Song of the Day: I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself

in #recordpool6 years ago

Hello, Music lovers.
This is my first post for the Steemit #recordpool #songoftheday contest.

I always enjoyed  those songs that are always present, and I want to know where they come  from, and then you realize that they have always been there.
At any time there was an interpreter doing it, adapting it to the times or to herself ...
They are chameleonic and polyhedral songs that can be attacked from many different flanks.
"I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself", that I met by White Stripes is one of them.

Sempre gostei de esas cancións que sempre están presentes, e danme ganas de saber de onde veñen, e entón te decatas de que sempre estiveron ahí.
En calquera momento había un interprete facendoa súa, adaptandoa ós tempos ou a si mesma...
Son cancións camaleónicas e poliédricas que poden atacarse dende moitos flancos distintos.
"I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself", que coñecín da man dos White Stripes é unha de elas.

"I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself": The song

The song was composed by Burt Bacharach and Hal David..

A canción foi composta por Burt Bacharach e Hal David..
Neste post vouvos presentar 4 lecturas de esta canción: A primeira lectura é a orixinal, gravada coa voz de Tommy Hunt; a segunda a versión que por primeira vez populrizou o tema con Dusty Sprinfield en el 64, l a versión funky de Cissy Houston del 70 y la con la eléctricidad de los White Stripes

1962: Tommy Hunt: The first Interpreter

The song was first recorded by R & B singer Tommy Hunt as the title song of her 1962 album, and released as a single by Scepter Records (catálogo Scepter 1236, lado-B "And I Never Knew"). Source: Wikipedia
Tommy Hunt Tommy Hunt was a singer of Américan Soul, also known for being a driving member of the group The flamingos

A canção foi gravada pela primeira vez pela cantor de R&B Tommy Hunt como a canção título de seu álbum de 1962, e lançada como single pela Scepter Records (catálogo Scepter 1236, lado-B "And I Never Knew"). Fonte: Wikipedia
Tommy Hunt era un cantante de Américan Soul, también conocido por haber sido miembro impulsor del grupo The flamingos

1964: Dusty Springfield popularize "I don't know what to do ..."

Mary Isobel Catherine Bernadette O'Brien (1939-1999), professionally known as Dusty Springfield, was a singer and British music producer of pop music and soul music.
Rolling Stone was voted one of the best voices of all time, ranking 35th best singers. Wiki
"I don know..." Springfield’s version was a triumph, reaching number three in the UK charts

Mary Isobel Catherine Bernadette O'Brien ( 1939 -1999), conhecida profissionalmente como Dusty Springfield, foi uma cantora e produtora musical britânica de música pop e música soul.
Foi eleita pela revista Rolling Stone uma das melhores vozes de todos os tempos, estando na 35ª posição dos melhores cantores.Wiki
A versión de "I don't Know.." de Dusty Sprinfield tivo sucesso, acadando o número 3 nas listas do UK.

1970 Cissy Houston : "I don't know what to do ..." Up-Tempo

Cissy Houston, (1933) is a singer of American soul and gospel music. She is the mother of singer Whitney Houston and maternal aunt of singers Dee Dee Warwick and Dionne Warwick Wiki
She recorded this funky version of "I do not know what to do with myself"

Cissy Houston, ( 1933) é uma cantora de soul e música gospel norte-americana. É mãe da cantora Whitney Houston e tia materna das cantoras Dee Dee Warwick e Dionne Warwick Wiki
Ela grabou esta versión tan funky do "I don't know what to do with myself"

1983 White Stripes : "I don't know what to do ..." Raw Rock//Rock Crú

In 1983 the [White Stripes] ( twisted the song to give them a raw rock treatment, and put the lyrics inside a noise of guitars and a crazy voice.

En 1983 os White Stripes retorceron a canción ata darlles un tratamento de rock crú, e meter as letras dentro de un barullo de guitarras e unha voz desquiciada.


Gracias pola atención e polo voso tempo.
Thanks a lot for your time and attention.

Published simultaneously in Golos and Steemit through

1892Rosalía de CastroNegra Sombranuñez2.jpg
1935George Gerswing Porgy y Bessporgyebess150.jpg
1936Duke EllintonCaravancaravan_portad2a.jpg
1939Joaquín RodrigoConcierto de Aranjuezportada-arnajuez.jpg
1957The GladiolasLittle Darlin'little_darling_gladiolas_zodiacs.jpg
1962Tommy HuntI Just Don't Know What to Do with MyselfTommy_Hunt_-_I_Just_Don't_Know_What_To_Do.jpg
1963Rolling StonesI can't get no (satisfaction)Rolling Sẗones Satisfaction Mejor canción siglo XX
1977QueenWe Will rock you queen2.jpg
1987Patty SmithBecause the nightPatty Smith Because the night eastern.jpg

Thanks for the post, I'm afraid I can't stretch the Classical Music definition quite this far. But a great post!

Apologize any inconvenience.

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