Israel Confirms Support of ISIS, FSA Terrorists, Shoots Down Syrian Fighter Jet, FSA Leaders Flee to Israel

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Israel Acting as ISIS Airforce

(Screenshot Source/Video)

SYRIA - On Tuesday, the Israeli military shot down a Syrian fighter jet participating in an airstrike campaign against ISIS targets in southern Syria, which Israeli officials allege had entered just over a mile into Israeli-occupied Golan Heights airspace, despite the jet crashing on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights. Syria's military denied the claims that the warplane had breached Israeli airspace, saying it was shot down over Syrian territory as it was shelling Daesh (ISIS) terrorists, while an IDF spokesman said that "He could not explain how the plane entered into Israel but landed on the Syria side," according to the Wall Street Journal.

One pilot was reported dead, the body said to have been seized by ISIS according to an official in Syria allied with the Assad government, according to ABC News, while the condition and whereabouts of the other pilot is reportedly unknown to officials on all sides of the conflict.

During a UN security Council session on the situation in the Middle East, acting Charge d’ affairs of Syria’s permanent delegation to the UN Munzer, said on Tuesday that,

Israel stresses once again its solid relation to the terrorist groups through its targeting today a Syrian warplane that was shelling dens of Daesh terrorist organization on the sides of al-Yarmouk valley in Quneitra countryside.

It is certainly true that this confirms Israeli support for Jihadi terrorist groups in Syria, and this most recent Israeli act of aggression against Syria comes just two days after Israel helped smuggle hundreds of White Helmet terrorists out of Syria into Jordan, before bombing a Syrian government facility just hours later in a rare daylight attack. On the same day, 4 senior FSA commanders also fled to Israel.

[al-Masdar News] cited what it called as opposition sources revealing that the commanders had been recruited by the Israeli intelligence and remained in touch with Israeli officers for years. - source

South Front reports that:

The repeatedly declared Israeli “noninvolvement” in the conflict continued on July 22 when four senior FSA commanders in southern Syria run away to Israel. Syrian opposition activists identified them as “Moaz Nassar,” the leader of the Golan Knights Brigade, “Ahmed al-Nahs,” a commander in the Saif al-Sham Brigades, “Alaa al-Halaki,” the leader of the al-Ababil Army and “Abu Rateb Nassar,” a commander in the Golan Knights Brigade.

Over the past few years, these armed groups have been repeatedly accused by the Damascus government of cooperating with the Israeli military and intelligence. Their evacuation is another sign that Israel and its allies are attempting to hide some of their operations in the war-torn country.

The state of Israel has a long history of telling blatant lies and engaging in unprovoked acts of aggression against its enemies in its bid to protect and expand the Zionist occupation of foreign lands in the region, and so the Israeli claims can hardly be trusted.

As a current example, Israel continues to openly lie to the world with its denials of military involvement in the Syrian conflict, such as with the recent IDF statements that "Israel continues to maintain a non-intervention policy regarding the Syrian conflict," and, "We are not involved in the fighting in Syria," despite its continued interventionism there through countless acts of war carried out within and against Syria, both directly and via direct support of Jihadi militants in Syria, as we see currently taking place.

But even if the Syrian fighter plane did in fact enter Israeli-occupied Golan Heights airspace, this is still Syrian territory which has been illegally occupied by Israel since 1967, when it was captured by Israel during the 6-days war, and Israel has no right to claim self defense when attacking Syria in Syria's own territory! Despite this illegal occupation, despite the Zionist backing of Jihadi terrorists fighting Assad, and despite numerous unprovoked Israeli acts of aggression against Syria in the recent months in the form of deadly airstrikes against Syrian government and military targets, Syria has not once retaliated by attacking Israel. If that doesn't illustrate who the real aggressor is in this Israeli-Syrian conflict which Israel denies they are engaging in, then I'm not sure what will.

