May 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Three: How Many Comments Per Day Do You Post? Why?

This is the easiest challenge so far because I know how many comments I do in a day and why I do it. I am a community-minded person and I believe together with upvotes, comments are something really important on the platform and this is the first lesson that I usually teach new people who join.


From Unsplash - Courtney Corlew

When I first started on the platform I wrote more posts and hoping that would get me more followers and of course upvotes. The thing is the majority of us here are content creators and getting your post some views are hard. So with not much views and comments on my own, I started commenting on other people's blogs.

At first it was people in my group and then I made the mistake of looking at trending (I know everyone hates the trending page now) and also checked the new and from there I saw interesting posts and new people to follow.

Since I was commenting on articles that I like and most of these people were like-minded we sort of started creating a relationship and I always look forward to seeing their posts.

Somehow I never went into the Follow for Follow comment because I really took the time to comment and leave my thoughts.

Now something that I noticed was even if my posts were not doing well I was still earning SBD and SP and looking back it was because some of my comments were being upvoted since they were bringing in some value to the discussion or giving my thoughts on a post.

I also discovered Steem.Supply at this point and was I surprised on my earning ratio!


A whopping 40% of my earnings was from comments and at that point highest comment payout I had received was $13! I was doing about 11 comments a day at that point.

This was a post I made four months ago detailing my plan on reaching 1000 SP.
1000 SP Goal! Steeming on!

You are creating worth and boosting the self esteem of other people and feeling more positive yourself. You are enriching the Steemit community with good content and relationships. Sounds naive, sounds like fluff and rainbows but to me that is humanizing the blockchain.

Although now the ratio of the amount I earn is more on post earnings now as opposed to comment earnings but I am actually commenting more. I peaked at 25 comments a day and now I do an average of 15-20 comments on other people's posts.

I firmly believe in the power of comments and know how it impacts people not just in terms of earning but in engagement. In fact another reason why I comment a lot is to keep people engaged and interested in the platform.

I am part of the The Curation and Engagement Leagues - More than 25 STEEM in prizes this week!

I am in the top 10 engagers in the league and do about 297 comments a week which translates to almost 42 combined comments a day!


Not only is this healthy for the platform but is also healthy for me because I remain engaged. A little healthy competition is always nice!

Backing this with data How to Engage and Retain Users ( Backed up with Steemit Data)

From this we can see that 107 accounts registered in 2018 and joined Ashers league. Of this almost 87% of accounts have remained active. That’s more than twice that of Steemit in general (and they are all human on Ashers league)

For the accounts that did drop off, the median drop of day is 46. That means that the people that do leave, don’t lose their interest as fast if they are in the league. In fact they stay over 2.5 time longer than people that do not participate.

So you see commenting is something very important. It is a way for you to support like-minded people who may upvote your comment and in turn become a follower. It keeps you engaged and enjoying your time in Steemit and best of all it is a great way to connect to people.


Footer by @ameliabartlett


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I used to do quite a few but as my posting slowed down so did my comments.. These days all that is in my feed seems to be resteems (Ulogs everywhere!) and it feels so overwhelming.

But yeah I agree, comments are great for the platform and community and I should really get started again, like this.. this is good :)

Yes comments are great for the platform and important not just for your growth but the communities and platform.

That would be great if you start posting and commenting a lot again :)

I am not so sure as to how many comments I make a day because there are so many of them and I comment as long as I found a post that I'd love to comment on. :) that's a fun challenge by the way.

Yes that would be a good way of doing things just to have fun and enjoy what you are doing :)

You out commented me this week, but you go seven days while I only do six. That's the reason why my per day average is a little higher.

I'd say you've got it figured out, and you can probably make more posts on a regular basis if you have the time, and manage to keep up the interest in your posts, etc.

Your upvote count on this post is pretty impressive, I have to say, even if the amount this time around isn't reflecting it. Eventually, that number of upvotes will add up into something nice. :)

I tried to post more than 2 but with the way that I write now I really can't see that I can post 3-5 times a day hahaha I had some days that I don't have work but still can't write that much.

I have been thinking of doing it full time but I don't think I can hahahha.

You character length is still awesome and hard to match hahahhaha!

Well, I've managed three posts a day a few times, but two is actually about right. If I weren't involved in two challenges now, I wouldn't be going for three at all. I suppose I could just give up on the challenges, but they're helpful at the same time they're kind of a pain, which I suppose means I'm "stretching" or some other such thing generally considered to be "good for me." Bah humbug. :)

I really don't know how many comments I make per day, but I think I make at least 10 daily comments.

I agree that commenting is healthy, this is a social platform after all

Yes it is so important for the platform to keep talking, engaging, getting views to posts and utilization up.

@maverickinvictus Commenting has been the major source of some people on steemit has they are able to earn SBD and Sp for their quality Comments.

Also, this process has led to the social interaction of the members on steemit has they are able to communicate and make friends via commenting.

Commenting is also major a source of learning from other people about what you have posted. As we know that no one is an island of knowledge. People are able to learn from each other with the help of commenting and posting.

This is a great comment and I completely agree with you!

Also, this process has led to the social interaction of the members on steemit has they are able to communicate and make friends via commenting.

Steemit is a social blogging network meaning engagement and networking is a good way to build relationships and your account.

I like that you also placed commenting as a major source of learning. We read, ingest knowdlege from other people.

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Interesting stuff about comments, I counted mine up for 1 day just a few days ago and got 12, not bad I would say! But this varies for day to day.

Nice one on the Steem.Supply, I didn't know about that.

I probably leave about 10-15 comments per day as my time is limited. I am aiming to get to 20-25 per day.

Agreed all around. It's amazing that you get to comment that much in a day! Currently, I have barely left comments because of my hectic study schedule and exams, and I cannot wait to get back on track. Having scheduled posts is like 10% of the fun of steemit. Sure, I do get a couple of comments and some payouts, but I was missing the fun of actual connection.
Luckily, I am still part of Discord communities, most of which I have been inactive in. But in those in which I was active, I still got the friendliness that we find in comments here :3 I think that's the best part of steemit. Your efforts and commitment are inspiring!

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