Israel Just Evacuated Hundreds of White Helmet Terrorists from Syria to Jordan!

in #news6 years ago (edited)

As Israel Evacuates Hundreds of White Helmet Terrorists and Family Members on Sunday, Corporate Media & Western Government Continues to Push Disinformation Campaign, Spout Pro-Terrorist Propaganda

As I reported in my most recent post, the U.S. coalition had made plans for an imminent evacuation of hundreds of White Helmet terrorists from southwest Syria into Israel, to later be relocated to the U.K., Germany, and Canada; and as I documented in the same post, there is ample proof that these self-proclaimed heroic rescue workers are simply Jihadi terrorists who don white helmets and produce staged anti-Assad and pro-terrorist propaganda material. The White Helmets act as the propaganda arm of the Jihadist terrorist groups FSA, ISIS, al-Nusra Front, and others. They have been caught on numerous occasions working with the terrorists, aiding and abetting violent acts of terror carried out by these Jihadists, and in one case a White Helmets member was even filmed be-heading a 12 year old Palestinian boy. These are the people Israeli military just helped evacuate out of Syria in the name of humanitarianism!

BBC reported that:

Some 422 volunteers and family members were taken to Jordan via the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights overnight.

If "volunteers" means being paid millions upon millions by the U.S. and U.K., and if this is referring to the willingness of the White Helmets to 'volunteer' to commit heinous acts of terror on behalf of Jihadists in Syria, and to stage chemical attacks to draw the U.S. into bombing Syria, then this statement can be seen as accurate.

The evacuees were reportedly first driven to the border of the Israeli occupied Golan Heights, before being escorted from there into Jordan by Israeli troops. Canada and the U.K. have reportedly entered into legally binding agreements with Jordan to re-settle the evacuees in their respective homelands within the next few months.

Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel assisted with the evacuation upon request by U.S. President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, and hailed the operation as "an important humanitarian gesture," saying, "These are people who have saved lives, and whose lives were in danger." As if Israel's top priority is truly saving lives...

Netanyahu tweet.png

If saving the lives of terrorists can somehow be considered a "humanitarian gesture," then I suppose this was such a gesture. Just like the act of giving medical care to hundreds, possibly thousands of wounded Jihadi fighters in Israeli hospitals in the past 7 years so that the Israeli-backed terrorists can continue waging their Jihad in Syria, is also considered "humanitarian".

Ironically, within hours of Netanyahu's tweet, in which he also promised that "we will not stop taking action in Syria," there were already reports of yet another Israeli airstrike on Syria...

At least the BBC article was kind enough to point out the blatant Israeli deception in regards to their 'non-intervention' interventionism in Syria:

Although Israel is not directly involved in the Syria conflict, the two countries have been in a state of war for decades.

Despite the intervention, the IDF said that "Israel continues to maintain a non-intervention policy regarding the Syrian conflict".

Now that's a blatant IDF lie if I ever saw one!

An Israeli Defense Force (IDF) spokesperson announced the completion of the evacuation, also touting "the transfer of the displaced Syrians through Israel" as "an exceptional humanitarian gesture."

IDF tweet 2.png

Not much could be further from the truth. These White Helmet members have been directly involved with and at times they themselves have carried out the most inhumane crimes and acts of terror imaginable, and now their rescue by Israel and Jordan is being lauded as an exceptional humanitarian gesture!

Where were these bleeding heart U.S, U.K, Canadian and Israeli 'humanitarians' in 2015 when a White Helmets member beheaded 12 year old Palestinian Abdulla Issa? And come to think of it, where were all those 'humanitarian' voices just 9 days ago when the U.S. bombed Syrian villages killing about two dozen women and children? Oh that's right, they were nowhere to be found, because only children allegedly killed by Assad's forces are in need of humanitarian assistance, while those being slaughtered and starved to death by U.S., U.K., and Israeli-backed terrorists (and U.S. sanctions & airstrikes) must be ignored to protect the sick agenda of the Zionist U.S. military Empire...

British MP Jeremy Hunt also champions the Israeli evacuation of these criminal terrorists, praising the White Helmets as "the bravest of the brave," calling the evacuation "at least one ray of hope." Yes indeed, at least one ray of hope for the U.S.-backed terrorists in Syria, and the Zionist agenda to topple the Assad government. But what about hope for the Syrian people who have endured 7 years of bitter war against these very terrorists, many mercilessly slaughtered by them, and thousands more held hostage for months before being liberated by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA)?

Jeremy Hunt MP tweet.png

Well, if the White Helmets are truly "the bravest of the brave" as you say, Mr. Hunt, then why did they come begging to be evacuated from Syria as the SAA closes in on this 'rebel'-held territory like the cowards they are? If they aren't liars, and are simply neutral humanitarian aid workers, then they have nothing to fear when the area is liberated by the SAA, but we all know they are far from neutral humanitarian aid workers...

We know they've armed themselves and participated in the fighting against Assad's forces, and the killing of SAA prisoners of war, and the be-heading of children. We know they are friendly with the same terrorists who use innocent civilian men, women and children as human shields when the SAA closes in on them. We know ISIS and al-Nusra Front leaders don't differentiate between the White Helmets and the Jihadists in the trenches on the front lines of the Jihad. So if they are the "bravest of the brave" as you say Mr. Hunt, then why don't they take up their arms and courageously fight the SAA to their deaths? Because they are cowardly puppets, actors, and liars, that's why...

Ben Nimmo of the Atlantic Council unsurprisingly also jumped to defend the White Helmet terrorists.

ben nimmo tweet.png

This "concerted smear and trolling campaign" Nimmo is referring to is simply the dissemination of the truth via photo and video evidence, as well as statements made by Jihadi terrorist leaders, that the White Helmets are in fact fellow Jihadist militants, with the rescue organization acting as a terrorist front as well as the propaganda arm for al-Nusra Front, ISIS and the FSA.

CNN joined the fray to help disseminate the pro-terrorist propaganda, with only two short paragraphs about the White Helmets as potential terrorists:

Both Syria and Russia consider the White Helmets a terrorist organization, a designation that the international community has rejected.

Syria's state-run news agency SANA reported on Sunday that Israel "smuggled" the White Helmets to Jordan, saying the volunteer group had links to terrorist groups including the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front.

Regarding Syria and Russia considering the White Helmets to be a terrorist organization, it's just wee bit intellectually dishonest to say this is "a designation that the international community has rejected." Hundreds, probably thousands of independent researchers, reporters, journalists, and independent media outlets around the world do not reject that label, and even people with more international prominence such as Roger Waters have now publicly called out the White Helmets for what they truly are - a western propaganda construct comprised of Jihadist terrorist fighters and supporters.

Is there no end to the western government and media madness??? Apparently not. Don't worry though - if you live in Canada or the U.K., a heroic White Helmet might just be soon moving in next to you. Good luck with all those 'brave rescue workers,' Canada and Great Britain - your new neighbor likely won't be a child be-header, but you never know...

White Helmets Jihadists.png



What is really interesting here is that the US & Europe had no capability to save the White Helmets themselves and asked Israel to do it for them.

Its becoming increasingly clear that the only countries with any real military power and capability in the region are Russia and Israel.
Europe is completely toothless and the US has lost its power projection capability to superior Russian AA/AD systems.

Thanks for doing what you're doing getting the truth out Jason. Upvoting and Resteeming.

And thank you for the support and encouragement Chris. I really appreciate it.

Excellent article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))

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