Chart Your Course Challenge

in #challenge6 years ago (edited)

Chart your course challenge

At some point after returning to Steemit, my main focus had evolved into something different on the platform. I wasn't aware of that until I was faced with the very simple question by @fitzgibbons: What is your ultimate goal here?

It seems like such a simple question, but I needed to really think about what mattered most and adjust my priorities accordingly. When you know the priorities, it becomes much simpler to stick to a plan and streamline your schedule. I tried to fine tune my goal bit by bit in talking with a Steemian friend (thanks @iliasdiamantis!!), and though it was challenging - it was extremely beneficial. I wondered if it would help others!

So in the spirit of the challenges that we've had recently - here is one that I'm creating with the hope it helps you to "streamline your Steemit"! I'll start with mine! I can't wait to read yours :)

Chart Your Course Challenge

What is your Steemit goal? (In one sentence, make it as specific and as measurable as possible)

My goal is to have a group of at least 25 friends who regularly leave meaningful comments on my posts.

Prioritize these three aspects of Steemit for you: Posting, Curating, Commenting

1. Posting

2. Commenting

3. Curating

Name up to 5 groups/communities that help you to achieve your goal:

1. BuddyUP

2. Steemit Ramble

3. Steem Engine

4. The Writer's Block

5. ASAPers

Name at least one measurable future goal for: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.

1 month - have 700 followers

3 months - 500 SP (bye bye plankton! hello minnow!)

6 months - complete and post my entire fantasy novella (exclusive for Steemit)

12 months - 1000 followers (of which, 7 regularly leave meaningful comments)

And because everything should end on a sweet note... name your favorite dessert!

mmmmmmmm. creme brulee!!!

Challenge 3-5 people to chart their course!

@iliasdiamantis - since you helped me with mine and have already achieved so much!

@calumam - since you have big plans, and specific goals help to shape those plans!

@freedomtowrite - since you seem like you're always moving forward with such purpose!

@sunnyali - since I'd love to get to know you better through your goals! :)

Chart Your Course image: Map and Steemit logo, text and editing by @dreemsteem.

Feel free to use image on your post! :)


Oh my gosh ... Sorry @fitzgibbon. 😏 That was my first "goal" met last night! Lolololso let's say I'm on my way to my SECOND creme brulee 😋 and yes.... It was even more delicious than it looks! Now.... Onto the next goals!

Funny. Somehow you also inspired me to set a goal. I'm actually considering to do this:

Burn 1 ETH in post promotion services to dominate the trending page with a bi-weekly post and continue to do so until the fuel runs out.

Ummmm I have a better idea!

Give ME the etherium's value in STEEM, and I will write one post a day telling everyone about your services. Hehehehe

Deal????? Deal!!!! Woo hoo, gotta love a win/win!!!

Mmmmmmm, I could have gone for one of those last night! ; )

If you're looking for a GOOD creme brulee... I have the spot!!! Hahaha

Good luck with achieving your goals :) It's always good to know where you are heading - as for me I just fumble around hoping to make a few people giggle now and then :D

hahahaha i got lost in the giggles too! because i thought i was still on the same path! (so giggles are great when you're walking towards your goal with friends!!!)

but when he asked me that - i thought huh. i think i got sidetracked along the way! LOL

but now that i'm back on track... GIGGLES PLEASE! :)

I'm so glad you two found each other! I love reading your guy's comments! I'm a terrible, snoopy over-reader! 😂

Hahahhahaa actually... I THINK we might have found one another before you and I did!!! @andysantics and @kiwideb (sistaaaaas) both found me when I was writing up my 26 day detox posts.

Oh my gosh... How does that feel like a lifetime ago!?!?

(One Steemit day = one "real" month, I think @monchhichi23 lololol)

But.... I love how i AM reaching that 25 number of a core group that are close!! And icing on the cake that they know one another already.... It will make my surprise "taking my crew on a cruise" that much sweeter!!!! 🤣

Yep @countrygirl.... It's totally gonna happen... Cruise! Cruise! Cruise! Hehehehe PLEEEEEEASE dont say no!!

(And since @freedompoint is the other half to my best bestie couple... He comes too!!! Cuz... Umm who else will tell us that it's nighttime... Not blindtime) 😂😂😂

I think this wins the record of most name tags in a single comment (of mine, to date). LCLCL

This is why we are friends.

This is not snooping!!!! This IS RESEARCH!!!!

You are hunting the comments section for like-minded individuals to add to the group you support in the hopes that they will also love and enjoy you as much and return the offer of friendship.

