in #christianity6 years ago

This is simply the way that I see it.

There are two main reasons that I do not believe in "Good Friday." The first is that Jesus Himself said that He would be in the grave "three days and three nights" (Matthew 12:40) and this makes a Friday crucifixion impossible in my mind. Perhaps if He had just said three days we could reason that otherwise, but that it not what He said. If Jesus lied, then He is not the Messiah.

The other reason comes from Exodus 12, interestingly enough. Basically, I do not believe that the death of Jesus Christ was based on the Passover lamb, but rather that the feast of Passover was based off of what He would actually do. I explain more in the video.

Ultimately, I think this is one more case of tradition replacing truth, which is very common these days in Christianity. Thankfully, we can all "search the scriptures daily to see what it true" (Acts 17:11) and we do not just have to believe what we are told. Enjoy the video!



this makes a Friday crucifixion impossible in my mind.

I totally agree and the fact that "good Friday", lent, and Easter all stem from pagan holidays. The Jews celebrate their holidays on their own calendar not the the one used by the pagans or the one we use today.

the feast of Passover was based off of what He would actually do

Exactly! Jesus was fulling the prophecy.

this is one more case of tradition replacing truth

Totally and this is why I do not celebrate Easter as the day Christ rose. It was Rome that merged the faith in Christ with the pagan traditions. We should be thankful and praise His name daily for what he did to save us, not just once a year.

Great post Brother!

Dear @jrswab,

You are correct in that the Scriptures need to be interpreted in the light of the Hebrew culture and the ordinances of the Torah.

In regards to “Palm Sunday”:

Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem was on Nisan 10 when the lambs were selected for the Passover sacrifice, it is relatively simple to prove it wasn’t on a Sunday.

Nisan 7 is the seventh day of the week - the Sabbath (Saturday). Three days later is Nisan 10 – Tuesday.

In regards to “Three days and Nights” please read my post:

HOW WAS JESUS ABLE TO CELEBRATE PASSOVER AND YET BE CRUCIFIED ON PASSOVER? How Can Friday Afternoon to Sunday Morning Be Three Days and Nights?


Blessings and Shalom, Steven Sherman @lastdays

Glad that you see how much tradition has change the masses beliefs.
Research is the key.
Keep on seeking the truth.

Great video! It is crazy how we have all followed tradition blindly in our lives. It wasn't until 2 years ago that I figured out what you are talking about that good friday is either not possible or Jesus is a liar. I am going with good friday not possible. Keep up the good work.

good friday is either not possible or Jesus is a liar. I am going with good friday not possible.

Yup, me too. I'll take a Saviour over a tradition any day. I don't really need a tradition, but a Saviour however...

Dear @bowentroyer,

The Scriptures need to be interpreted in the light of the Hebrew culture and the ordinances of the Torah.

In regards to “Palm Sunday”:

Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem was on Nisan 10 when the lambs were selected for the Passover sacrifice, it is relatively simple to prove it wasn’t on a Sunday.

Nisan 7 is the seventh day of the week - the Sabbath (Saturday). Three days later is Nisan 10 – Tuesday.

In regards to “Three days and Nights” please read my post:

HOW WAS JESUS ABLE TO CELEBRATE PASSOVER AND YET BE CRUCIFIED ON PASSOVER? How Can Friday Afternoon to Sunday Morning Be Three Days and Nights?


Blessings and Shalom, Steven Sherman @lastdays

Thank you for being bold enough to post this. To go in the opposite position of Christianity is not easy, even though as you said the truth is right there in the Bible! Will you and your family be observing the Passover in any way this year?

Dear @simms50

The Scriptures need to be interpreted in the light of the Hebrew culture and the ordinances of the Torah.

In regards to “Palm Sunday”:

Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem was on Nisan 10 when the lambs were selected for the Passover sacrifice, it is relatively simple to prove it wasn’t on a Sunday.

Nisan 7 is the seventh day of the week - the Sabbath (Saturday). Three days later is Nisan 10 – Tuesday.

