Trip to Montenegro VI - Dubrovnik, Croatia [EN/DE]

in #colourfulphotography6 years ago (edited)


This time I want to take you with us on our journey to Dubrovnik. Still located in Budva, Montenegro, we decided to take a bus to see Dubrovnik, Croatia. Since this was a drive of 200km and we also had plans to go out, we wanted to stay there over night. So we took a bus in the morning of june, the 22th which was fortunately driving most of the time along the scenic coastline.

Dieses Mal möchte ich euch mitnehmen auf unsere Reise nach Dubrovnik. Während unseres Aufenthalts in Budva, Montenegro, entschieden wir uns mit dem Bus nach Dubrovnik, Kroatien, zu fahren. Da das eine Fahrt von ungefähr 200km ist und wir am Abend auch ein wenig weggehen wollten, wollten wir über Nacht bleiben. Also nahmen wir am Morgen des 22. Juni den Bus, der zum Glück fast die ganze Zeit an der malerischen Küstenlinie entlangfuhr.

Leaving the bay of Kotor - maybe you can recognize the two little islands of Perast in the distance.

Wir verlassen die Bucht von Kotor - vielleicht könnt ihr die zwei kleinen Inseln von Perast in der Ferne erkennen.

We had to wait a while at the border, because they did lots of customs checks there. But finally, almost 3 hours after we started in the morning, we could see the mighty old town of Dubrovnik appearing at the sea.

An der Grenze mussten wir eine ganze Weile warten, da etliche Zollkontrollen durchgeführt wurden. Aber endlich, fast drei Stunden nachdem wir morgens gestartet waren, tauchte die mächte Altstadt von Dubrovnik am Meer auf.


First of all we needed a stay for the night. Back then you could find many cheap accommondations around the old town and after seeing some spooky private rooms, we decided to take a room a minute walk away from the old citywall. Later we found out, that it wasn´t our best idea. We could hardly sleep that night, because lots of party people were passing by and some strangers were arguing and fighting close to our window. Anyways - this was an awesome trip. The old town is full of ancient buildings, little towers, narrow streets, stairways, archways and red rooftops. I guess Dubrovnik is more crowded today, since there were only two seasons of Game of thrones back then in 2012. The hardcore fans of you might know, that many scenes were recorded there - Dubrovnik is the filming location of King´s Landing, the Lovrijenac fortress on the title photo is the Red Keep and I´ll also show pictures of the inside of the Red Keep later. But first we started with lunch in one of the countless narrow streets. After that we explored the little harbour. Then we walked the city wall all around the old town. It was incredibly hot, but so beautiful...

Zuerst brauchten wir eine Unterkunft für die Nacht. Damals konnte man noch viele günstige Unterkünfte um die Altstadt herum finden. Nachdem wir uns einige etwas gruselige Privaträume angeschaut hatten, entschieden wir uns für eine Unterkunft eine Gehminute von der Altstadt entfernt. Später bemerkten wir, dass das nicht die allerbeste Idee war. Wir haben in dieser Nacht kaum ein Auge zugemacht, da das ganze Partyvolk an unserem Fenster vorbeilief und wir auch Fremde heftig miteinander streiten hörten - direkt an unserem Fenster. Dennoch war es ein Hammer Ausflug. Die Altstadt ist voller altertümlicher Gebäude, kleinen Türmen, schmalen Gassen, Treppen, Bogengängen und roter Dächer. Ich denke, dass Dubrovnik heutzutage überlaufener ist, denn damals in 2012 gab es erst zwei Staffeln Game of Thrones. Die Hardcore Fans unter euch wissen wahrscheinlich, dass viele Szenen dort gedreht wurden - Dubrovnik ist der Drehort für King´s Landing, die Lovrijenac Festung auf dem Titelbild dieses Posts ist der Rote Bergfried und ich werde euch später auch noch Bilder von innen zeigen. Gestartet haben wir mit einem Mittagessen in einer der zahllosen Gässchen. Danach haben wir den kleinen Hafen erkundschaftet. Und dann sind wir auf der Stadtmauer einmal um die gesamte Altstadt gelaufen. Es war unbeschreiblich heiß, aber wunderschön...










A wedding couple getting on their way | Ein Hochzeitspaar macht sich auf den Weg

A cat doesn´t care | Einer Katze ist das völlig egal

You might think there are lots of dirty black spots on my photos. But believe me, it´s no dirt.
This city seems actually to be owned by birds, especially swallows.

Ihr denkt wahrscheinlich, dass da einige schwarze Schmutzflecken auf meinen Bildern sind. Aber glaubt mir, das ist kein Schmutz. Die Stadt scheint eigentlich in Besitz von Vögeln zu sein - hauptsächlich Schwalben.




In the evening we went to an Irish Pub to eat burger and watch soccer. The next day we explored the area north of the old town, including a little bay, perfect for swimming and to start kayak tours, the fortress of Lovrijenac and the Gradac park.

Am Abend gingen wir in ein Irish Pub, aßen dort Burger und schauten Fußball. Am nächsten Tag erkundeten wir die Gegend nördlich der Altstadt. Dort fanden wir eine kleine Bucht - perfekt zum Schwimmen und um Kajak-Touren zu starten, die Festung Lovrijenac und den Park Gradac.





Lovrijenac - can you see the swallows flying in there? | Lovrijenac - könnt ihr die Schwalben fliegen sehen?

