Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 05/05/18> Today is “Cinco de Shout Out”… and Mayo. Also my round #12 entry over at comedyopenmic…

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)

I like when things line up and I can just pick ‘em off like shooting rats in a barn at night with a pellet gun and a flash light. Man does that bring back some memories, but today isn’t about memories, it is about the here and now. Now being shout out Saturday and also Cinco de Mayo so I thought I would just combine the two into one Daily Dose instead of not doubling up and wasting your precious time and mine doing two posts.

I’ve got a stop at the local produce market planned for this morning, only one item on my list, limes. Yep, I have a few Modelo Especials in the fridge that are going to be sacrificed today and they requested limes to accompany them on their way out of this realm of existence. If you were with me earlier in the week you know that those Modelo’s played an important part in my youngest boy’s sixteenth birthday celebration where he referred to the taste as “skunk pee”, little does he know, it is an acquired taste.

As promised in last Saturday’s daily dose I will also be exposing some fellow @thesteemengine people who I am sponsoring into the @steembasicincome program today. I had said I was only going to do two sponsorship a week into that program because everyone knows that I am just a cheap bastard who is here for the money. Well that wasn’t exactly the truth, as I will be sponsoring five folks today, the other part of that is still debatable.

The main reason for sponsoring five from this one group at one time is because all of these folks are equally important to me personally and to the success that @thesteemengine has experienced thus far, so in my mind they all need recognition by me at one time. For those of you who are not familiar with @thesteemengine I have just one question for you, how long have you been living under that rock?

Briefly, yea me and briefly, let me say that @thesteemengine came about because some folks just don’t live up to what they say they will do or what they say they are about and that is a turn off. I’m not going to mention the name of the person who was leading the group that the @thesteemengine founders and myself broke off from to create @thesteemengine. I’ll just leave that as the Unmentionables for this daily dose. I also don’t want to misrepresent anything either, I wasn’t a founder of the group @thesteemengine , I was a charter member though, not sure what my number is but I would have to believe that I was among the first ten members of this fine group of people and talented writers. Why they let me in is truly a mystery that I can’t answer.

Here are my cinco compadres for today’s shout out and @steembasicincome sponsorship:

@ethandsmith , he is the fine young gentleman who discovered me early on here when I first showed up on steemit. He liked my “musings” , whatever the hell those are, but he is a great writer, organizer and young man. So if you are not familiar with Ethan you should get to know him. He is extremely talented in discovering useful tools and apps that can make your steemit and computer using experience more simple and enjoyable. He is the “Rail road baron” of @thesteemengine and we would not exist without the vision and leadership he brings to the group. I owe a lot to this guy, so thank you very much. He also does some great weekly recaps with his podcast, the Steem Engine Express.

@apanamamama is next on the list, she also is one of the main folks in our group and helped in the start up and continued success we are experiencing as our train steems along. She is also special because she is a native of Texas who just happened to flee the country and hide out in the jungles of Panama. Not sure why that is and it is none of your business or mine so don’t ask her, she is a fine person with a big heart, as big as Texas. When we get Texas back as an independent nation I’ll make sure that you are cleared to come back home. In the mean time just keep posting all the home school and home stead stuff, but if I keep pissing off the government here I may be your neighbor soon.

@enchantedspririt is next on my list and she doesn’t get enough credit from us members in my opinion. She is the lead curator for the group which means she has to read all the bull shit I write whether she wants too or not. I like having a captive audience; it gives me time to grow on people, kind of like a persistent fungus. When she has time she writes about astrological things which are interesting, so if you are into the moon, planets, stars and zodiac signs be sure and catch her writings. Thank you for all you do for @thesteemengine with curation and with the @theinbox . The “inbox” is
her own personal undertaking for those of you who don’t know, so if you end up in there be sure and throw a big up vote her way to show her some appreciation, even if you don’t end up in there, throw her a big one anyway. She does the curation work of @thesteemengine out of the goodness of heart; which is huge.

@catweasel is another that has made this list of mine and I’m not quite sure why that is, I haven’t even started on the Modelo’s yet so I can’t use that as an excuse. He claims to be a doctor and I might be inclined to believe that, my guess is that he is a proctologist, because some of his comments he makes to me seem like he has his head up his ass. Just kidding Cw, don’t get your fur in wad. He is a good guy who does his own curation trail called the Magnificent Seven, he claims he has a partner who helps him with it, but they remain nameless. Most all of my imaginary friends have names so if you need some help giving yours a name just hit me up. One thing I have learned from Cw is that he knows words mean things and he has proven it to me on more than one occasion. “Know new taxes” is what former President Bush said during his election campaign, preceded by “Read my lips”, and he promptly delivered on his promise by creating new taxes. Only a wise man or a good lip reader would have picked up on that, so I was left out. How do you read silent letters in lip reading?