See? I bet that made you feel better (and was actually completely true! Hahaha)

Ask me how I know 😆

Oh my gosh...both of your comments have me rolling!! So wait...are you taking Steemians on a cruise???

And yes, it definitely made me feel better!! And when I see my friends chatting away, I have this need to stop in at their "lunch table" and say hi! Haha

yeah!!!! and grab steal a chip of their plate too. hahahahaha

cruise for my crew. just let that marinate for a bit.... how inviting does that sound???

let it soak. let it sink in.

feel it. want it. need it. LOLOLOL

sing it with me..... taking her crew on a cruuuuuuuuise ......

Hahaha...I don't really freak me out! Have you ever watched The Titanic?! LCL

hahahahaha why didn't she take turns on that floating door?

she watched that poor man freeze to death and turn blue and then had the nerve to wriggle her hand out of his icy clutch after she just said she would never let go.



please don't lose the giggles!!! Don't let me distract you from you goals lol - I could be good at that - leading people astray :D

UM. did you see my goals? you are one of my 25 m'lady. hehehehe

if you do - then... you ruin my whole plan to have a core group of awesome people who comment!

(notice - i did NOT say upvote. my goal is commenting hehehehe , upvotes are icing on the cake if they come!)

I wouldn't leave your posts without upvoting.... well not unless I'm having a senior moment!!! lol

Goals ?? what goals?? I didn't actually read it :P

I AM CRACKING UP!!!!! what the heck! hahahaha did you just scroll past everything?!?!?! LOLOLOL

No I read it I'm just so tired tonight that I can't remember hehehe - My most important thought right now is - I need tweezers to get a stray hair lmao

i'm so tired too!!!! its 2 am and my brain has just said no more. hahahaha
go find your tweezers LOLOL night ;)

I'm right there with ya.

well...... you're succeeding! hehehehe the Homer Simpson and the text.... DYING.

Hahaha another distractor huh???

Oh my gosh... I'm playing this game that is so simple... But SO FUN AND HYSTERICAL!!!!! I think the characters make it so funny! No I KNOW. Andy... Next round you have to play. You will be such a great addition! And it's free!!!! Hehehehe

I end up cackling over the simplest things because of people's responses to the storyline. As a matter of fact... I think I'm going to make it the final port tomorrow on the map. Hehehehe it's just that fun :)
@doctorcrypto... Sorry. Your spicy chili issues are about to go public. Hehehe

Here’s my goals :

By the end of April , my “important project” is on the air
By the end of summer , I am producing at least one piece of content in written and video and audio form every week.
By the end of the year, I make more than 1000 euros from my blogging activities.

Now, you will ask me and rightfully so where is Steemit. Steemit is a publishing medium. I am more focused on the content creation and not on the medium. Let’s say that content will be distributed to as many places as possible.
As much as I love Steemit I cannot solely rely on a platform that it doesn’t belong to me .
Hope you will hold me accountable with these goals.
Steem on !!! :)

Ohhhhhhh I love it!!!! And I think I know your other mediums! Lolol (cuz.... I'm on them with you hahahaha)

I'm so intrigued to see this "project" unfold and I only have to wait until next month ???? Exciting!!!

Thank you for quantifying your goals with me!!!! (And for helping me quantify mine!)

I will absolutely hold you accountable to these goals, friend!!! 😊

And I think I know your other mediums!

Including but not limited ... :)

crazy schedule!!!! hahahahaha

Yeah , too much work ... :)

And p.s. you do not have to use anything in this post to continue the "challenge chain".... But I think you should challenge a few of your friends to set goals too! It would make a great follow up to your post yesterday!!!! 😊

I don’t know if @katerinaramm wants to share any goals ...

Thank you @iliasdiamantis!
I would actually love to, but I am going away on a trip, so it needs to be done in the next two weeks...

Take your time and have fun at the trip . :)

Not a fun trip but thank you :)

Oh my goodness! What a challenge! You just really took this thing up a notch! Have you watched the new Teenage Mutin Ninja Turtles where April is talking about how all of her assignments are froth? Well, my dear...this is not a frothy challenge! LCL

@freedompoint often asks me what my goals are, and so far my response has been to just not die here...not lose all of my followers hahaha But maybe it's time to set some realistic expectations!

I loved all your goals, especially your one sentence! I feel like that's very similar to what I'd like to have also! But...I will take some time to figure out exactly what mine is.

Thank you so much for nominating me! I love how you gave a reason behind all your nomonations...and what you said about me gave me so much encouragement! (I may or may not have gotten slightly emotional hahaha)

I'm excited that you're excited!!! LCL
I really am. I think this could be so good for our growth! I was talking to the hubby last night too because he's always asking the same thing. He doesn't get it completely so he usually asks things like "can't you just become friends with whales so your can be one too?" Hehehhee I'm like 1. No. 2. That's not my heart. and 3. No.