Swallows again! | Wieder Schwalben!

After this walk we made another extraordinary experience - about that I´ll tell you in the next post, which is going to be the last one from this vacation...

Nach dieser Wanderung haben wir noch eine weiter, außergewöhnliche Erfahrung gemacht - darüber werde ich in meinem nächsten Post berichten, der auch der letzte Post dieser Reise sein wird...


All pictures taken by | Alle Fotos wurden aufgenommen von


Thanks for reading! | Danke für´s Lesen!

Trip to Montenegro I - Budva [EN/DE]
Trip to Montenegro II - Kotor [EN/DE]
Trip to Montenegro III - Perast [EN/DE]
Trip to Montenegro IV - Durmitor Nationalpark [EN/DE]
Trip to Montenegro V - Shkodra, Albania [EN/DE]

Coffee & Creatures Exhibition comes to an end | Meine Ausstellung geht zu Ende [EN/DE]


Meine Güte, ich komme ja gar nicht hinterher mit dem Gucken!!!! Und dann auch noch jeder einzelne Artikel gespickt mit so vielen Fotos, dass ich die einzelnen gar nicht richtig würdigen kann ;-) Und auch noch viele Infos, die - Gott @patschwork sei Dank äußerst amüsant serviert werden. Sehe sehr schön!

Danke dir, liebe @kadna!! Ach ja, ich bin mir grade auch nicht sicher, ob´s nicht zu viel auf einmal ist. Und ich hab mich bei der Auswahl schon schwer eingeschränkt. Aber bevor die Bilder auf der Platte vergammeln :)

Aber bevor die Bilder auf der Platte vergammeln :) ...

... machst du halt ein paar mehr Artikel draus ;-) Kannst dir (und uns) ja Zeit lassen.

The photographs you took of Dubrovnik look spectacular. The color of the water is so refreshing, I think the temperature was suitable for a swim in those waters. I love the first picture, I like to look at landscapes of that type. The bush of the final photograph seems to me to be a trinitarian tree, or that is what we call it in Venezuela. I hope you have more holidays like this one.

Thanks a lot, the water was very warm and nice for swimming indeed. Unfortunately I can't tell you the name of the tree or what it's called in English, sorry!

Thank you for these beautiful trip to Dubrovnik, I have heard the name so many times and every year more and more my friends and colleagues planning their holiday towards Croatia because of the distant that is easy to reach with car and the beauty of sea side as well as service and the city center too. You have captured the beautiful architecture of old city and that is something that makes tourists interested to visit it. Great quality of pictures and artistic images, like the sleeping cat :)

Thank you so much! Yes I guess it's getting more and more popular...

Howdy from Texas patschwork! wow that must have been a great trip, I love the scenery and the look of Dubrovnik. Is that the original wall built to protect the city from invaders that is in many of the photos? The city looks so historic and interesting.
This is an interesting post with so many great shots, well done!

Thanks a lot, @janton. Yes, I guess all these old buildings are original. Howdy :)

howdy patschwork! thanks and keep up the good work!

Croatia is a spectacular country in many ways, it is beautiful, Your photographs, they left me breathless are SPECTACULAR, the sea, the houses, the birds, even the cat that is sleeping, everything you captured was wonderful ... A big hug @patschwork

Thank you ♥

Oh wooow haha soo many familiar places on the pictures. We used to travel to Dubrovnik for summer vacation when I was younger. We went like 4 times I guess. Sadly, Game of Thrones was probably just a book back then (no idea when was it written) sooo I couldnt enjoy the places with having Jon Snow in mind haha :D

And the photography work of yours is amazing. I had to change my favorite pic like 3 times and then decided that it doesn't make sense to choose one. I love the lantern. Or the birds. Also the picture through the window or the fortification...all absolutely stunning. I've started to read in German but then changed to English as I'm back home in Slovakia now and enjoying my break from speaking german ahaha :D

Haha I'm glad I could bring back your childhood memories!
At least you could have tried to write your answer in German :P did you spend some time in Germany lately?

Germany nope but I study in Innsbruck soo yeah, I gotta talk German daily. altho this tirolean dialect is quite far for being proper "Hochdeutsch" :D

Excellent article, as always. Thanks for all the lovely photos, too. Looks like you were really lucky with the weather. 😃

Thanks a lot, @trincowski! Well, I also would have felt lucky, if there were heavy clouds :P Would have been even more epic.

As i told you i went in Croatia this summer, Dubrovnik it' s really a cool place. I like your photos and description, about the cat, i see a lot of cats in Croatia and it was very nice. I resteem your post, i like your photos so much!

Thank you so much! Yeah, it´s really cool, I wonder how crowded it was this summer?

ohh wow very beautiful view i love , is amazing travel and shot have great day

Thank you :)

Hello @patschwork , very nice your visit to Dubrovnik, nice locality.

I like very much the way of narrating through images your stay in the sites. open frames and panoramic views up to closed planes of the narrow streets.

i love the imposing view towards the sea. it looks more beautiful through your photos than in the shootings of Game of Thrones. i'm not playing. if the place lends itself to taking excellent photos due to its architecture. the producers of the series were not wrong to choose this as one of the locations for filming.

it would be lovely to travel, it is noticeably peaceful even though at night there is a little action by the local drunks XD.

Thank you for sharing these beautiful views.

greetings, peace and love

Wow thanks for the compliment and the kind words. Greetings, love and ☮ back to you

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