Let's talk Memes: The builder of Destiny and Civilizations and The Most Powerful Weapon known to Man

in #philosophy7 years ago

Think a lot and spend a lot of time in my head. Memes are a great way to grab someone's attention and say something. But memes are not just some pic with few funny words on it. Meme is short for Memetic just as Gene is short for Genetic. Memetics is defined as the study of information and culture based on an analogy with Darwinian evolution. Proponents describe memetics as an approach to evolutionary models of cultural information transfer. Memes closely resembles "Chinthana" which I've talked about here.

Memetics or "Chinthana" is bigger than you think. In fact "Chinthana" is what ends up making and unmaking the world. Ayn Rand became the greatest prophet of our times because she identified a certain pattern of "Chinthana" developing. Her writing just showed the end effects of it. When you understand the dominant Memetics of a society, you can predict the future of that society. Debt based money is doomed to fail and cryptocurrencies are destined to win. It's all in the fundamentals.

The ideas that are behind a society is what create the threads of its destiny. But it's not a for of Simplex communication where it just happen in a single direction only. As one of my favorite animes Heroic Age put it; We guide the stars as the stars guide us. It's a spiral of chicken & egg. As usual the mainstream is being very slow and retarded and they call Memetics a pseudoscience. Just because you can't lab test it doesn't mean it's not real. Not all things are empirical.

Memetics - Synthetic A Priori

  • analytic proposition: a proposition whose predicate concept is contained in its subject concept
  • synthetic proposition: a proposition whose predicate concept is not contained in its subject concept but related

A simple example for an analytic proposition would be Triangle. The term itself include the fact that it has 3 angles. The definitions of a triangle includes 3 sides just as a "husband" is both a married person and a male.

As for a synthetic proposition we could say that the sum of internal angles of a triangle is 180 degrees and the sum of external angles is 360 degrees. These truths are not included in the definition of the "Triangle". When I say economic activity is Human Action based on Human thinking, it's not included in the definition of what economics is. But through clear meticulous observation we can understand that there will be no economic activity without the human mind. (Algorithms and smart contracts are human made just like an engine of a car)

  • a priori proposition: a proposition whose justification does not rely upon experience. Moreover, the proposition can be validated by experience, but is not grounded in experience. Therefore, it is logically necessary.
  • a posteriori proposition: a proposition whose justification does rely upon experience. The proposition is validated by, and grounded in, experience. Therefore, it is logically contingent.

A posteriori proposition should be clear. It's empirical. It's built on top of experience. There is nothing metaphysical to it. If I say Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin in 2009 you need to verify that with experience. The knowledge cannot exist on its own.

On the other hand A is A and 2+2=4 period. No need to explain or experience. If I go for a more complex example, Bitcoin has been around for more than 8 years. It was available for use during the year. Nobody needs experience to to verify the claim because if Bitcoin has been around for more than 8 years, it was certainly available during the previous year. If a person is 25 years old, then that person is an adult. You don't need additional experience to verify that a 25 year old is an adult.

I've talked about how Economics is not an Empirical science and is a Synthetic A Priori. You are welcome to check it out.

Economists tend to be terrible at everything related to economy. In the root there are utterly wrong premises and unceasing attempts to try out what doesn't work. It's the same kind of people who dismiss free markets that dismiss things like memetics. It's not the establishment that gets into the great stuff first.

The man who created Word and wrote about Memes

Richard Reeves Brodie is a former Microsoft executive turned motivational speaker and professional poker-player. That's one of the best resumes you can find. I always carry a great respect for polymaths. He wrote a book named Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme. There is also Aaron Lynch who explored the notion that an idea which can influence human behavior may blindly evolve the capacity to influence its own prevalence in the human population by motivating its human hosts to engage in behavior that spreads the idea. His book was named Thought Contagion: How Belief Spreads Through Society.

Just as a virus which elicits sneezes from its human host is more likely to survive by passing from host to host than a similar but non-sneeze-provoking virus, Lynch hypothesized that an idea which stimulated its host to proselytize, e.g., "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Gospel of Matthew 28:19), would be more likely to survive and become popular than an idea which did not elicit such activity. He identified other mechanisms which might also increase an idea's market share and longevity, such as influencing the human host to produce more children than it otherwise would, to instruct one's children in the belief earlier and more rigorously than one otherwise might, to isolate or effectively immunize oneself or one's children from exposure to competing ideas, to actively impede the communications of nonbelievers, or to utilize mass communications media to spread the idea to people that the host would never personally meet.

Aaron Lynch was a mathematician and philosopher who worked for many years as an engineer at Fermilab which is a laboratory specializing in high-energy particle physics. Richard Reeves Brodie was the primary author of Microsoft Word and he wrote the original version of Notepad. They are both very intelligent people who noticed a truth about the world. They a significantly responsible for the foundation of memetics in its full modern incarnation.

This is only a beginning. The rabbit hole goes deeper and the same idea/concept has been explored by various people under various name. They are not all the same. Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, Patterning instinct, Memetics, "Chinthana"........ they are all pointing at the same thing. Personally I find Professor Nalin de Silva's works as the best interpretation as it puts the Mind/Consciousness of the individual at the center and work from that point. It's intuitive and hard to grasp but it's not mystic or overly shocking. It just makes sense as you go. Let me show you.

Above is an example of the conflict of Memetics. Each individual decide on their own. Even collectivists decide for themselves. There is no one central idea. But there is a net effect. The easiest way to illustrate this is an index fund. If we pick the gold mining sector, each different stock would perform on their own. But an index fund can track the net performance of the sector. S&P 500 is another example. There are excellent performers and terrible ones. But they all create a combined effect. Similar performers can be like their own "Chinthana". Stocks falling and precious metals rising is one example. These are patterns arising out of individual actions. That is why I talked about stars guiding us as we guide the stars. It's an inter-dependent phenomenon.It's like the senses and the perceptions.

Destiny isn't set in stone. It's set in patterns. So here is an idea. Think about the kind of patterns it would develop.


As Dawkins puts it in 'The Selfish Gene', genes, and memes, exist for their own sakes.

How do you reconcile that with the supposed free will of men?

I agree that free will exists, and that we are entitled to the fruit of our labor. Yet, we are taxed, by force, our labor is taken from us and used to pay for terrorists that use chlorine gas against children and babies.

Our minds are the playthings of memes, as our bodies are the whim of genes. Our world may be no more than a simulation, yet even if it is, we have freewill within it, though we be but preprogrammed routines.

Is my decision to act informed by knowledge of my creator's purpose and plans for me? No. Thus my decision is mine, and mine alone, though handed to me by some higher power.

We are not memes, nor are we genes. Our will forges us from those things, as we craft ourselves of our diet and education. There are those that say since the universe is deterministic, we cannot have freewill.

I disagree. The universe isn't deterministic at all, but rather probabilistic. We cannot determine if Schroedingers cat is dead or alive, or if it is in a box at all.

We must decide for ourselves.

Amazing piece of work. It reminds me a lot of the Stand Alone Complex series. A SAC could be something like memes effecting the society and individuals while on steroids.
Great stuff!

SAC just shows an extension/progression of some things that are already happening. Think about mass hysteria and events like this one: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5009691/Doctors-accused-vampires-attacked-Malawi.html

It sounds silly but entire mobs were zealous about it. and SAC is a more stable and improved version of that. With information echo-chambers and constant access to the net could lead to SAC phenomenons. That way GitS would be a prophetic anime.

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Very nice article @vimukthi. Upvoted from @chanthasam

I think I've never seen memes from such a broad perspective.

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