Song of the day: Irving Berlin >> "Cheek to Cheek"

in #classical-music6 years ago (edited)

Naturally, he did not know that someone called "Irving Berlin" existed, much less he had been one of the most prolific composers of the music scene for films, until he saw his name in the [discord channel of @ classical-music](https: // discord. gg / utcfxba).
Start the search from zero ... in wikipedia, of course ..

Naturalmente ignoraba que existira alguén chamado "Irving Berlin", e moito menos que fora un dos compositores mais prolíticos da escea da música para filmes, ata que vi seu nome na canle discord de @classical-music.
Inicio a percura partindo de cero.... na wikipedia, claro...

Irving Berlin

Irving Berlin ( 1888 – 1989) was an American composer and lyricist, widely considered one of the greatest songwriters in American history. His music forms a great part of the Great American Songbook. Born in Imperial Russia, Berlin arrived in the United States at the age of five. He published his first song, "Marie from Sunny Italy", in 1907, receiving 33 cents for the publishing rights,[3] and had his first major international hit, "Alexander's Ragtime Band" in 1911. Wikipedia

Irving Berlin (1888-1989) foi un compositor e letrista americano dos Estados Unidos, amplamente valorado como un dos maiores letristas da historia Americana.
Nacido na Rusia Imperial publicou súa primeira canción en 1907.

Searching .//. Percurando

I'm continuing to search. I try now on YouTube ...
The first entry I find is Irving Berlin - The Songbook of Irving Berlin that I let it sound.
Meanwhile I search more information about the song that seems to have been the irving Berlin's greatest international success: "Alexander's Ragtime Band" in 1911 .... but in the music that is in the background alone ... "Cheek to cheek", song of which I am fond of and that I frequent in its version of Ella Fidgerald and Louis Armstrong ... going to explore a little more ... is Irving Berlin the author of this song? Yes !!!

Continuo a Percura. Probo aghora en Youtube...
A primeira entrada que atopo é Irving Berlin - The Songbook of Irving Berlin que deixo soar.
Mentras tanto percuro mais información da canción que parece ser que foi seu maior éxito internacional:"Alexander's Ragtime Band" in 1911.... pero na música que está de fondo soa... "Cheek to cheek", canción da que gosto fondamente e que frecuento na súa versión de Ella Fidgerald e Louis Armstrong... compreme percurar un pouco mais... ¿é Irving Berlin o autor de esta canción? Siiii !!

Cheek to Cheek

"Cheek to Cheek" is a song written by Irving Berlin in 1935, for the Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers movie Top Hat (1935). In the movie, Astaire sings the song to Rogers as they dance.
The song spent five weeks at #1 on Your Hit Parade and was named the #1 song of 1935.
Astaire's 1935 recording with the Leo Reisman Orchestra was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2000.
In 2004, Astaire's version finished at No. 15 on AFI's 100 Years...100 Songs survey of top tunes in American cinema.

"Cheek to Cheek" é unha canción escrita por Irving Berlin en 1935 para a películoa "Top Hat" de Fred Astaire e Ginger Rogers.
Na película, Astaire canta mentras baila con Ginger Rogers. (xa non lmebraba isto...)
A gravación de 1935 de Astaire coa Orhestra de Leo Reisman entrou no Hall da fama no ano 2000.
No ano 2004 a versión de Astaire acadou o Nº 15 no AFI's 100 Years...100 Songs, que é un rank dos mellores sons do cine Americano.

Cheek to Cheek // Ella Fidgerald (1960)

Recorded at the Embers night-club in Melbourne during late 1960, and telecast on 14 January 1961 on Australian television. Ella is backed by the Lou Levy Quartet. Aired as part of the "BP Super Show", hence why their logo appears...

Xa dixen que coñecera esta canción por Fidgerald/Armstrong. Non atopei un video acaido de ambos, pero pareceme suficiente este porque pareceme que Ella fidgerald e seus músicos elevan o tema.
Gravado no clube nocturno de Embers en Melbourne a finais de 1960, e transmitido o 14 de xaneiro de 1961 na televisión australiana. Ella está apoiada polo Cuarteto Lou Levy. Emitido como parte do "BP Super Show", por iso, polo que aparece o seu logotipo ...

