As A Cannabis Coach, I’m Not Afraid To Tell You What I Think

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)

As we are nearing the end of prohibition of cannabis in many countries around the world, I think that it’s high time we make more of a concerted effort to de-mystify the use of the plant.

I Think.

(These Are The Operative Words.)

I think that almost one hundred years of fear-mongering and vilification is enough.

This is why I have decided to bust out of the cannabis closet and broadcast that:

I’m a middle-aged woman who grows cannabis and uses it every single day.

That, and I don’t give a flying $&@# who knows or what their opinion is, about what I choose to do.


Remember That This Is Not A Radio-Active Isotope.

It’s A Herb.

It Grows Naturally In The Wild And Hasn’t Been Synthetically Concocted In A Lab.

As a direct result, I think that every human and animal on the planet should be able to freely use this plant whenever they need or want to.

I think that the right to use a naturally occurring herb should not be controlled by a corporation or a government.


I think that the herb should be free and that anyone who wants to grow it, simply should just learn how. (Without having to fill out forms in triplicate or grease the palms of anyone’s hands, along the way, I might add.)

I think that learning all about this plant (accurately) should be easy and not restricted.

I think that as an adult, I am capable of deciding what I put into my own body...because it’s my damn body and I know “it” best.

I think that we should be embracing the incredible physiological fact that the human body has evolved to use the compounds found within cannabis to correct internal deficiencies.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Just like our human bodies have a circulatory system, a respiratory system and a central nervous system, they also have an endocannabinoid system.

When a body is in optimal health, it is capable of producing its own cannabinoids. These compounds bind to their specific docking (or receptor) sites on each cell. Then, by an exchange of information with the cell, the cannabinoids correct the deficiencies as best they can. This brings the body back into a state of homeostasis or as close to balance as they can.

When conditions are not optimal inside the body (like when there’s stress or insomnia, for example ) then the body stops being able to produce its own cannabinoids and stops being able to restore balance itself.


Cannabis contains about 111 of these cannabinoids (or specific medicinal compounds) which are contained within the plant’s flowers. They can and do bind directly to the body’s own receptor sites, when the body can’t make enough of its own.

Cannabinoids (whether your body makes them or you ingest them directly from the plant) will correct deficiencies and restore the health within the body.

It is for this specific reason that I think that there aren’t actually any “true recreational users” of the herb.

Everyone who enjoys the benefits of cannabis (when asked) will tell you exactly why they choose to use it and how it improves the quality of their life.

Even, if it’s just that cannabis helps them to choose to feel happy or stops negative thought patterns from repetitively occurring, it is still correcting a deficiency.

The last time that I checked, choosing to correct a biological deficiency wasn’t a crime and it doesn’t produce a victim. Yet, people are still being persecuted and are paying dearly for this choice.

Lets Remember That What They Are Really Choosing To Do, Is Restore Their Own Level Of Health.

I happen to think that this is one of the biggest crimes still being perpetrated against humanity by governments of countries all over the world.

I welcome your comments and I invite you you to follow me on my journey...I may climb on an activism soapbox from time to time because (you guessed it) cannabis helps me to balance my own brain chemistry and I think for myself.


~ Rebecca

PS: Check out the Smoke Network.


Mary Jane is my best friend : )
My wife @MediKatie is okay with that, because Mary Jane is her best friend too. It's treating my PTSD and chronic pain, and MediKatie's cancer. We've been hardcore activists for the plant for 10 years online, and at the street level since July 1st 2015 when we witnessed the VPD attack peaceful defenseless cannabis activists on Robson Street. We've held a 420 Farmers Market in that very spot every Saturday for the past year, and once a month for another year before that. The police recently raided and arrested several activists and a lot of patients have gone without their source since.
MediKatie has another MRI tomorrow to check the status of the tumor. We hope to find some really good oil to blast it with asap.
Your article was great. You know your stuff. Thank you very much for your post! 100% upvote at full voting power.

Your words ring true and straight to both @knarly327’s heart and my own. Please wish @medikatie all the best in her MRI tomorrow. Look for a message from me tonight in Steem chat. ;)

Thank you both! I'll pass that on to her. Early bedtime tonight because it's a really early appointment.
It goes without saying but we support your decision to "come out" about your involvement with cannabis. Thanks for helping normalize it : )

I will fight with my last breath, for this plant to receive the respect it deserves. Couldn't easily send you a message on chat.
If you are comfortable with this, please send me an email and I'll send you some important nutritional info that has and is working. ;)

salutes Respect!
Also, incoming email : )

I love it very much, it’s high time we cut the bs & embrace real medicine. Healthy plants, healthy people

Hear hear! Sounds like the Green Union is building numbers! Let's change this crap. Patients and sick deserve it. Grow it!

I agree @ganjafarmer! We need as many “seeds in soil” as we can get . ;)

Clones! I'm going kayaking! Can't find them all!

And I need to find seeds! I got some stashed too!

hahaha! hope you find em again mate!

Always do! And following you!

I couldn’t agree more! We need less BS and more people who aren’t afraid to use a herb to restore their health.

& not afraid to show it 👏👏👏

Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca
Dear Little Girl
Is there not a limit to your wisdom, knowledge, and understanding?
In those things that you have an interest in. I have to think not.
Bravo for your determination to tell and show us what is true and what is irrefutable.
Your determination to help all of us is greatly appreciated.

One little token to advance more of your power and determination.
Let me add it here for you if you don't mind?

