Open Church: experiencing the presence of God and miraculous answers to prayer - all are welcome here

Greetings fellow Steemians.

Welcome to Week 3 of Open Church

Open Church is an initiative by @majes, @nextgen622 and the Christian trail community on Steemit. It aims to be a place where Christians on Steemit can hang out, encourage and build up one another, and reflect the love of Christ. The church is not a building, but is made up of people who have been transformed by God's grace.

Steemit is not all about money, but it's also a community of real people with real needs. So let us be a community of brothers and sisters that can Truly support one another with our real lives. Hope we can put aside the money element of Steemit and enter into authentic fellowship with one another.

Each week we will be putting up a new post with a new topic or theme for discussion. But feel free to come here just to fellowship and be a blessing to one another. Whatever denominational background your from, or if you're just curious about the Christian faith, everyone is welcome.

So feel free to share a link to your favourite worship song, share a word of encouragement, a prayer request, or introduce yourself. But please do not promote any posts here, or get into any arguments here.

Today's theme is share a particular incident or time in your life when you experienced the presence of God in a memorable way, or when you had a miraculous answer to prayer

Be Blessed.


In this thread of miracles, may I ask for a miracle of my own? My son was born 10 weeks too early, had a horrendous birth (I will tell the story one day) and as a result, he sustained damage to his brain's white matter. The official phrase for it is PVL--periventricular leukomalacia. Due to this brain damage, he has cerebral palsy (I was greatly moved by Darthnava's story because of our personal experience with this disability). My son has many challenges, and is very determined and happy. But some Godly help would not go astray. Please, if you are reading this, send up a prayer for him to be able to talk and for an improvement in his cognitive skills. Speech and communication will make such a difference to his quality of life in the future. Please, please pray.

Wendy, I've just been praying for Nathan and your whole family. I pray you would see the work of God in Nathan's life. I pray for healing, a miracle, and that you would experience God's power, love and presence through Nathan.
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thanks @nextgen622, I'm very touched. Glad your little girl is doing well too!

Praying for him.. if u want u can post this in the daily prayer request post I will also repost it in the prayer request weekly summary in a few days.

Thank you @wilx, I appreciate it. I'll check out your link in the morning (it's past midnight here and I really should go to bed!)

I had a water to wine miracle which I wrote of a bit back:
Also was once laid up in bed with a severe back problem and after crying out to God immediately got up and started jumping up and down Praise Him!

Thats wonderful @wilx. Praise His wonderful name! I read the water into wine the other night but I missed this one.

I encountered his presence when the time I was so struggling to commit myself into his calling. I cried out to the Lord and plead Him and asking not to count me for such a great deal of serving Him because I felt so unworthy of doing His work. That very moment He touched my heart and whispered, telling me the things he once told to Paul and to others; "Ross my grace is sufficient for you, and my power is made perfect in your weakness." Glory to God, same day I felt his presence, embracing and assuring me that He will never let me down. Hallelujah Lord God!

Amen. That's wonderful. Praise God.

God gave me a miracle last month through Steemit and the rest is history. Praise be to God in the highest and peace to his people on Steemit.

Amen. It was wonderful to see the community coming together to support you. Hope you are back to health brother. :)

I'm still recuperating at home but we are getting there.:D

For me, it was when my father was diagnosed with tuberculosis and stayed in the hospital. Our family prayed for him and the disease finally miraculously disappeared and he recovered soon. He even dreamt about God(or Jesus I don't know) asking him to take care of my Mom and me, that made me so surprised. So grateful for that.

Wow that's so cool. Praise God.

Yes, let's praise God and honour his name :)

For me, the most memorable experience I had was when I completed reading through the entire Bible for the first time about 23 years ago. I truly felt God's presence as I read those last few words in Revelation 22. For the first time I saw the Bible as a coherent whole, and not a collection of verses and stories.

Thank you for sharing. What an ambitious undertaking, yet totally worth doing. I'm jumping around at the moment, but going cover to cover sounds like a good goal!

When I get to the end, I start over and do it again. I've lost track how many times now. it's slow going, because of course, I don't just read. I meditate on what it's saying to me, and I like read the the commentary in The Life Application Study Bible. It's amazing when you see the big picture. I started in Proverbs this time , for som reason, but I plan on going back to Genesis when I finish.

❤️ Proverbs

And I just finished Proverbs 31 with an idea for a blog post! God often sidetracks me. :-) Genesis tomorrow!

The most memorable time of experiencing God was when I read his word for the first time 1992. What was previously held as a belief had been revealed in substance, and life hasn't been the same ever since.

That's wonderful! God's word is indeed life-changing. Thanks for sharing brother .

I'm deep in the presence of Christ right now as I'm what one might call a newly-minted Christian. I've been on the outskirts of Christianity; going to church(es) occasionally, never finding the right one.

I love the idea that Church can be anywhere -- including right here on Steemit! 🙏🏻🔛

So, I've been close and far from God at various points in my life. I feel like as every day passes, God and now Jesus are more significant in my moment-to-moment existence.

I just quit my job, am dealing with a substance abuse issue and generally want to begin living a vagabond life due to a lot of reasons, but am aftaid that thr world will judge me and presume I am mentally ill, when If I am, it's only a temporary bug that I feel can be cured by traveling God's creation and meeting new faces. Personally, new sights and new settings unlock in me a spirituality that I truly welcome.

This seems to me a very proming outlet for fellowship and faith-building. I am very glad to be a part of this group! 🙌🏻

Somehow, I felt I needed to write to you and pray for you as you move forward. If you do decide to travel, please seek out other Christians. We attend a Calvary Chapel. You would feel right at home there. Many of the pastors have had substance abuse in their past, so will know what you are dealing with. It's a place where you will feel right at home, I am sure. We have attended many different denominations, so I know God has those for a reason. We are not all the same, although all one in Him. We have been with Calvary Chapel for about 6 years now, and feel we have found our place where we really fit in God's family. We do get a lot of people like you passing through. God Bless!

My most memorable experience was when I child. I started having dreams that I was falling, I would awaken in a cold sweat. It was no fun.

One night as I was falling Jesus took my hand and smiled, I felt the Love like I had never felt. He asked why I was falling, I said I don't know. He said, you can fly and smiled really big :-)

It could have really been him, or just a dream I don't know. But I know I can fly.


That's so cool. Thanks for sharing.

This is a really great song!

Nice. Thanks for sharing. Haven't heard this one before.

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