The thing that is making trimming my followING count soooooo easy

in #chainbb-general7 years ago (edited)

people who never post on their own...but only reSteem

people who haven't posted in over 3 months


Maybe they're trying to be curators? Can't see any other reason to just resteem :)

curating doesn't pay unless you're pretty well set up in Steem Power. I made 8 Sp last week via curating...less than 1% of my value

it doesnt make sense for minnows to curate to the point they dont have a presence on Steemit

Yeah it definitely doesn't make sense but maybe it's what gives them joy lol.

The only other reason i can think of is that they're bots trying to get a post to the trending page. Not sure if that'd work though.

I didn't think of that, and I understand very little of the underlying mechanics of the site; I just figger I'll learn them when the site comes out of beta and gets more stable

Until there is a better mechanism for managing and organizing our follows, that may be a good & reasonable approach @stevescoins.

@everittdmickey brings up Dunbar's number (and he voted for you on this ;> )

"Dunbar's number is a suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships"

maybe we SHOULD NOT want to follow too many folks

Dunbar's Number is extremely relevant with all of this, especially with all of the social media accounts we all likely have these days. There comes a time when we look at the numbers and wonder what may have spun out of control. There is no way a person can follow and interact with hundreds, let alone thousands. That level of engagement requires a team or an agency behind them, such as what celerities and big companies do.

I have a draft organization plan in which I mostly function on one primary site (cough cough HERE), and then blast it out to every other social media site...but I think that's what everybody does these days.

honestly, it would probably be more profitable to sell Steemit and get more users here than to spam 20 social media sites you never participate in

That's the plan of many here. Personally, I post here and share out to Twitter. It can be a great way for people to stumble upon Steemit and see what it's all about.

thats the other side of my dilema; my twiiter is natsec and politics focused, and I'm all over the place on Steemit ;>

I need to restrict what output goes where

there's tools to do that, ITTT etc, but I haven't focused onto a base strategy yet

That sounds far too complicated, simplify it all up, use IFTTT if it'll help you, but the simpler the better.

probally am overthinking; I'll take another look at it after i finish pruning

now followERS...people YOU are following...
you have no control over who follows you..
confusing isn't it?

let me just edit that...I been making that mistake all day LOL

I would like to be able to make myself invisible to individuals of my choice, a, sort of, reverse mute.

I wonder if that is an idea that has been suggested to the devs yet

I'd like to hope it's not that novel of an idea, that it hadn't occurred to someone.

I don't even know if there is a static page for site suggestions /smh

It seems like a reasonable 'want'.

I might go as far as people who haven't posted in a month. Good idea to get trimming.

I think it will help you stay focused on the interest that bring you to Steemit, but I think we should also keep an eye out for New Steemers

There is a lot of work we need to do to keep the platform balanced and attractive to those outside Steemit

Great idea , might be an idea for us to start doing that too. Never thought about it, but do dislike people who only resteem and dont bring any original content. Thanks!

I have passed over following some who resteem too much.

I don't see anything wrong with this. It's a hard decision but if your not feeling what they are giving it's no harm in cutting them loose. Or you could send them an prod (like this post)if they really are following you they will act accordingly.

you could send them an prod

I actually think that is a bad idea

it was a post about a situation like that, that led me to this decision

I think it would likely create either divion if they left or resentment if they stayed

I've unfollowed dead accounts, people who havented posted for over 30 days.

there is a nice tool to ferret those out; linked above.

it's going to take me a few days to do this; been checking out the feeds of folks I'm quitting on

Yeah I found a tool called dead followers, kinda morbid but it works. I need to trim because I want to support my friends. My feed became seriously confusing after I friended 150 that friended back....I need to start supporting my friends.

I am a little red faced atm, I did unfollow you earlier; even though we are having this great discussion now

please forgive me ;> refollowed!

Oh shoot, no problem, I'm a scattered brain when I work on paintings. I totally understand the unfollowing. Thank you for following me again☺️

Yes, but we have had a couple of good discussions before IIRC...which I didn't remember when I looked at your feed.

I think what will happen is that I am going to end up unfollowing some more folk with whom I do have good interaction, but don't recall it when I'm cleaning

Luckily, I think most folk will understand. Steemit has been one of the most open and friendly social media platforms I have ever seen

Steemit is the friendliest platform I've been on. I used to help moderate a Buddhist chat board called e-Sangha....the people were crazy mean. Not all but you'd think Buddhist would try extra hard to be nice...naw, it was a monkey shit fight. Especially the fights between the zenners and the vajrayana dudes, or Theravada and Mahayana people😳

you'd think Buddhist would try extra hard to be nice...naw, it was a monkey shit fight.


just be glad they weren't using naginatas ;>

This is interesting. I mean I have been out and about from steeming so long as 2 months now, and just tonight decided to post again. I'm wondering if and how many have unfollowed me for letting myself take a leave. I'm not dead yet though.

this is funny

you were one of the accounts I vetted and didn't drop.

now you're commenting on this post...serendipity ;>

yup, I had to stay off Steemit for a coupla months on some family business, but I don't know how many people dropped me. just post and comment and rebuild the network!

Thanks, it's nice that you find me and my works on steem interesting enough. Makes me want to add more content now. :)

@gammer00 if you leave a note you'restepping out I won't unfollow you. I check the accounts first. Now I have so many followers I fell kinda overwhelmed, I want to check on everyone. So that's why I unfollow those who are not active after 30 days..

And at some point we will be spending more time on follower management than on content creation...

That's what I mean!

I understand what you are saying, Steve. Did you unfollow users like those?

yes; an ongoing process; I'll be at it a few days I think (I already have egg on my face from one unfollow!)

I understand your feelings lol!
I forgot to mention that I've followed you as well, Steve. I found your blog really interesting and worth reading.

it's funny b/c I found Steemit through GRC mining, and vowed to stay off politics.

But here I am majoring in politics and minoring in the dynamics of Steemit (this site would be a great phenomena to study even if it wasn't a few extra dollars)

Haven't looked at other crypto , even GRC, in a few months

Hehehe I l forgot to mention that I followed you, Steve. I found your profile really worth reading!

I remember we had a good back and forth on a topic and ended up following each other, but I can't remember what it was atm

I had been thinking about just unfollowing EVERYBODY and starting to refollow one at a time, but I think I'll keep at it this way



It's a bit like gardening... sometimes you need to pull some weeds and throw out the plants that are no longer "producing."

I agree with that 95%, but let me clarify something

it's weeding out those that aren't producing for ME; and I don't mean people that are not upvoting, resteeming, or commenting

I'm talking about people whose contributions spur ME to add to the platform with an upvote, a comment , a resteem, or even a post of my own from their disucussion

I don't think we should be following/unfollowing as a tit for tat (even though I have done that!)

I have unfollowed quite a few folks so far today that are incredible producers for the community, but that I don't spend a lot of time reacting to their stuff myself

Oh, I agree entirely... which is why I almost inevitably end up with 2x (or more) people following me than I follow.

But then I'm here because I enjoy social blogging, and really dig the idea of building community. The whole "mutual circle of backscratching for pennies" thing is just not my scene. No, wait... it outright annoys me. I think it makes more sense to "fiercely supportive" of the kind of content we each feel enhances the community.

I followed pretty willy nilly for a while; I followed a lot of new Steemers b/c I thought it was supportive of the platform as a whole.. I also followed everyone that followed me.

It seems to have slowed down my own level of interaction, tho (surprising me)

Hell this whole process on my part started with a post @shayne made yesterday about the following process here on Steemit...made me think

If you vote for me I'll vot for you, have you seen my last post?🤑😂😂😂

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