@awakentolife is my final selection for this “Cinco de Shout Out Modelo Especial” edition with limes. He is an integral part of the workings of @thesteemengine , he is known in our little group as the “rail road cop”. He makes sure that you keep your ducks in a row when it comes to posting and commenting. He is also a professional basketball player who plays over in Italy. I don’t know that I have ever met a more positive young man in my life and I say that in all honesty. He comes from the war torn country of Croatia and he grew up dodging bombs and bullets, yet he posts the most inspiring motivational things. He is also quite the kook , I mean cook, and he shares plenty of his recipes with us and he isn’t afraid to tell you when he screws up either, like the time he was cooking lunch and fell asleep. That was some burned stuff in that pan, but he didn’t let it go to waste and that should tell you something right there about the kind of guy he is. Also it might tell you that the Italian basketball league players don’t make much money, but I don’t believe that to be the case, he appreciates everything in life, the good and the not so good and he just works to make things better for himself and everyone he comes in contact with.

The thing I despise about lists is that they appear to give some type of order or preference when they are written down and the truth of this list is that any of these folks could have been listed in any spot because they are all equally important to myself and our group. My list just happens to be in chronological order as to when I met them. I can’t stress enough how important these people are to @thesteemengine and myself, if you are reading this and are not familiar with @thesteemengine and these people then please come visit us and get to know the gang. Yes, we have some rules and qualifications, but seriously, they let me in.

I haven’t been given a title in our group, and that is fine with me because I don’t do anything special to contribute, so I might just be a “greedy bastard” or I may just be the hobo riding the rails of the rail road known as @thesteemengine.

If you have been listed by name in this daily dose you are invited to participate in @comedyopenmic challenge number 12 . Also your sponsorship has been paid by me for your @steembasicincome , enjoy.

Feliz de Cinco de Mayo ya’ll.

Until next time,

Photo Credits : All Photos Gifs Logos associated with @ethandsmith , @apanamamama , @enchantedspirit , @catweasel and @awakentolife belong to those individuals and are their exclusive property used under the fair use policy , so that you know what to look for when you go to check them out. "Translation: stolen from owners to use here"

All the beer and the salt n pepper packet photos belong to the author of the post, @sultnpapper "Translation : my shit"



Lol - I like your photo disclaimers at the bottom. Thanks for the sponsorship into SBI. I thought I was in that before, but doesn't look like I am. No idea! I always enjoy reading your posts! Next time we're in Texas, we're going to meet up with you! So glad we have a great group of engineers and passengers on @thesteemengine. :) It's my happy place.

You can be in SBI more than one piece; each sponsorship is like one share of stock from my understanding the more people that sponsor you the larger piece you receive in income like stock dividends would be.
Your are more than welcome, all you folks do a tremendous job for us passengers.
I try to dumb stuff down as much as I can so people don't have to strain their brain to understand , thus the translations for the photos.

:) I just looked and 4 months ago I had one share. Ha. Then I realized they've been upvoting my post with sbi2. I didn't realize who that was. Lol. I guess I just needed to look into it a bit. Ha!

Well good for you, I'm glad we had this come about, also for each person that I sponsor I also get a share, so I really am a greedy bastard,, ha ha ha .

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue #127 (5/7/18)

The STEEM Engine is an initiative dedicated to promoting meaningful engagement across Steemit. Find out more about us and join us today.

Thanks for bringing your passengers by for some comic relief and some serious appreciation as well.

The reason my head was up my arse was that I was looking for yours.

Thank you for shouting out to the five of us. You are lucky to have us. On the other hand, four fingers and a thumb.

"Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day." (Mark Twain). You are our live frog. You protect us from all the horrible things that may be out there.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Rivet, Rivet, Rivet ,,,,, Bud , Wise , Errrrrr. Rivet, Rivet, Rivet....

I have no idea what he's talking about half the time either.

Neither does he I'm pretty sure.

