
there is a nice tool to ferret those out; linked above.

it's going to take me a few days to do this; been checking out the feeds of folks I'm quitting on

Yeah I found a tool called dead followers, kinda morbid but it works. I need to trim because I want to support my friends. My feed became seriously confusing after I friended 150 that friended back....I need to start supporting my friends.

I am a little red faced atm, I did unfollow you earlier; even though we are having this great discussion now

please forgive me ;> refollowed!

Oh shoot, no problem, I'm a scattered brain when I work on paintings. I totally understand the unfollowing. Thank you for following me again☺️

Yes, but we have had a couple of good discussions before IIRC...which I didn't remember when I looked at your feed.

I think what will happen is that I am going to end up unfollowing some more folk with whom I do have good interaction, but don't recall it when I'm cleaning

Luckily, I think most folk will understand. Steemit has been one of the most open and friendly social media platforms I have ever seen

Steemit is the friendliest platform I've been on. I used to help moderate a Buddhist chat board called e-Sangha....the people were crazy mean. Not all but you'd think Buddhist would try extra hard to be nice...naw, it was a monkey shit fight. Especially the fights between the zenners and the vajrayana dudes, or Theravada and Mahayana people😳

you'd think Buddhist would try extra hard to be nice...naw, it was a monkey shit fight.


just be glad they weren't using naginatas ;>

Man, you never know with the mental powers of Buddhist monks and vajrayanist have dakinis like the lion faced dakini simhamukha. I used her special skill set a lot! ...I had to learn equanimity quick. It's a special kind of equipoise of the mind where nothing can hurt you....

This is interesting. I mean I have been out and about from steeming so long as 2 months now, and just tonight decided to post again. I'm wondering if and how many have unfollowed me for letting myself take a leave. I'm not dead yet though.

this is funny

you were one of the accounts I vetted and didn't drop.

now you're commenting on this post...serendipity ;>

yup, I had to stay off Steemit for a coupla months on some family business, but I don't know how many people dropped me. just post and comment and rebuild the network!

Thanks, it's nice that you find me and my works on steem interesting enough. Makes me want to add more content now. :)

@gammer00 if you leave a note you'restepping out I won't unfollow you. I check the accounts first. Now I have so many followers I fell kinda overwhelmed, I want to check on everyone. So that's why I unfollow those who are not active after 30 days..

And at some point we will be spending more time on follower management than on content creation...

That's what I mean!

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