漫威英雄总部 Marvel Universe 【你心中的英雄是什么样的?】

in #cn7 years ago

Not really a super fan of the Marvel,but I do love heros, the Marvel stories are all about how the superheros save the world,save the universe. I watched some of their films before,you will feel the exquisite effect wear 3D glasses,and during the whole film,you will never feel tired, because there's funny moments. Speak of the superheros, what's your hero looks like in real life? Sometimes I will ask myself ( @herlife)

我算不上是个真正漫威的铁杆粉,但是我也喜欢英雄,漫威的电影都是关于一些超级英雄如何拯救世界,如何拯救宇宙的。 看过其中的一些电影,效果拍的很好,而且在电影过程中都会穿插一些搞笑点,整个观影过程还是蛮轻松的。说到超级英雄,不禁想问,大家生活中的英雄是什么样子的呢? 有时候我也会这样问自己( @herlife).




As I mentioned before,I had a small trip to the DisneyLand in Shanghai, and I prepared a lot, if you are interested, you can click here. Today, I'm going to share you the Marvel superheros in my eyes. Here you can feel the superheros in no distance, and know how they are being created. Even though it is not too big, but you can know a lot, and also you can take photos with the Spiderman and the Captain. You can also enjoy the game baout being the Iron Man, of course you need to wait in a long line.




When I arrived at there,the line for taking photos together with the Caption is not too long, so I stand in that line and the actor is very kind, he taught me how to make poses.



After taking photos with the Captain,I went to the part of the Iron Man,where displayed different armors in different period.




This time, I do not have the chance to take photos with the Spiderman, because there were too many people. But I heard a visitor said when she walked in, she was frightened by the Spiderman since he pretend to be a "wooden man" and he moved all of a sudden. Is that funny?


回归我们的标题,你心中的英雄是什么样的? 美国队长是典型的倔脾气,性格内向,保守,但坚持自己的原则,永远的老好人。而钢铁侠呢,恰恰相反,性格外向,热情张扬,走到哪儿都是焦点,爱出风头。这两者你喜欢哪一个呢? 给我留言吧!

Alright, what's your heros look like in your mind? The Captain is typically stubborn, conservative,introvert, but he always insists his principle and being a good man. In another hand, Iron Man is totally different, he is really outgoing,enthusiasm and being public always, and he will be the focus no matter where he is. The Captain or the Iron Man, which will you choose? Leave me a message.

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感谢您一直以来对 @herlife 的支持!

Pls follow, upvote & reply @herlife, Thank you!

厚脸皮拉个票: @rivalhw 的"月旦评" 活动,劳烦大家动动手指头啦,点击这里留言: 910 和 922,谢谢!

I took part in a contest, and need your support now, pls visit here, and reply"No.910 & No.922" , thank you so much!



哇塞,我的钢铁侠~ 太帅了!


钢铁侠啊啊啊啊,我本命,嘤嘤嘤~~~ !!!


是的 很酷,要不要帮我投个票啊,910和922. 谢谢~
这里留言910 922



然而我喜欢蝙蝠侠.... 哈哈哈






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