What was your First Car?

in #cars5 years ago (edited)

I wasn't going to post tonight. I could but I am loathed to do shit-posts.

While I’m sitting on a load of photographs of walking through woods and down country lanes, does anyone really want to read all that stuff?

Yes, I'm going to post it at some point, as everyone else seems to. It is a blogging platform after all right?


Tonight I saw a post from @verhp11 about ‘What was your first car?

Yes it a bit of fun, and I think we all have a story about this subject.

I passed my driving test at the age of 19, and it took me THREE goes. It is quite tough here, but probably tougher now as we have a theory test that requires you to write as well as the practical test.

You lot in the USA have it easy if the bike test is anything to go by. ‘Drive around these cones’, ‘Yeah you passed well done’.

I remember it well, still have my bike license AND it’s still valid for a few more years!


My father had a 1982 Ford Escort Van and I ended up buying it from him. There were no freebies when I was a young lad in the @slobberchops household.

I can’t remember the cost, but I got it at a ‘subsidised’ price. It was a 1.3 litre and didn’t move too fast, but had been looked after as he bought it brand new. I was to be the second owner.

There are no tales of me smashing it up as a year later I traded it in for something much flashier. But going back to the days when the car wasn’t mine, I always asked to borrow it on Sundays.

He did lend me the car very begrudgingly not knowing that it was then a case of down to my mates and then driving it around some fields like maniacs.

If he ever suspected then he didn’t let on. Maybe that’s why he made me pay for it at the end.


Tonight’s tale is a short one of rebellion. We all did it to some extent.

If you have a tale about your first car and need a reason to write something, then give us the spiel. I nominate @daan, @michealb, @nuthman, @shanibeer, and @raj808.



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Funny thing was I has an Escort from back then, I cant remember the exact year. They had an issue that if the timing belt broke, the piston would smash the valves. I got my Escort from a relation and it needed a new head which I bought and installed. I actually drove that thing for a while lol.

Haven't we been down this road before? I had a 1964 Barracuda. Bright Red. It had 18,000 miles on it when I got it, and 280,000 when I sold it :)

That isn't MY car, just exactly like it. I got a ticket for racing the day I got my license at 16. I won the race.

Before that I had a Yamaha YG1. I used it to get to work from the time I was 14.

Again, not this bike. I still have a scar on my right leg from a pipe burn when I crashed once. It was a nasty injury.

Even before that, my dad gave me exclusive use of his '51 Chev PU. It was this color but quite a little worse for wear and tear. His thought was if he gave me the Chev I'd leave his good stuff alone.

And I learned to drive in one of these. If you could shift that square jawed transmission you could shift anything. '48 Ford.

That's the coolest looking first car I have seen on any of these replies. Most of us had no money and so ended up with bangers.

Have we been here before? Perhaps with the bikes, but not the cars I think.

Somebody did first cars, I thought it was you. Must have been one of the 'lost boys' from the last year or so...

I started working for neighbors when I was 12 so had a little money. The year I turned 15 we drilled a well and started irrigating our own ground. My Dad made me a deal: Move all the water and get paid $100 per month. (He was cash poor after buying the bits for irrigating) and he'd keep the tally of what I really earned to put into a car when I was 16. I had over $3000 in credit 'on the books'. He upheld his end and I owned this car free and clear about a month before I turned 16.

He made the same deal with my brother who ended up with a '68 Camaro. By the time he graduated HS that was a serious racer :)

We had one too. I understand it's still a prized car.

My first 'car', a Charly; 50cc and nobody takes you serious. Kinda made me go for a Chevy Van next.


Are you serious, you really had one of these? I would bet it's a collectors item today!

like quite a few cars I owned...
Opel C Kadett Caravan 1975
Audi A80 1982
Volvo 240 Turbo

except for 3...

Is there just one wheel in the front? I'm not sure what I'm seeing.

yes, it's 3 wheels ;)
It's a dangerous ride, as you can't stop laughing...

I never thought about how dangerous a funny looking car can be. :-) LOL

This is the funniest vehicle I've ever seen - When was that made? I'd love to drive one around Los Angeles, lol!

I think it was made from the lae 70s till mid 80s

Haha... who would have thought that Mr. Slobberchops was actually your real name!

Anyway, my first car that I've owned... is still the car that I have at the moment. I've never really had an occasion to buy one until recently. So, we have a shopping trolley with a motor... aka, Peugeot 107.

I'm glad you didn't nominate me, because I'm full of ideas for posts, but not enough time to write them! And also because my first car was an episode in my life that I'm not desperately keen to relive. I passed my driving test at age 17 and two months - I was so desperate to learn to drive that I came downstairs on my 17th birthday holding L-plates. My Dad taught me, after the grumpy driving instructor said it would take me at least two years to pass. A few years later, in the early 1980s, I worked all summer in a launderette during the day and serving drinks in a nightclub in the evenings, saving up enough cash to buy... a Honda 500cc (car, not bike). It looked just slightly bigger than @captainklaus's Charly contraption, and if I gave two big people a lift, there would be an ominous clunking sound at the back (the undercarriage bumping along the road).
After a few weeks, it just ground to a halt. It turned out to have an irreparable hole in the engine. The couple who had sold me this piece of trash were kind enough to refund most of the money I'd paid (I think it was about £60!)

You were lucky to get your cash back, I didn't for a certain car.. but that's another story.

I had a 1996 VW Golf (4 door) for my first car. I called it Feivel, and it was red with a moon roof - which would leak constantly. I tried sealing the edges with duct tape, which worked for a bit, but I'd have to re-tape it quite often. I could tell when it needed re-taping because the wind would cause it to buzz against the roof whilst driving.

One day, I heard the buzz whilst driving on the freeway, then heard a RIP... silence. Immediately my eyes darted to the rear view where I saw the entire moon roof glass piece narrowly miss a (fortunately paying attention and dodging) jeep travelling behind me... :| That could've gone a lot worse.

Needless to say I duct taped the entire hole because I was a poor high school student and it was the only way to keep out the rain... LOL

Looks like most of us had dodgy cars, I guess I had a boring looking one but it worked and didn't have holes.

The good old Escort :) , my Father used to drive a sierra and after that Scorpio. ford still majkes some great cars !!

They do, I drive a Mondeo now. Not really a car person anymore.

Me too. My car now is 20 years old and only has 130,000 miles. I sold cars for awhile in 1981...now that was an experience.

Very nice! My first car wasn't much better it had been my grandma's then my sister's then mine. Don t worry about your post not being a work of art. We all have those days and honestly I think we are entitled to them sometimes.

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First cars are usually ropey ones. This 'crap' post yielded more comments than many I have done. Funny how things work out.

Love this post and the amount of interaction here too! Some awesome first cars! This was mine:


A 5 door Vauxhall Corsa with the standard weathered plastic trim, damn that pissed me off. Everyone else at the time were buying body kits and trim and all sorts to show off. I had no chance to compete but it was a great car. Called Vera after meeting a girl on a job that worked her arse off (and was good fun).

A Mercedes c200 1997 that I sold it for graphic cards before Eth was released. :3

Blimey, I hope you got a whole rack full of them and managed to mine a lot of DogeCoin or whatever you were mining. I have a couple in my PC sadly not being used as the electricity cost is to prohibitive now.

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