ColorChallenge: SaturdayIndigo - "Sympiosis" [7MinuteFreeWrite]

in #colorchallenge7 years ago


This is Part Five of my Steemit-exclusive, ColorChallenge-inspired, FreeWrite story series. No edits, no going beyond the designated time. I know that this wasn't quite what you expected, I feel you. But, just this and one more before the story is finished.

Part Seven >> (Coming tomorrow)
<< Part Five


Their surrounding moved like a blur, but the whole world stopped for the four of them. The tension had never been more palpable than that moment. If it were up to XJ-1920, all of time itself would've folded where they stood. She couldn't breathe, yet she took in more breaths than her heartbeats. The air around them became thick, as if it was unhinged from reality.

DS-1962 was fuming, but he didn't want to cause a scene, especially not when his daughter was around. He had just picked her up from school and they were now headed to the amusement park. It was supposed to be a fun day. But, seeing his ex-wife certainly dampened it for him. He wanted to yell at her, and her companion, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. Instead, he gritted his teeth and held onto his daughter tightly.

    "Mommy!" DX-3002 greeted, cutting through the tension. "Daddy, it's mommy!"

    "Hi, baby," she answered, crouching down to give her daughter a hug. "Where are you and daddy off to?"

    "We're going to the amusement park! Why don't you and your friend join us?"

    "DX," DS-1962 interrupted. "Mommy and her … friend can't join us. They have a busy day ahead."

    "Actually," VI-0818 interjected. "We'd love to join you! Hi! You must DX-3002. I've heard so many nice things about you. You're just as beautiful as your mommy described. My name's VI."

VI-0818 extended her hand, to which DX-3002 gladly accepted with a smile. DS-1962 cringed, and tried to pull her daughter back. XJ-1920 grabbed his hand, and wrapped his arms around hers.

    "It's not what you think," XJ-1920 whispered, as soon as VI-0818 and DX-3002 was beyond earshot. "She's not … y'know."

    "Then why did it seem like you two were about to shove your tongues down each other's throats?"

    "No, it's … She's just playing. I … She's the nurse that took care of me. Just look at her. Is she being flagged as a deviant?"

    "I think I … Yeah, I guess I recognize her."

    "Can we talk?"

    "We are talking."

    "No, I mean talk talk."

DS-1962 nodded begrudgingly, but still couldn't bear to look at her. He still loved her, but he wanted to wring her neck for what she did. However, he wasn't as angry with her. Not like before. Her constant visitation did soften him up a bit, even though he didn't want to admit it.

    "Hey, VI!" she shouted. The people that passed them shot violent glances at her, but she didn't care all that much anymore. "Would you mind going on ahead? We'll catch up."

    "Can't we just—"

    "You know that I won't be able to enter the amusement park."

The pair sat on the first available bench they came across. She tried to explain her side as quickly as she can, in case he decided to run off again. At first, the explanation was met with anger, then sadness, and finally, a reluctant acceptance. He realized he won't be able to change her back, at least not to the woman he loved. She reiterated that she was the same person, and that she didn't love him any less, she just realized that she wasn't who she thought she was.

The discussion went from minutes to hours, the sentiment shuffled through every emotion in the spectrum. Things wouldn't be able to go back to what it once was, and their only course of action is to move forward. Such is the nature of time. And, as they say, it has the power to heal all wounds. In time, his hurt shall pass, and with it the sting of her betrayal. She felt remorse for what she had done, and she understood if he would never be able to fully forgive her. He did, however, finally understood where she was coming from.

A gentle breeze swept through the park. The former lovers, who still loved each other, capped their discussion off with a hug. Tears were shed, but nobody bled. In that moment, the flag that labeled XJ-1920 as a sexual deviant had lost all meaning, at least for DS-1962.

Part Seven >> (Coming tomorrow)
<< Part Five

The #ColorChallenge was initiated by @kalemandra, and #FreeWrite was initiated by @improv.

Got a spare witness vote?

Vote for lukestokes.mhth for the betterment of Steemit! ;D


Absolutely incredible stuff, @jedau! You are seeing things through the eyes of different characters and giving each one their own personal reasons for their actions. Multiple-layered writing skills or what!!?? I even find myself empathising with the husband as before he came across as a straight up stubborn-headed villain in this story.

Man, you are so talented, I hope you recognize that! I'm so impressed and that's coming straight from the heart, my bro! Now, on to the final part...

Pure excellence! :)

OH MAN! This is huge! That's exactly what I wanted you to feel. From the title, it's a combination of 'sympathy' and 'symbiosis', and from the color Indigo, as you might've already found out in the POT O' GOLD, I wanted to convey compassion. So wow! Woohoo! Patting myself in the back for sure!