In regards to “Three days and Nights” please read my post:

HOW WAS JESUS ABLE TO CELEBRATE PASSOVER AND YET BE CRUCIFIED ON PASSOVER? How Can Friday Afternoon to Sunday Morning Be Three Days and Nights?


Blessings and Shalom, Steven Sherman @lastdays

A agree with your argument. I figured this out about 4 years ago and have not celebrated Christmas or Estar since. I never thought of the lamb representing the messiah but it makes sense since Yeshua is the first born and has always existed before the first Passover in Egypt. We are celebrating Passover this Friday evening. Do you celebrate Passover?
May YHVY bless you and keep you.

Dear @hhayweaver,

I am having a full Messianic Passover Seder with my congregation tomorrow.

As a Jewish believer in Yeshua (Jesus) as the Son of God and Messiah (Christ), I am sharing my understanding of the natural and spiritual fulfillments that are foreshadowed in the Festivals of Yehovah in a series of posts.

Following are links to two of my posts. I am sure that they will bless you:



Shalom, Steven Sherman @lastdays

Friday to Sunday has always been wrong. Jesus died Wednesday night and woke up Saturday Night, if we are considering the same days of the week at that time. That gives 3 full days and 3 full nights.

Had to laugh at this it goes along great with this post.

Reading through the comments like “Hmm, more like-minded people to follow.”

I know! I thought the same thing.


Dear @papa-pepper,

The Scriptures need to be interpreted in the light of the Hebrew culture and the ordinances of the Torah.

For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matthew 12:40

According to Hebrew understanding, any part of a day, however small, is included as part of a full day.

When Jewish parents count eight days for brit milah (circumcision), they include the day of their son’s birth. Therefore, any part of the day is included as a full day. Whether their child was born one minute after midnight, at noon, or at any time during the day – it counts as a full day.

This phenomenon is exemplified in Scripture in the book of Esther:

"Go, assemble all the Jews who are found in Susa, and fast for me; do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my maidens also will fast in the same way," Esther 4:16

Then, in Esther 5:1 it says,* "Now it came about on the third day that Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king’s palace in front of the king’s rooms, and the king was sitting on his royal throne in the throne room, opposite the entrance to the palace."*

We can see that even though the three days and nights had not been completed, Esther went in to see the King on the third day even though she said to fast for three days and nights. We see that “on the third day” is equivalent to “after three days.”

Shalom, Steven Sherman

Dear @papa-pepper,

Christmas is not even the season that Christ was born. The shepherds watched the sheep in Bethlehem that were to be sacrificed either in the spring or fall and not in the winter. But the Roman Catholic Church established this non-biblical holiday and it was carried on by the Protestants as well.

Easter is based upon the solar calendar and not the Hebrew lunar calendar. The resurrection of the Messiah took place on the third day after his crucifixion. Again Catholic tradition instituted a non-biblical holiday . In 2017 Passover started on Tuesday, the 11th of April but Easter in 2017 was on Sunday, April 16 - 5 days after His crucifixion.

In other words, these Christian holidays are not celebrated on the day of the month or even in the season that the event occurred.

I am saying all this to confirm that Palm Sunday is a celebration that again was instituted to commemorate an event but is not accurate as to the calendar date of the event.

You can't start on the first day of the week because a Sunday is not the day of the week that Jesus had his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

The seventh day of each week is the weekly sabbath. Jesus was crucified on Nisan 14 when the lambs were slaughtered for the Passover.

During the first week of the month, Saturday was Nisan 7. Therefore, Sunday was Nisan 8, Monday was Nisan 9, and Tuesday was Nisan 10.

That's why I do not believe in Palm Sunday as the actual date,

Shalom, Steven

Interesting, for some reason I thought it was recorded that His "triumphal entry" was on the "first day of the week." I agree that those other "holidays" have nothing to do with anything Christian or Christ-related and instead were just made to seem that way. Thanks for checking this out Brother.

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