the SAA? And how best to justify airstrikes against the SAA, but to have the White Helmets stage yet another false flag chemical attack to be blamed on Assad? It has worked each time in the past, and there is every reason to believe it will happen yet again. I propose that such a staged provocation would likely be carried out during the beginning of the SAA's advancement against Idlib, in an attempt to give the terrorist fighters an upper hand right at the onset of the battle, with the 'attack' being staged in an area controlled by the terrorists as it comes under heavy airstrikes by the SAA.

The evidence strongly suggests that the staging of yet another false flag chemical attack by the White Helmets to be blamed on Assad and the SAA is already in the works, as the Russian MOD warned in mid-June that it had solid intelligence that militants with the help of US Special Forces were planning to stage such an attack in the province of Deir ez-Zor.

“Our intelligence confirmed by three independent Syrian sources says that commanders of the so-called ‘Free Syrian Army’, backed by the American Special Forces operators, are preparing a serious provocation involving chemical warfare agents in Deir ez-Zor province,” reads a statement released by Russian Defense Ministry. - RT

Keep in mind this is the same Russian MOD which accurately predicted the last staged chemical attack which took place in Douma. Then at the end of June, Syrian residents in Idlib city warned the Russian Center for Syrian reconciliation about a possible upcoming provocation being orchestrated by the White Helmets. The head of the Center, Maj. Gen. Alexei Tsygankov gave a statement on June 27th:

"Residents of the Syrian province of Idlib called the Russian Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria warning about upcoming provocation by the White Helmets organization. According to the residents, a convoy of six cars with White Helmets emblems and a truck, loaded with individual protection equipment, visual equipment and seven rockets, as well as with canisters filled with liquids, arrived in the city of Idlib on Sunday," Tsygankov said. - Sputnik News

RT also reported that,

One of the trucks was loaded with missiles and canisters containing unknown substances, as well as protective gear and filming equipment. Local residents reported seeing four persons, wearing hazmat protection gear, filling the warheads with this liquid and some unknown powder. The convoy then reportedly left for the small town of Maarat al-Numaan, south of the city of Idlib.

This definitely does sound like another staged chemical attack in the making, but only time will tell. If history is any indication, and the U.S. coalition still has any intention to continue their intervention in Syria, then such a staged attack is practically a foregone conclusion. After all, this is the modus operandi of the Empire. But then again, I doubt the Empire ever imagined it would find itself in this current situation, losing the war against Syria... Whatever their next big move is, whether a false flag in Idlib or an attack on Iran (which may also be imminent), we will all find out soon enough.

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