Budweiser is, of course, like sex in a canoe.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Really, tell us more on

Well, I don't know how to say this politely, so I'm going to do what I'm famous at. Blurt. If you need lime to get your beers washed down maybe you oughta find another beer. It seems you are fond of 'South of the Border' beers, so I'll suggest Tecate and Pacifico. Tecate brewery, located in the cleverly named town of Tecate is a beautiful place that I like to visit even though I don't drink. Nice grounds and lots of food vendors so a great place to lunch.

The SteemEngine. I don't even know what to say. You may not be certain, even though I am, why you are there. I can't for the life of me figure out why I am. I don't even provide much comedic relief. It's a real privilege to be able to hang out with you guys.

Cinco De Mayo is mostly an excuse to party in the US which isn't a necessarily bad thing. Also a good day to eat a Chili Verde Burrito which I think I will do. Happens that this one is also Kentucky Derby day. Wonder if anybody has thought to make a mint julep with some tequila in it? Just wonderin'

Thanks for a wonderful post and especially thanks for all you wonderful people at Steem Engine. It's a list I entirely agree with.

Blurt is a good form of communication, rarely can it be misunderstood and there is no waste of time tap dancing around.

I am fond of limes, I just use the beer to cut the acidic taste of the limes so the brand really doesn't matter when it comes to the beer. I used to make a bunch of trips to Mexico when I was with another company and I just got in the habit of having the lime since just about every place I visited there served the cerveza with a slice of lime stuck in the neck of the bottle. I was always aware to not drink the water or drinks with ice, so beer was all I would drink, even my coffee tasted like beer with lime. Well, that might been because it was just beer in coffee cup so it looked like I was drinking coffee early in the morning, when it really was that I was still deep into the previous night of partying.

The only brand of Mexican beer I won't drink is Dos XX Equies, and I loved the way it cut the acid taste in the limes, but they pissed me off when they fired the older guy who use to be their spokes person here in the USA, he and I share a similar facial appearance. Us old good looking guys need to have each others back when it comes to age discrimination.

We also have one of those cleverly named towns that the beer and the town share the same name, Shiner. Here in Texas we say, "There ain't nothin finer than a Shiner" and it is more a lie than the truth. I'm not a Shiner fan but I'm not a fan of Bock Beer and Shiner Bock is a big favorite of Bock beer drinkers here in Texas.

I am pretty certain why we are both with The Steem Engine so I'll go ahead and let the cat out of the bag.

They need us to be successful, we are the meat of the meal they are serving up over there. The group is all about engagement and we are two engaging SOB's. Just look at any of the comments we make on posts that we read and reply too. Sometimes our replies are longer than the post we are commenting on.

They are using us to teach these young millennial folks how to construct thoughts and sentences in social media. When Ethan first invited me to join the prior group we were members of he pretty much told me that in not so many words. Engagement my friend, that is why they keep us around there, engagement.

So you are very correct in saying "it's a real privilege" , but the privilege is their's not ours. They just want us to think it is the other way around.

Any excuse for a party is better than no excuse at all, that is the motto here in the USA. Even if we have to import the excuse from a foreign country along with their beer. I'm not a big chile verde fan, but occasionally I'll have a dish that is cooked with them. It is Derby Day and I forgot all about that, I would almost bet someone will be serving mint julep with a shot of tequila in it. "Look lady, the worm is part of the drink". Next.

Thank you for being a part of the group at the Steem Engine, it has been my pleasure to read your travel adventures and engage in conversation with you numerous times and that is what the group is all about.

I don't always blog, but when I do, I blog @thesteemengine, stay blogging my friend.

This comment is longer than some people's posts. I thought I was the one famous for that.

Not only is it longer, it makes more sense than some too, and you are famous as well for similar replies, and that is a good thing.


"How do you read silent letters in lip reading?" It's a nack.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Aren't you behind on your knaps?

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I agree with you on your selections for @steembasicincome :D! They're really giving lots of value to the platform and deserve it :)

No doubt in my mind they deserve it, I just wonder if any other members will step up and sponsor them as well? It only is one steem or sbd to sponsor a person so it shouldn't break anyone 's wallet to do so. It is a very easy way to say "thank you" and have the gift continue to give.

Thank you so much for this!! Every time I've cruised by your blog I've either been in a hell of a hurry -- or in the wrong account to reply. But your amazing generosity -- of character, and compliments and cash humbles me. Srsly. Not an easy thing to do. All of the people you've mentioned here are exceptional souls. And so are you. Proving once again -- it takes one to know one. I'm so proud that one of those I know is you.

I hang around good people and it rubs off, thanks for the kind reply.

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