Everyone has their faults, and this is the chapter where I wanted everyone to be a solid gray area. Well, except for VI and XD, but at least 50% of the main cast! Haha!

I don't think I will ever recognize that, but that's why I have people like you to uplift me. It's funny, people always use the support of other people to "keep them grounded" but since I ground myself, the support of others "keep me uplifted" haha! Your words mean a lot, brother! Truly! No words would ever do justice for the appreciation I feel :D

This is awe-inspiring.

You've got my attention.

You're so creative!

This is incredible!

You're a genius!

This is top-notch!

I love this!

This is pure genius!

Yay I was having a hard time working out whether DS-1962 was a dick or just ignorant XD

Nice that they managed to come to an understanding. And did they ever catch up with VI and DX?

Hmmm we'll see! The next chapter holds the answer to your question, mate. Or does it? Hmmm :)

I really wanted to make the character as gray as possible. While he may have come off as abrasive, DS is really the aggrieved party. I like how everyone's rooting for XJ, but she had faults as well. All in all, mission accomplished for me on the character end :D

Thanks for continually reading through this, my friend! I appreciate it :D

So he has a heart after all. Your story is still moving along, it hasn't fallen off the rails yet. Logically it should, given your restrictions. Is is just me or are the time limits reducing. If this exercise goes on too much longer you'll have seconds to complete an episode. Good luck with that :)

The time limits are reducing ;) Great of you to notice it haha! It's 30 minutes for the first, halved for the second, then reducing 2 minutes with every part. Really though, I don't know why I subject myself to such challenges haha

From the title, I wanted to play with 'symbiosis' and sympathy. Once you read the culmination post, you'll have a greater view why. I'm glad it hasn't fallen off the rails. I hope I stick the landing with the last part! Thanks for your undying support, mate! :D

So tomorrow is a five minuter? Ooft what a challenge. I am starting to imagine where this could go, sort of redemption styley but could be well wrong. I await as ever dude on your magical penmanship!!

That's the plan, Stan! ;) What a week it's been! So eventful and yet it doesn't feel like anything happened at all. It's weird, really. Like a haze came over me. I was much more locked in with the Singapore series, but I'm equally proud of what this one has accomplished. I thank you for being with me all the way through this, I couldn't imagine riding the rainbow without you, dude!

The ending that I have just scheduled to post hmm I'd like to think no one would expect it, but I have been wrong about it quite a few times now. Still trying to surprise people with something different to keep all of your on your toes. ON YOUR TOES!! I appreciate you taking the time to view these after having your weekly beers. Must be an experience!!

What better time to read a tale and catch up on my steeming properly is after a few beers!

I am looking forward to seeing the finale, when did you schedule it for? I don't like to miss em!

The thrill is in the suspense of waiting for them haha! But seriously though, I tried scheduling them based on the times where most of the votes roll in during their respective days. It was an interesting experiment for sure, if anything I had hoped it would help getting a new reader or twenty. The running conclusion? It did not help me one bit hahaha! So much for science!

I have found that scheduling at certain times doesnt seem to work. Its good and bad. I like it though that when you worry that scheduling outwith your normal time might lead to less. Then it turns out it doesnt!

Haha! Yeah, it's a great realization to have. It feels like a life realization as well. When you're following others and trying to do what they do, but you don't achieve the same results. Turns out, you thrive more are your own pace yeehaw!

We are always quick to put labels on things, and what is unfortunate is that labels are hard to remove. Did you want understand instead of understood in the second to last paragraph?

Yes, you're on point there, man! Great sentiment. Hmm I don't think so, but I never really got to edit this one, given the 7-minute restriction. I didn't want to go back and edit after the allotted time. I'm often to caught up in nitpicking things, that it's rare I just leave something so raw. I think that's what's different about this series from most of my writing.

Thanks for taking the time to read, man. I appreciate you being caught up with the series and for sharing your thoughts all the way! I have just scheduled the last installment to post a few hours from now. I hope the ending doesn't disappoint :S

Playing with colors and words at the same time, appears a great idea here.

Exactly! I really hope it translated well. I found it interesting to combine the concepts, and it was a really challenge for sure. Thanks for stopping by to read, I hope you get a chance to catch up with the previous parts. It's not that long to read, not like my other writings.

It is good to read that love is not at all lost, always has a chance, thank you dear friend @jedau for another wonderful chapter.
you have a good night.

Whenever people try, love will always win in the end. It's always comforting knowing that. Thanks for reading, my friend! I hope you enjoy how this story resolves.

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