Revisiting #Trudeaueulogy: Some of the Best political satire Ever!

in #comedy6 years ago

I was cleaning up my Hard drive a little after years of accumulated files and came across this .txt file that I had saved years ago and thought of sharing it. it was just a random collection of quotes that had some serious wit. If you don't know this already, I'm a massive sucker for wit and dark humor.

What is #Trudeaueulogy

It's one of those things like "indie movie/games". You mostly get it from the feels. I think it is a very dangerous ad cancerous form of thinking. It sure is funny when you hear it. But some people take these kind of statements seriously and that is tragic. I think the best way to prepare someone destructive memetics is to expose individuals (especially children) to these bizarre lines of thinking early on and pushing them to analyze and be critical to figure out the flaws and potential catastrophes of those ideologies.

Always remember that even broken clocks get it right twice each day. That is a fact. But if you rely on that clock to guide you; then it is just called madness.

  • Mr. Castro inspired generations of innovative boat makers.

  • Today we mourn Pablo Escobar. A Colombian committed to open trade, locally produced organic neckties, & prisoner rights.

  • Today we mourn Joseph Kony, who devoted his life to providing children with gainful employment.

  • As we mourn the death of Adolf Hitler, let us remember his unrivaled love of art and a passion for collecting it.

  • Kim Jong il will always be remembered fondly for his leadership and contributions on climate change.

  • As we mourn Emperor Caligula, let us always remember his steadfast devotion to Senate reform.

  • Mr. Stalin's greatest achievement was his eradication of obesity in the Ukraine through innovative agricultural reforms.

  • Despite his flaws, Jack the Ripper managed to become on of London´s main cultural icons.

  • Nero soaked Christians in oil and set them ablaze. But he also limited the need for lights and kept the religious warm.

  • Though a controversial figure Attila the Hun is best remembered for his love of horses and the products of civilization.

  • A controversial race, the Borg were known for their diverse and inclusive society.

  • Lee Harvey Oswald was a man who wasn't afraid of taking a shot at shaking up the head of the political elite.

  • Saruman, an inventor and humanist, modernized Rohan's economy. A multiculturalist, he improved relations with orcs.

  • It is with a heavy heart that we mourn the passing of Saddam Hussein. His advancements in chemical research live on.

  • Today we bid farewell to Genghis Khan, the former Mongolian leader best known for opening new trade routes to China.

  • While a controversial figure, John WIlkes Boothe will be remembered as a lover of the theatre.

  • If nothing else can be said for Hannibal Lecter, at least he had great taste in people.

  • While a controversial figure, Pol Pot kept a marvellous collection of human skull beer mugs.

  • Today we say goodbye to Mr. Mussolini, the former Italian prime minister best known for his competent train-management.

  • Today we mourn painter and animal rights activist, Adolf Hitler. His death also highlights the need for suicide awareness.

  • President Snow was a troubled leader, but one who knew the value of lasting entertainment for his districts.

  • I offer my condolences to the family of Genghis Khan, a controversial figure but also created a bond between East and West.

  • While a controversial figure, Mr. Gacy entertained many children at birthday parties.

  • Let us remember Sauron, whose leadership united the disparate peoples across the lands of Middle-earth in singular purpose.

  • While a controversial figure, General Tojo brought America into World War II and ultimately helped shorten the war.

  • Ramsay Bolton was a highly-driven son always eager to make a name for himself.

  • John Wilkes Booth was a brilliant revolutionary & actor who leapt to fame after his one shot performance.

  • Osama Bin Laden revolutionized the way we look at the uses of modern aircraft. He will be missed.

  • The Empire brought peace and order to the Galaxy, ended hunger on Alderaan, and put millions to work on beneficial public works projects.

  • While controversial, Darth Vader achieved great heights in space construction & played a formative role in his son's life.

  • Freddie loved the company of children & made sure the dreams of every child on Elm Street came true.

  • Today we mourn the loss of Norman Bates, a family man who was truly defined by his devotion to his mother.

  • With deep sadness and appreciation we honor Sauron, who sought to create a more unified world.

  • Today we celebrate the life of Nero. An avid artist, musician and part-time firefighter. The peak of Roman culture.

  • Today we remember Osama bin Laden, whose work cleared the way for the new Freedom Tower in Manhattan.

  • While controversial, Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada is recognized for renewing scientific interest in tertiary syphilis.

