Chaos Teaches

in #chaos6 years ago

As much as chaos in our personal lives or in the world is unwelcome, it's an expression of how things are failing to be done right, that we need to acknowledge, not ignore

Sometimes we do things wrong ourselves that affect us or others, and sometimes it's others who do things wrong that affect us or themselves. As much as it's unwelcome to have negative effects in our lives, they are there. We can either choose to ignore these negatives, or face them to understand WHY they are there.

We can learn from our mistakes by facing our mistakes; only then can we correct ourselves and stop repeating the same mistakes.

making mistakes, confucius.jpg

If we don't face the negatives and the chaos around us, are we going to be able to deal with it properly? No. Ignorance, denial or dismissal of our or other's mistakes doesn't let us learn from them. Then the erroneous, wrong, incorrect, or harmful actions and behaviors can keep repeating over and over.

As we grow up, we learn from recognizing our mistakes and what not to do: to not do wrong things again because we learned from them the first time. We punch a hard object and hurt our hand. We touch fire and get burned. We learn from the pain, negative or chaos that we manifested into our lives.

The negative effect we produced is seen, acknowledged, and understood. We can trace the effect produced to the causal source of our actions and avoid repeating the same actions and behaviors that would create the same mistake in the future.

The consequences to our actions allows us to reap what we sow, and learn not to sow the same effects.

The world around us has chaotic elements of negative effects generated that produce pain, harm, etc. Yet, overall as a collective, humanity is not facing the consequences to our actions. We can stop creating the self-inflicted suffering and negatives in our lives. To do so, we must choose the right action over the wrong action.

We must learn from our mistakes by facing the chaotic reality that is being produced by our aggregate human behavior, even if we are not personally doing it ourselves as an individual, the human world is created by the actions of all individuals. We are all in this together.


*Click here for larger image.

The fear of chaos has us often willfully ignore what is going on in our own lives, or in the collective reality of the world we live in. If everyone continues to choose to focus on their own selfish lives and ignore what we are all a part of, then what we aggregately create in our society or on the planet will continue to happen.

To make things better in the world, we have to be willing to learn. With knowledge (who, what, where, when) of the problems, negatives and chaos we as individuals are participating in creating in our own lives or in the aggregate, comes the potential for understanding WHY the problems exist in the first place. Then we can tackle the issues of our lives or in the world at large through the wisdom of knowing and understanding HOW to do so.

We can stop engaging in wrong-actions (stop creating the negative) so that we don't produce negatives, chaos, wrong, harm or suffering for ourselves or others. To stop doing wrong is the path to making things right.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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By doing the things we are used to doing we attempt to move towards stability but, however comforting it may be to smoke or stay in an abusive relationship, it still is self destructive.
By doing the things we haven't done before but clearly are a better choice; we move towards a chaotic instability wherein we'll learn that it was worth trying and we're better off with the unfamiliar consequences.
Important thing is to observe oneself and where to apply one's efforts to better oneself. Like Sisyphus but, for something productive and constructive.

Yes, chaos can be looked at as the unknown, something I've talked about before too. Good point. I was more talking about chaos as negatives here ;)

Undoubtedly, one reaps what you sow, if you preach negative things you are more likely to get negative returns, the mido is not all bad, many times feeling afraid helps us to protect ourselves, human beings apparently learn much more of the errors that of the successes, the important thing is to be self-critical and to know how to accept the errors, there are those who, despite making mistakes, do not take charge of their own mistakes.
Excellent post dear friend @krnel, invites a great reflection.
I wish you a beautiful weekend

Indeed, we often learn more from failure than success, hehe. Thanks for the feedback. Have a good weekend as well :)

Without knowing what the problems are and why they are existing, we cannot possibly solve it. Multitudes in the world have died a terrible death because of ignorance. Therefore knowledge is key to solving our problems.
These are very deep words. Thanks for sharing them @krnel

Right on :) Knowledge removes ignorance and leads the way to know what to do :)

We can learn from our mistakes by facing our mistakes; only then can we correct ourselves and stop repeating the same mistakes.

This is the first post I read since I joined steemit a few hours ago and this is absolutely amazing

Thank you for the feedback and appreciation. I'm glad you gained value from this post :)

Human cannot escape from mistake. Certain Science develops from mistaken and correct the mistake afterward.

indeed, the point isn't that there can't be mistakes or there will never be mistakes, but to learn from them :)

Everybody that teaches you is your teacher but according to me the best teacher Is your life you always learn new ways to tackle new problem and only if you are fit then only you survive

Learning is part of life, always good to do :)

It is much easier to correct ones actions when they or their loved ones are hurt. You punching a wall will not hurt me, it would make me question if you had any sense.

In the larger scope of life it is not even empathy that will cause change all that is need is to realize many have limited chances to change their own existence without outside influences. The best action to not hurt yourself is charity. Charity in everyday life, to everyone in passing. Even just acknowledging someone can have a positive affect on the rest of their day. In turn that affect will normally be passed on to someone else causing and exchange of change.

Negative affect is much easier to pass along as normally people are defensive and hurt on a daily basis.

Nice one sir

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