Climate Change(ing) Beer supply/prices in the future...maybe.

in #news6 years ago


Pay attention to the title because the next line is priceless.


Lmao well wtf? You mean this could potentially happen, and not that it is happening, like the title of this article suggested? So this is all just more bullshit really? Yet another excuse to program the goyim with more of the climate change narrative. That’s all this is folks! More programming to keep you under their fear based control. Because no matter what you do CLIMATE CHANGE! Even when something happens that runs counter to the narrative, flip that it’s CLIMATE CHANGE! Drought and floods in the same sentence? CLIMATE CHANGE! More hurricanes one year, less the next CLIMATE CHANGE! A hot day in summer CLIMATE CHANGE! And it just goes on and on.


You have to ask yourself, how much of it is actual science, and how much of it is a political agenda? You need to realize that it’s constantly in the media. You cannot look at the looks and not see something being related to climate change. Repetition is mind control and it’s legal for news outlets to spread propaganda.

So what’s the average global temperature?

Maybe we should just believe the predictive temperature models? Even, if they are way off from actual recorded datasets. But hey, we see it constantly reported on in the media and repeated by politicians ad nauseam.

In hockey stick we trust. Right, Al Gore?



Wait, climate change hasn’t hit yet? lol I thought it was already here? I guess it’s like a snake. It’s strikes, recoils and then strikes again. Or something like that right?


Oh dear, what do we do!? How do you mitigate climate change?

David Suzuki (phony) says:

  • Take public transit.
  • Ride a bike.
  • Car-share.
  • Switch to an electric or hybrid vehicle.
  • Fly less (if you do fly, make sure you offset your emissions).

Take the bus (get stabbed)

Ride a bike cause we all know that every major city has spent millions of dollars expanding bike lanes and making it harder for car travel.

Car-share, whatever!

Okay, so ditch the car for an electric car, powered by electricity produced by the coal industry, got it!

I actually hate flying and have nowhere to go anyways lol.

  • Change to energy-efficient light bulbs.
  • Unplug computers, TVs and other electronics when you’re not using them.
  • Wash clothes in cold or warm (not hot) water.
  • Dryers are energy hogs, so hang dry when you can and use dryer balls when you can’t.
  • Install a programmable thermostat.
  • Look for the Energy Star label when buying new appliances.
  • Winterize your home to prevent heat from escaping.
  • Get a home or workplace energy audit to identify where you can make the most energy-saving gains.

You just know that this asshole Suzuki doesn’t do any of these things himself. Dudes always flying around, has a million dollar home, all his electronics plugged in. lol

I will say however, that these tips are exactly the same tips, you’d see from like the energy company. Or like in homeowners magazine! Tips to save you money, not the planet though lol.

What else you got Davie boy?

  • Eat meat-free meals.
  • Buy organic and local whenever possible.
  • Don’t waste food.
  • Grow your own.

Haha these are basically the same tips I gave in my last post on how to help the bee population. Which btw, Bee decline is something that is ACTUALLY happening to a real degree due to human causes.

See that’s how they convince people, because they do say things that make sense, like these tips for helping the environment. Now do they have any real effect on the environment, well global temperature wise? Are you kidding? Hell no! lol. Any real pollution is all caused by industries. Even so, it has never been proven to affect the temperature on the planet in any meaningful way. However, these ‘greener solutions’ do help to keep our planet cleaner on the local level, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

However, what’s wrong is who is leading this ‘green revolution’ Corporations, government bodies, and corporate paid NGOs. It’s all UN Agenda 2030, spreading the bullshit on thick.

Do you know who actually started the green movement in America?

After you watch those documentaries (by The Corbett Report you’ll understand the ‘green agenda’ a lot better. Guaranteed or your money back!

Anyways I’m done making fun of this incredibly stupid article. Have a great week!


LOL - but less beer would be the end of civilization..

Indeed this is true for some.

If there is no barley left to make beer, then people go insane and turn into zombies.

There you go, the next synptom of climate change #zombies!

They do love to push zombies in the media. lol

Nah, if there’s any barley shortage in the future. It will be a completely artificial shortage. Same for other food crops.

lovely news in this day
thank you for sharing

lovely comment in this post
thank you for being retarded

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