Jane Monheit - Cheek To Cheek (2003)

I was searching any innovative version of the "Cheek to Cheek" when I found this interpretation of the American Jane Monheit. I found myself sufficiently attractive and bold to reflect on it here.

Andaba a percura de unha versión mais atrevida do "Cheek to Cheek" cando atopei esta interpretación da Estadounidense Jane Monheit. Pareceume suficientemente atractiva e ousada como para reflexala eiquí.

Cheek to Cheek - Diana Krall - (Live in Rio) (2008)

Finishing to investigate, and seeing that there is not much daring to face the issue that concerns us, and already about to leave I found this Interpretation of Diana Krall , where he makes an approach in jazz key (understood as interpretative freedom)

Rematando de indagar, e mirando que non hai moito atrevemento a hora de afrontar o tema que nos ocupa, e xa a piques de abandoar atopei esta Interpretación de Diana Krall, onde fai unha aproximación en clave jazz (entendido como liberdade interpretativa)

Letras Lyrics
Ceo, estou no ceo, E o meu corazón late para que eu non poida falar E paréceme atopar a felicidade que busco Cando estamos xuntos bailando, cara a cara Ceo, estou no ceo, E os coidados que me rodean durante a semana Parece desaparecer como a racha de sorte do xogador Cando estamos xuntos bailando, cara a cara ¡Ah! Eu amo subir unha montaña, E para alcanzar o pico máis alto, Pero non me emociona a metade Como bailar a meixela cara ¡Ah! Encántame saír á pesca Nun río ou un arroio, Pero non me gusta tanto Como bailar a meixela cara Danza comigo Quero o meu brazo por ti O encanto de ti Me levará ao ceo Estou no ceo E o meu corazón late para que eu non poida falar E paréceme atopar a felicidade que busco Cando estamos xuntos bailando a fazula cara a fazula Heaven, I'm in heaven, And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak And I seem to find the happiness I seek When we're out together dancing, cheek to cheek Heaven, I'm in heaven, And the cares that hang around me through the week Seem to vanish like a gambler's lucky streak When we're out together dancing, cheek to cheek Oh! I love to climb a mountain, And to reach the highest peak, But it doesn't thrill me half as much As dancing cheek to cheek Oh! I love to go out fishing In a river or a creek, But I don't enjoy it half as much As dancing cheek to cheek Dance with me I want my arm about you The charm about you Will carry me through to heaven I'm in heaven And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak And I seem to find the happiness I seek When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek

Oes, queres votarlle un karaoke ??

Thanks for reading and stand by.
Gracias por vuestra atención.

Oh, by the way, I mentioning the Irving Berlin's Song "Cheek to Cheek" Best song from the 20th century by the year 1935.

Ah, por certo, naturalmente nomino a Canción "Cheek to Cheek" de Irving Berlin Mellor canción do século XX polo ano 1935.

1892Rosalía de CastroNegra Sombranuñez2.jpg
1935Irving BerlinChek to Cheekcheek_to_cheek_Astaire.jpg
1935George Gerswing Porgy y Bessporgyebess150.jpg
1936Duke EllintonCaravancaravan_portad2a.jpg
1939Joaquín RodrigoConcierto de Aranjuezportada-arnajuez.jpg
1957The GladiolasLittle Darlin'little_darling_gladiolas_zodiacs.jpg
1962Tommy HuntI Just Don't Know What to Do with MyselfTommy_Hunt_-_I_Just_Don't_Know_What_To_Do.jpg
1963Rolling StonesI can't get no (satisfaction)Rolling Sẗones Satisfaction Mejor canción siglo XX
1977QueenWe Will rock you queen2.jpg
1987Patty SmithBecause the nightPatty Smith Because the night eastern.jpg

Oh!! Thank you a lot !!!
Is not the logo a bit big?

Great write up and comparison!

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Thanks for the post! I enjoyed the different renditions, most of which I had not heard before. I think maybe you pasted the wrong link for Jane Monheit, though. Maybe it should have been this link?

You're right. I placed the wrong link.
Thank you very much for correcting me.

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