Chemtrailers getting more audacious!

in #chemtrails7 years ago

I'm reposting this 6-months-old article in response to Kyriacos' posting. Can't let him get away with that, as I have Real Prooftm!

"I've been seeing more and more posts about these trails in the sky and no one seems to know what they are", a Steemit user laments on the trending page.

Well, in a sensational Steemit exclusive, I can tell you this:

I now have proof of what these chemtrails really are!

I was travelling in Italy with a few mates, and just as we had stopped to see what the large crowd was about, these planes roared past!

In a stunning display of arrogance, they didn't even try to hide their true colours:

We immediately whipped out our spectrometers (we never travel without those) to identify the sprayed chemicals. You can see one of us in the red jacket and aluminium helmet doing a measurement, which told us the chemtrails were red, white, and green!

Closer inspection even revealed some spectral lines, and we were, for the first time, able to determine in detail what the chemicals were:

  • The green trail: FeSO4, or iron(II)sulphate. This chemical causes constipation when ingested;
  • The white trail: H2O2 + CO(NH2)2, or carbamide peroxide, which can bleach your hair;
  • The red trail: Co(NO3)2, or cobalt nitrate, which causes itching of the skin.

You can Google all the chemicals, their colours and what they can do to you if you don't believe me, I'm not just making this up.

We are still trying to figure out why the Illuminati would want to turn all of us into a constipated, blond population with an itch, but at least we have identified the chemicals!

We were also greatly impressed with the precision with which the pilots flew through the little blue hoops in the sky. We suspect the military are deeply involved.


Photo by Vasile Cotovanu, from Wikimedia, under a CC BY-SA 2.0 license, with additions by me.


Wow! Thanks for all of the hard work researching this global conspiracy! I do have a question though:

If the Illuminati is indiscriminately spraying the air all around the world, wouldn't they be poisoning and endangering themselves and their families as well as everyone else?

That doesn't seem like a smart strategy...unless they really do want to be itchy, constipated blondes.

I fell out of my chair laughing when I read this post!

I might need to get a more balanced chair

I have been told they are on constant chelation therapy. Note that EDTA was first synthesized by a chemist working for I.G. Farben in the early 1930s ...

Silver iodide is sprayed in cloud seeding programs. Silver iodide can be toxic to human.

Some people have estimated that spraying silver iodide have greater benefit than down sides.

Same analysis and conclusion could have been made with other chemicals.

Maybe it was just a pilot training before the great Avia show?

To suggest that sights such as


or (I took all three of these photos and around 860 more over the past few years)

are natural is ludicrous. I'm just old enough to remember clear blue skies in which the sun wasn't blocked by a haze. As funny as your post is (I'll upvote it since I'm taking the time to comment), the subject of geoengineering is no joke. I posted about it a couple of days ago and believe it goes much deeper than we think.

Even if we are seeing only contrails (water vapour) without any added ingredients such as aluminium oxide, the fact is that you and I can watch the trails spread out and form cloud which would not otherwise be present. The formation of cloud by non natural means has only recently been admitted and classified as Homogenitus.
CO2 is being blamed for global warming but at the same time huge amounts of water vapour are being released worldwide by aircraft and power stations and water vapour is a far more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. Not only is this aparantly not being considered but it is being ignored.

To suggest that sights such as...are natural is ludicrous.

Who said that flying planes and their trails are "natural?" I agree that it's not "natural." However, that doesn't equate to a global conspiracy.

Your photos prove precisely nothing at all.

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I can't really argue with you on the point you made but I've posted a few articles which provide what I consider to he quite a convincing argument that geoengineering is indeed happening & has been for quite some time. I'd love it to be a conspiracy but unfortunately the evidence does appear to point to an ongoing global geoengineering programme. Of course I don't expect my words alone to convince you but I would urge you to look into it. Thanks again.

Looks beautiful but not healthy at all(((

We are still trying to figure out why the Illuminati would want to turn all of us into a constipated, blond population with an itch, but at least we have identified the chemicals!


Oh yes! Absolutely!

They do come in all shades and even more colours!

We suspect every country uses different colours!

they poison us daily

Thank you for your research. It's now obvious why the elites have invested billions into the prune industry.

You are most welcome. Just another day in the life of your intrepid reporter.

I have seen similar arrogance here they also use a variety of colors and even use blue in their name and claim to be angels

You're lucky! We get Red Arrows! ;)

:) the cool names they come up with for these display teams

The nerve!

Indeed, so blatant and out there. As if they really dont care

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