  • We mourn the death of Vlad the Impaler, who spearheaded initiatives which touched the hearts of millions.

  • While a controversial figure, Pol Pot will be fondly remembered as the creator of Skull Jenga .

  • While controversial, Sho'nuff will always be remembered as the meanest, the prettiest, and the baddest.

  • While controversial, Henry VIII loved all his wives equally, and was a purveyor of women's rights.

  • OJ Simpson's surprising and unappreciated devotion to cutlery carved new swaths in marital history.

  • Mao Zedong will be remembered as a cultural visionary who fought overpopulation by eliminating 6 million of his people.

  • While a controversial figure, Skeletor used his mystic powers to grow plants and open new gateways between dimensions.

  • While controversial, Hurricane Katrina revitalized construction in New Orleans.

  • The Ayatollah Khomeini was a fierce leader who nevertheless showed a keen interest in women's fashions.

  • Though a controversial leader, Saddam Hussein will be remembered for his brilliant taste in interior decorating, and his stimulating interactions with neighboring countries.

  • Jim Jones provided shelter and hydration to hundreds of Americans and for that, we will remember him fondly.

  • While a controversial figure, Enviromentalist Genghis Khan erased enough humans to remove 700m ton carbon the atmosphere.

  • Charles Manson taught us about family.

All insightful twisted jokes courtesy of random people on the internet.

Hope you guys had a great time. I think it is best to discuss things when the heat has died off a little. I don't see #Trudeaueulogy around anymore. So it's now mostly a part of history. People can be less biased and focus more on the logic of these things which is really great. So share around and think smart! Don't let a drop of silver lining make you go blind to a mountain of radioactive nuclear waste.

Images: 1 2 3

Mr. Stalin's greatest achievement was his eradication of obesity in the Ukraine through innovative agricultural reforms.

damn that's dark,more Trudeaueulogy please , controversial ,dark full of witt .I wouldn't say no to that . that joke of dzjengis khan being an environmentalist got me , while technically true but I don't that was his main objectove ;P

definitely worth of a resteem

while technically true but I don't that was his main objectove ;P

He just wanted to travel and see the world spreading love juice over the continents. I'm going to try few original jokes here:

  • While While a controversial figures, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein should be remembered for his valuable contributions to the #metoo movement.

  • Mass Immigration has helped the children of EU to have high quality sex education through practical means with multiple tutors taking care of each student at most occasions.

  • NSA is well know for paying enormous attention towards evaluating individual opinions.

  • USSA military has played a pivotal role in exploring how chemicals, fire burns and radiation affect human beings and the surrounding environment.

Phuhh what I nasty typo I have made ,

He just wanted to travel and see the world spreading love juice over the continents.
indeed a simple wonderer ,he is greatest joy was depopulation of some areas that didn't welcome his friends with hospitality that they deserved .
Mass Immigration has helped the children of EU to have high quality sex education through practical means with multiple tutors taking care of each student at most occasions.
Imagine if you drop this joke on a place that isn't ready for this kind of jokes .phuhh

first hand experience is always better they say.

lovely jokes ,
here a some of mine ,I can't guarantee they will be so good as those one above ,but let's give it a try

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm for a day.

Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life.
I need need to dig deep in my collection to find such jokes .

You could do a follow up joke and say that "To make sure that warmth sticks to them, consider using N-A-P-A-L-M"

  • Hannibal Lecter not only brought decentralization to the very flesh and bones of human beings, he also digested it.

Hannibal had at least the courtesy to let his vitcims know their going to be eaten ,in some rare occassion invite them the dinner .You know what was on the menu? one of the body parts of the victim.If you were in the shoes of the victim.It's hard reality to swallow where you in and the person in front of wouldn't have any diffuclties swallowing you .

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.

When julius ceaser encounterd gaul it was love at first sight , but it wasn't mutual .But has history told us it wasn't the end of the story but merely the begin.

The last 2 were just comedy gold. The first one didn't really work on me.
Good job :-)

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Had a good laugh at quality wit after long!!

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The CIA has been pivotal in helping Americans enlighten themsleves with selective plant based stimulants and can rightly be referred to as "Cocaine Import Agency" :)

Canada was extremely instrumental in ensuring South East Asian peace by covertly supplying both India and Pakistan with nuclear weapons.

As we mourn Emperor Caligula, let us always remember his steadfast devotion to Senate reform.

That one made me LOL

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