Thank you


Hahaha! Thank you @francisk!

I Think That Attitude Is Everything In This World.

And True Wisdom Is Knowing Who You Are Dealing With. ;)

Boem! @rebeccaryan on fire :)

"Cannabis contains about 111 of these cannabinoids (or specific medicinal compounds) which are contained within the plant’s flowers. They can and do bind directly to the body’s own receptor sites, when the body can’t make enough of its own.

And correct me if i'm worng, cannabinoids from Cannabis are the only ones who can activate the endocannabiniods system? Like a key to a lock and they are simply no other keys.

Or in other words me and Mary Jane are made for each other :)

Exactly @markush! Just like a key fitting into a lock and then being able to open the door and walk right in like they own the place. Then, they start to clean house and restore order, again like they own the place. There isn't any other plant that I know of that uses the endocannabiniod system. I have read that when you have traditional Chinese acupuncture, it stimulates the cb2 receptors with the insertion of acupuncture needles....that would be the only other thing that would come close...other than some other foods that can prime the receptor sites and get them ready to bind with the cannabinoids found in cannabis. If you eat these foods about 45 minutes before smoking, eating or vapourizing ,they will actually heighten the effects of cannabis. (Basil, hops, mango, lemongrass, hemp seeds and hemp oil are a few of these foods.)
At the end of the day the herb came first and it fits us biologically just like a glove. ;)

There are also the endocannabinoids (cannabinoids made by the body), such as anandamide and 2AG. They're also perfect fits for the cannabinoid receptors. These cannabinoids are responsible for many basic health functions in the body, for part of the conception process, and they're found in breastmilk.
But you and Mary Jane are DEFINITELY made for each other, too, no doubt about that! Humans have evolved right alongside this plant, eating it, smoking it, wearing it, living in it. It was the first domesticated crop. It's part of us and our chemistry has evolved with the plant. One love <3

DAMN!!!! I loved that!...... I want to smoke marijuana so bad but they random test us on my job, I can go in tomorrow and be pulled for piss test. I'm in the USA in a state that it is not legalized yet as some other states here are. I haven't smoked weed since 1995.😒

Oh, that’s awful @bigblueleadsled. I think I’d move to a State that has legalized or allows for medical at the very least.

Well they have passed cannabinoid treatment for epileptic children and for farmers in this state (North Carolina)to grow hemp on an industrial scale. Hopefully this will be on the ballots by 2020.

Truly a brilliant and well written post in support of the use of cannabis. If it made me write like you just did, I need to get with the program. 🐓🐓

Thanks @mother2chicks! If I'm telling the truth today (and continue to share trade secrets as I go) I will say that I don't think there's been a single post that I have written on my Steemit blog while I haven't been stoned. In fact I think and I have actually said this in jest, that I should be bumped right up a whole other rep score because of that. Hahaha!
I'm completely ok with that.

Your post was one of the best I have ever read. I think it will soon be completely legal, both in the U.S. and Canada. 🐓🐓

Hell yes!! Its amazing how this plant still gets recognized as a schedule 1 drug here in the states, and many places in the world! I can attest that this plant truly heals in many many ways. Herb is the healing of the nations!

That’s a crime too! Cannabis doesn’t bind to the brain stem like other schedule 1 drugs do. That’s why it won’t stop your heart from beating or your lungs from automatically expanding or contracting. It’s just not the same and shouldn’t be included in the same classification.

Cannabis helped me get off meth and heroin! And meth is a damn schedule 2 drug!!

Excellent job @jonyoudyer! I'm following you just for that.
Damn! That's F&^*$ing criminal too...that Meth is considered schedule 2 and cannabis is 1. Boo!!!!

Thank you! Yeah it’s crazy, did you know cocaine is also scheduled 2? They use it for eye surgery! And meth is prescribed in a pill form for adhd and weight loss. It’s also used by military in a injection form. Crazy crazy world! And it’s so ironic i got kicked out of the army for testing positive for THC, and people who tested positive for cocaine just got a demotion and had to preform extra duty! The military looks at those drugs as experimental but later look at cannabis as a chronic thing for a soldier. Good riddance to them, probably saved my life getting kicked out cause i would of been in Afghanistan.

My family knew when I smoked the first time. They tried to keep from laughing. 30 days later they threw a family meeting. I was pissed. I'm not stopping! I'm a pothead! They laugh. Wasn't asking for you to stop... We are hoping you won't! Now a days.. If I'm out of weed a family member will gift me some herb. I give them herb all the time. Lol

Health and balance is the best gift anyone can give another person as far as I’m concerned. When my own family recognizes when I am running on a deficiency and they suggest that l medicate, they are doing so for their comfort as much as mine. Yeah, you can tell the difference and I function much better “lifted” up a little than when I am running on a depleted energy level. That’s the truth.

Brilliant post, and I fully agree with all your points. Time to call bs on all the crap info that the governments try to fool the public with.

My body lets me know what it needs, and I am responsible for my own welfare. I need cannabis medicinally, but it's not legal here. Ridiculous that thousands have to break the law to be free of pain! Nature provides the perfect cure.

True! Every word. You cannot synthesize naturally evolution.
Thanks for speaking your mind @katdvine! I completely agree. Totally ridiculous.

it has been proven that cannabis has the great effect on human body with medicinal call, but people always take it as addicted drug. i know some people here who takes weed as regularly to relief as pain killer in limited eddition others make fun it. i think you are a bravery women with positive sign in your speach.

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