Hahahhaa he's like ok but this is time well spent, right?

I'm like well.... So far it has been very rewarding for me! It keeps me accountable to my writing and growing and engaging.

He says great! So you're back to writing your book?

Me: Ummm no. Still not yet 😆

So... Needless to say- this challenge really helped me to focus on where I want to go, how I want to get there, and develop the chart to now TRACK my progress with measurable goals!!!!! If I can do that..and encourage my friends to as well (if they haven't yet) ... Then we will all tug one another along hehehhehehe

So yes... Froth is fun and important for resting our brains and giggling! But let's not get lost in the froth hehehe

I love that he's supportive and asks great questions! If it were as easy to befriend a whale and become one...well...that would be sweet, but we would miss this whole journey! Plus I feel like the top might be lonely if you don't have true friends with you.

Alright...I have a slight confession...I have also been writing a book...for 7 years...
So I identified with this...

He says great! So you're back to writing your book?
Me: Ummm no. Still not yet 😆

It's a mess! hahaha I'm hoping that as I grow into a better writer here (fingers crossed LCL) that I'll be able to do it justice and finish it! Then I hope to be able to unleash it to trusted friends here to help edit, and then publish it a chapter at a time.

All of this was going to go into my "chart a course" post...but you got a sneak peek! Haha

nice!!!! and are you a member of The Writer's Block?? if not... join!!!
there are so many editors there - but @damianjayclay has been connected to me and my writing/random thoughts three times now... hehehehe so i have a special affinity for him!!!! :) really - go check it out!!!

and @freedomtowrite... what do you need to start writing again? to finish your book? what's stopping you?

I've been asking myself the same questions. I had a deadline to post the next chapter on Saturday. it is now Wednesday. aghhhhhhhhhh. and here's the kicker. it's already written!!!!!!

BUT TODAY. ok - that's it. today. today today today. for real. no more .... whatever it is that's stopping me. today.

but first i'm gonna go make a sandwich. hahahahahahahahaha

Haha, yes! I just recently joined in discord! I thought I'd head there when I was ready! I will check him out!

And...I think the biggest is confidence in what I'm writing. It was the first thing I've ever tried to write, and I led in with confidence, and got lost along the way. Along with intimidated that I wasn't good/able to do it. But since I've been active on Steemit, I'm really starting to feel better about it!

I'd love to read yours, so please post it!

TODAYYYYYYYYYY. it must be today!!! I keep asking myself... so what is it? why are you hesitating??? (i have 10 chapters written)

and... i'm really trying to figure that out. maybe it's because i haven't finished it yet. so i think i don't want to finally submit the last chapter that i've written and then go. ummmmmm crap.

I'd like to think it was kinda just that simple(ish)

but... i think there is probably more too.

but tonight. no excuses. next chapter

ok @freedomtowrite, it was really late but i stayed awake and i did it!!!! hehehe technically "tomorrow" but... still... kinda sorta today :) (since i never went to sleep until it was posted!)

i think i'll post the next installments on Saturday/Wednesday and so on. it's called Fireflies on my blog - check it out!!! hehehehe

I'm so happy for you! I will go look right now!

Ok, I've read chapter 1 (and loved it!!!) but 2 will be later today! As soon as I get back on, you are my priority!

Thank you Dreemy:):*! This one sure is a tough one and it will take a bit of time to create know..meditate...breath in..breath out..connect to my inner self..ask permission and guidance to create the plans..then visualise them...write them in my post and after building towards them:)...i'm joking:))..thank you for this contest Dreemy<3!

hahahahaa inhale, exhale ;)

i hope it can help you to streamline!!! it definitely helped me

i'm looking forward to getting to see your goals, cuz i think it will help me to get to know you (and know how to encourage you) on a better level!!! :)

A few significant followers, people who really follow and like what you do can make a difference. I'm honestly a newbie around, all my following is still outside. I'm just still plankton here but I'm fortunate to have found friends on the way, they really made the difference to make me stay and try this longer. :) Hope you achieve all your goals

Hi there!!! I absolutely agree!!!! It's those special people that pull you through the times where you're questioning!!! :)

I absolutely loved your concert today!!! I'm addicted to your voice and your music hehehehe

and i'm getting closer and closer to being an actual minnow!!!! hahahaha (funny - i started as a minnow in 2016... but then they added another level - aghhhh) so now i have to go BACK to being a minnow :)

closer closer closer..... hehee

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