Sustainable Mind Control: Destroying local climate propaganda.

in #climatechange6 years ago (edited)


source of unaltered photo

When I saw this article it made my temperature rise. This is straight up propaganda that needs to be torn apart! But before I do, the article link here

First off this is only a forecast and has since been lowered.

Inconsistency among the forecasts.

Secondly: "the highest the city has seen since July 22, 2006, when it reached 35.1 C". That's 12 years ago! lol. Weather is not climate and this is a nothing burger.

Bullshit! At peak summer its an easy 30. Beside it's not uncommon to have a hot ass day or two (if it even gets to 36c). I feel like people have friggin amnesia, when it comes to summer. They listen to the msm's propaganda and that's what they will remember about it. They won't remember what the actual logged temperature really was for that day. Just pisses me off!

He admits there's a logical explanation for the heat wave, but no! no! Lets make this about climate change.

Oh wait? This worldwide trend you talk about. Has it anything to do with the data set adjustments where they lower the recorded temperatures of the past. Making the present look warmer, would it?

There's a smokescreen alright, and it's called climate change.

"Three themes are emerging from the newly released emails: (1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions; (2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause” rather than a balanced scientific inquiry and (3) many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts and data." - source

No reference to 2030? You got that 33 though👌🏼.

I know why you say 2040 though. It's because of your agenda 21 sustainable development plan (a future post coming) for the city. I'm just happy I'll be long gone from this city before then.

Ahhh, so it's not really a global warming thing. It's more like an urban design issue with the city. The concrete jungle is holding in the heat and making it feel hotter than it would if we had more green canopies in our urban sprawl. Lmao. You see how they say it right to your face. Yet, most people only read headlines and that's how they program people.


What is the average global temperature? By: @corbettreport

The climate control knob

Proselytizing The Global Warming Religion

UPDATE: Well, it never did get to 36 today. But that's not what people will remember.. IMG_3709.PNG

Thanks for reading please check out some more related links

Tiny Homes, Agenda2030 and Climate change: What's the connection?

Failed 'Global Warming' predictions: Agenda-Based fear porn or just poor science?

Where humanity first caused lasting environmental change : Article Analysis


It sickens me watching it all unfold. So many years ago I was talking to people telling them it's all for a new tax, now we have the carbon tax, but something tells me they're not done milking this cow yet!

They are surly not done yet. They still have a lot terraforming and infrastructure to build in order to meet their 2030 agenda megacity smart grids. Greener urban sprawls, urban sustainable farms to draw everyone they can out of the country side.

I think climate gate says it all, hopefully these Globalist scumbags die off and let people be, strangely enough, St.Louis has had very cool summers, the weather is definitely off, but most likely from their manipulation

I suppose even atheists need a place for their faith. This seems ro the trick, helps them feel moral through dogmas, get them tithing, has prophets and priests and even a doomsday. Good times, one day they may get over themselves, probably when al gore doesn't come to absolve them at the end.

I am an atheist, I'm just not a dumbass lol

I should say that as a Christian what I was saying was super mild and very nice in comparison to what I deal with, not trying to pick on anyone in particular, just not very good at this Jesus stuff lol.

You have to admit though, this ideology has gone past mere theory to some people and has become an obsession for the zealots who believe in it.

Yes, I do believe it has become s dogmatic religion.

That's always for the best.

  • The five warmest years in the global record have all come in the 2010s
  • The 10 warmest years on record have all come since 1998
  • The 20 warmest years on record have all come since 1995

Ignoring climate change = priceless

Major revisions upward after 1998 funny huh?

Going to watch that video tomorrow and respond afterwards ;)

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