in #tinyhomes6 years ago


Before we begin checkout a post I did on tiny homes many months ago. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Tiny Homes, Agenda2030 and Climate change: What's the connection?

Caught up? Great! Now to analyze this article by the toxic news outlet ‘the star’.

I’m sure the city is, after all they have an agenda they have to abide by. Much transformation for the city yet to come.

For an idea of what it will look like. Just watch the vision for “Planned-Opolis”


So 30 square meters equals to 322.91731 Square Feet in floor area. And people want to go smaller than that? LoL


Aww they are worried your little toeses might get cold. No, they just want to get those wheels off so you can’t wheel your ass out of the city when you realize what’s really going down. They wanna do keep those tiny homes planted.

Did you read that? The F word...Family. See they don’t those anymore. They want cluster of tiny sheds with no room for families. I’m talking children, I don’t buy it’s a family when a couple is together without kids. Don’t call them a family! They ain’t a family! But, I digress. Attitudes are being changed, people are not having families anymore.

In Canada our birthrate is far below what is needed to sustain the population. The government covers up this fact by mass migrating illegal migrants into the country. In fact let me you show you what our immigration minister (an immigrant himself) said about our future population growth.


Did you read that? 100%! That means no one is having babies? How could this be possible? You see that sentence, there’s really no other way to take those words.

How is that going to be possible? Well tiny housing is one small way (excuse the pun). Too small to fit a family really. However, that’s just one of many ways to bring about the end of human reproduction. I don’t want to get into all the ways these things are happening right now. I have written about it before and I have more stuff coming soon on that topic.

Oh did you read that!? “Walk the walk” This asshole is laying on the guilt thick. He’s living in a shed, he’s walking the walk and dishing out smack talk. lol Buddy, you ain’t doing a thing besides living in your own coffin. I’ve been watching media twist people’s minds for the last few years. Tiny homes, minimalism, bicycles, public transportation. All these things connect, it’s all being used to program you into what I call “Great Depression mentality”. They got people thinking that less is more when in reality less is less and it will never be more.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not for consumerism, which is the other side of the spectrum. Consumerism is something they’ve pushed for a long time. I’m just of position that it’s okay to have things (not in excess). I like o be able to buy a new laundry basket when my old one breaks and it’s not an easy fix.

Okay, the reason I used laundry basket for my example is because I saw a comment by a Steemit user ( I wish I would have taken a screenshot). They were talking about how close they were to bring zero waste. They mentioned how their laundry basket had only one handle but they will keep using it or whatever. I was just reading it and thinking, omg what year is this? Do you honestly think your laundry basket struggles are doing shit for the environment?

lol please! Any major pollution is caused by corporations. Even so, anthropogenic climate change has never been proven. (You are being played) I mean maybe if you’re someone buying bananas individually wrapped in plastic from the grocery store. You might deserve a good shake for being a tool. But, otherwise you are not the problem. Let me repeat that,


Do we need to do better with our waste? Of course! I personally compost all my scraps. I only put a couple of grocery bags worth of non-recyclables waste (mostly diapers). Composting is fun and who doesn’t want to make their own fertilizer? But I digress.

“Walk the walk” I am walking the walk. I’m doing what biological purpose demands. I started a family, had two children. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦😱

I know how much they hate that!

Great place you got there! Lmao! Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

Look, I’m not one for a ‘McMansion’. I just want so space to move around, a place so my kids run around a play when it’s too cold to play outside. I want what every middle class family ought to have. A nice house, with a great big back yard so I can grow food and still have room for the kids to run and play. I want a car to get around, because after all it’s still the best way most efficient way to get to where you want to go. Even the owner of lyft admits to in an interview where he talks about giving lyft credits to anyone who will give up their car lol. How’s that for hypocrisy? But, I digress.

let me just finish here by saying that I don’t think tiny homes are bad. They are in themselves harmless and a great project for teaching your kids valuable building skills. They could serve as a solution for homelessness. But pushing them on the average job as a ‘sustainable’ way, is UN Agenda 2030 programming.

Think back to the Great Depression for a minute. IMO It was a social experiment to see how people would react. Time has gone by, they’ve learned new ways to manipulate, and it’s my personal belief that they are planning for another ‘great depression’ only this time people have learned to think that they are better off for having nothing, they will think that they are better off for having no kids, living inside your house that could double as your coffin. Of course many will be depressed by all the changes. But haven’t you noticed the constant discussion around depression for the last decade? How nearly every rich, successful celebrity actor has a story to tell about their depression. (Why would anyone ever believe what an actor aka professional liar has to say anyway?) well it’s because they are working to normalize mental illness.

Look, all I’m trying to say is be careful. We’re living in a world run by psychopaths. Very cunning, very calculated psychopaths. That will use whatever they can to manipulate the masses in order to achieve their goal of a total control of the world.

Thanks for reading.


Yes people don't really seem to grasp the fact that mass migration is not about lifting the migrants up, but about pulling us all down into a feudal technocracy! Whilst we fight amongst each other they are building it! On another note, I'm seeing more and more comments from people that are literally salivating over a future world where all humans have died out .. because us humans are disgusting you know, a cancer upon the planet. Not us humans you idiots! How about looking at the ones who created a system we had zero choice about being born into, how about looking at the ones that are raping an pillaging the planet and then attaching the guilt onto the populace?

Have you seen these? They are totally awesome dude!! Really sleek and stylish and the low carbon footprint is like .. wow!! The youth are gonna love these little beauties.

Wow, some people’s kids. Some ants just can’t look up that high I suppose. No clue about the people that looking down at us with such contempt.

No! Lmao! That’s incredible! They must be laughing their asses off on how dumb people have become. How easily convinced that less is more, up is down and so. It’s a total joke of a society we live in.

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