Apoyando el arte #286 – Supporting art #286
Bienvenidos a nuestro reporte de curación número 286
Creemos que el mayor valor que podemos aportar a Steem y Steemit no solo radica en la curación de contenido (votar artículos) sino en la curación social, es decir, la curación que se sirve de la crítica constructiva y la educación por medio del comentario para agregar valor al aporte del autor, la unificación de éstos dos conceptos (curación de contenido + curación social) nos permitirá lograr mejores resultados a mediano y largo plazo con respecto a la calidad del contenido en Steem.
Realizamos curaduría de artículos en Español e Ingles de las siguientes categorías:
- Artes plásticas, visuales y escénicas
- Literatura
- Música
Los artículos publicados en este post no nos pertenecen, el único fin es publicitar el contenido y rendir cuentas de nuestras curaciones.
Welcome to our curation report number 286
We believe that the greatest value we can bring to Steem and Steemit is not only in the curation of content (voting articles) but in the social curatorship, the curatorship that employs constructive criticism and education through the comments to add value to the contribution of the author, the unification of these two concepts (content curation + social curation) will allow us to achieve better results in the medium and long term regarding the quality of the content on Steem.
We are currently curing content in Spanish and English from the following categories:
- Plastic, visual and performing arts
- Literature
- Music
Down below we present the articles upvoted between 27 & 28/08/2019
The articles published in this post do not belong to us, the only purpose is to publicize the content and give an account of our curations.
Narrative with the grace that characterizes the author and story with flavor. Sympathetic figures! @josemalavem
El gato que me seguía/ The cat that followed me
A well-told tale, which, although it seems to be of the utmost innocence, has a component of a certain psychological tension. The author's illustration accompanies it quite well. @josemalavem
A beautiful photograph, in which the light captured by the author floods the beautiful cathedral, which is framed in that deep darkness, from which it emerges with its mystery and beauty. @josemalavem
#PoesiaChallenge – Renacimiento
Poem that expresses with fine sensitivity, through images of sensory power, that feeling that we experienced, in the extreme in the last days, with the destruction of our jungles and forests, and in them the death of the most defenseless beings that inhabit them. Good call of attention! @josemalavem
Arte Estelar (I) / Star Art (I)
Attractive and imposing image very well captured by the hobby and photographic motivation of its author. The domes are one of the most beautiful and spiritual inventions of the human being: they function as a kind of architectural mandalas; in this case, that leaf tree, mystical rose or star that protects and elevates us. @josemalavem
Blanco Rocío | Tips de Fotografía
Beautiful photographs, that only highlights the shining beauty of that flower. Incredible shots, that perceive every detail of the color and the form. The chosen background makes us only appreciate its great value. @historiasamorlez
2nd Exclusive Steemit Open Music Contest. Preciosa Merideña. Vals...
A beautiful interpretation of a song loaded with a lot of feeling. Your voice adds a particular sound, as it adapts very well to this version. The guitar accompaniment gives a plus to such a perfect presentation. @historiasamorlez
A beautiful graphite drawing that highlights the great shaded details of this peculiar bird. Its different wings but that have the same end and that sword carried in the legs, only emphasizes the force that must have, to the being different. Very beautiful and inspiring. @historiasamorlez
Excellent photography that highlights the perfect shot. A work very well thought out, since the dynamic background adds great value to the representation. @historiasamorlez
Dibujo de Tierna Mirada Canina
An impressive graphite drawing, that you highlight in the step by step that you detail to us. You can see the artistic work and the shading details, which allow the drawing to have that singular expression. @historiasamorlez
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Todo el contenido de @celfmagazine y @celfditorial es traído para tí gracias a nuestro equipo directivo: @joedukeg, @camiloferrua y @jeilinespinel. Staff de creación de contenido y curación: @josemalavem, @historiasamorlez, @universoperdido y @takish.
También queremos agradecer a nuestros mayores patrocinantes: @cervantes, @steempress, @roelandp, @voronoi y @neoxian.
All the content of @celfmagazine and @celfditorial is brought to you thanks to our directive team: @joedukeg, @camiloferrua and @jeilinespinel. General team on content creation and curation: @josemalavem, @historiasamorlez, @universoperdido and @takish.
We would also like to thank our major sponsors: @cervantes, @steempress, @roelandp, @voronoi and @neoxian.
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://celfmagazine.ml/2019/09/03/apoyando-el-arte-286-supporting-art-286/