Israel continues to abuse the neutral Lebanese airspace by using it to carry out its unprovoked airstrikes against Syria, while at the same time allowing ISIS affiliated terrorists to freely cross into and operate in the Golan Heights, effectively creating a safe haven from SAA attacks for the Jihadi militants in the border area of the Golan. And yet when a Syrian jet allegedly and possibly accidentally breaches Israeli-controlled airspace of Syria's own rightful territory by a mere mile as it targets ISIS militants in the area, the IDF sees fit to shoot it down, claiming the attack was necessary "to protect our civilians", despite a complete lack of evidence that the warplane ever intended to strike Israeli settlements in the Golan Heights. The IDF also claimed to have given many warnings to the incoming jet in multiple languages, but for all we know, even that could be just another IDF lie.

It is my opinion based upon the available facts that the Syrian jet in all likelihood never violated 'Israeli' airspace over the Golan Heights, and that the Israeli claim that it did is just one more IDF lie, being told so as to justify in the eyes of the world their downing of a Syrian warplane that was actively engaged in attacking Israeli-backed ISIS militants, so as to hide the fact that the IDF is actively providing military and intelligence support for the ISIS fighters along the Golan border area. This is the second major Israeli attack on Syria in 3 days, and it seems that as the SAA moves ever closer to fully liberating the last pocket of southwestern Syria under ISIS control, Israel's military and 'humanitarian' support of the terrorists is likewise increasing.

However, this recently increased Israeli and U.S. action in Syria has so far not seemed to slow the SAA's advancement in southwestern Syria, nor has it helped shift the tide of war in favor of the opposition terrorists in any significant way, in a war that Assad is now very definitely winning. I can only imagine that with the SAA having now reached the border of the occupied Golan Heights in this region for the first time in seven years, that the Israeli occupiers might just be getting a little worried. The last remaining major pocket of terrorist occupied territory along the Golan Heights is being hemmed in on all sides by the SAA, and ISIS is beginning to have its lifeline to Israel cut off at the Golan border.

See the video below for some great coverage of this story by Syriana Analysis:

What does all this mean? Well, we now have both the Syrian government as well as opposition sources claiming that high-level terrorist leaders in Syria were recruited and working closely with (or for) Israeli intelligence - the Mossad, whose motto is, By Deception, Thou Shalt Do War. Long has the deception perpetuated the miserable state of endless war we find ourselves in, but the truth is now out, and can only be hidden from those who refuse to see it. The truth is destroying the web of deception which fuels the Empire's endless wars, one lie at a time.

If there was ever a doubt that the terrorists which Assad and the SAA and their allies have been fighting a bitter war against for seven years were anything but Zionist proxy armies of Israel and the U.S., there should no longer be any doubt. If there was ever a doubt that this Syrian war was ever anything but a fight between the united people of Syria against the invading forces of Zionism and U.S. military imperialism, there should no longer be any doubt.

The Empire's mask is being ripped off, and behind that mask of democracy lies greed, deception, and an army of terrorists. If nothing else, Assad is courageous, and has the overwhelming support of the Syrian people. From where I'm sitting, that's a lot more than can be said for either Trump or Netanyahu, and the evil Empire they represent.



It is staggering how blatant the actions of Israel and the US are. But then, who holds them to account ? Certainly not the complicit sycophantic mainstream media, or the weak minded flock that still subscribe to them. These aren't the terrorists you are looking for, and yes, you will go across the street to get me some orange sherbet.

And not the UN either... Yes, so blatant, almost as if it's intentional to see how obvious they can be about it before the masses wake up. At this point it seems like never for the people still plugged in to the Tell-LIE-Visions.

So sad, but I do feel like there's an awakening taking place around the world, but then on some days it doesn't seem to matter how many people are waking up b/c of how dumbed down the rest of the people are due to the incessant propaganda. If the MSM could just collapse, I feel the American people would see so clearly and put an end to this madness immediately.

Thanks so much for the support @cattledog, I appreciate it!

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