TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems

in #busy6 years ago

Hello beautiful people

Welcome to another TribeSteemUp Curation, where I get to showcase some of the great Articles that the tribe members have created and that really embody what the Tribe stands for. It is still super quiet and tensions seem to be running high at times, but some of our tribe still continue to create and have faith in the Steemit Community!

The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by and you can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

I have 16 articles to share with you all today, articles that are all about inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives. Articles on truth, natural health, anarchy and so much more. Life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. So lets come ogether and engage with one another, so that can all share our wisdom and empower one another. Si that we can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

Magic Mushrooms to Treat Dying People and Relieve Anxiety


Getting high off of shrooms can help those who are on the road to death's doorbell. It's been proven that psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, helps reduce anxiety and change the outlook of one's life.
Terminally ill patients at Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia are going to receive some magic mushrooms in a new medical trial. The aim is to reduce anxiety as they approach certain death. It will start with 30 patients in April, after taking over a year to get approval from authorities and the ethical committee.
A previous study from John Hopkins University helped with the approval of the trial in Australia. In that study, cancer sufferers that experienced anxiety or depression felt relief after taking a large dose of psilocybin. With 51 participants, 80% of them had reduced depression and anxiety.

The Building War Between Men and Women


I've been intrigued by this men vs women dynamic as of late. Someone was talking about building social networks on Steemit, and I got curious about what he was talking about, so I googled it. Well, it turns out it's about picking up women. I looked past some initial cringe because there was something deep there. And I kept watching. And watching. And watching. At this point I've easily watched at least 60 hours of videos from a group of guys called RSD or Real Social Dynamics.
Let's side track for a moment. I've had full grown men cat calling me and making me feel uncomfortable and unsafe and like a piece of meat since I was 14. When I was in high school boys used to drop their pencils on the floor and tell me to pick them up so they could look down my shirt and at my ass. I HAVE BEEN AROUND THE BLOCK WITH TOXIC MASCULINITY.

The Psychology Of Control: Social Media & The Frontlines Of The Reality War


The Psychology Of Division
Although I'll still be continuing to write on steemit, this will be my last truth post for a while. With my house move/work and my renovation I’ve spent a lot of time stuck indoors, hence I decided to use the sombre mood (being stuck indoors brings to me) to my advantage and put a few thoughts into words. Equally, if you constantly stare into the darkness a: it looks back and you and b: you miss the beauty of this world, and there is much of it! We are also surrounded by profound mystery and wisdom, and to those with an open mind, a multitude of possibility and indeed philosophy that can be derived from said mystery. For now I’ll retreat into my photography and philosophical musings, but when the time is right I’ll be back to lend my perspective to the madness of our world.

It's Astro-Logical -- practical advice for conscious living ---> Issue #35


What's happening?
Mercury in Capricorn has come square to Mars in Aries -- bringing a volatile, impatient energy that is as hard on you as you are on everyone else ... which only adds to the stress.
This combination suggests you feel especially driven to do something with yourself ... possibly in ways that involve your career, your professional direction, your outside commitments or how you are spending your talents and time. Squares are tough -- and uncomfortable -- and this one is especially edgy.
What else?
You may be snappish and irritable -- because it's hard to think straight. You want to plan your moves carefully ... and be sure when you make a decision you've considered all the angles and can assure yourself this is the right thing to do.
But with an overstimulated mind going 90 mph, just staying on track and taking care of life's daily business may be a challenge.

Thoughts On Parenthood, On Being The Best Person I Can Be!


I am Trying to be a better person. I am trying to set a good example for my children. But it is so much easier said than done. So many emotions are tied into our life experiences, and how we are feeling really affects how we act. But acting straight from a feeling is not always the best thing to do, as our emotions can really cloud our judgement.
When you become a parent, you have to realize that almost everything you do will effect them, so you do not have the freedom to just lash out or run away from what is happening in your life. Well, actually you could , but you really are not being a good parent if you do. We need to recognize that being a parent It is one of the most important things that we will do in our life.

Elevating The Game | #2 - The Silenced Agriculture-Breakthrough & Potential GMO Reset-Button (Rare Documentary)


Genetically modified organisms have become a widespread concern for humanity. Giant multinational corporations have tirelessly pushed the development of this technology and the proliferation of its use to more and more places on Earth, citing alleged "advantages" that these genetically changed plants would bring to the world's population like increased yields, greater resistance to pests and disease as well as more resilience to weather calamities.
But as many will know there are glaring issues with these genetically modified organisms. For one, many of these GMOs do not reproduce like natural plants would, often making the farmers depended on rebuying seeds every year instead of harvesting and utilizing the ones the plants would bring them naturally which has resulted in tremendous hardship and a wave of suicides over past decades.

Contest Recap: Product Review - 1000 SP in delegations, 50 Steem Monster booster packs and 20 shares of SBI - for Shopping at Homesteaders Co-op


You have a really good chance of winning at least one or two of the prizes just for entering this contest! And there is a lot of time left to enter this exciting contest! But the clock is ticking...
Last week we announced a product review contest for 1000 SP in delegations shared between two winners for one whole month. @pennsif generously offered to donate 1000 SP to this contest in order to help encourage more people to shop on Homesteaders Co-op and support our fellow community members for their hard work and quality products.
Almost immediately after launching the contest @yabapmatt chimed in and has generously donated 50 Steem Monster bonus packs to be split among all entrants into the contest! Wow!
Generosity seems to be contagious because @nateonsteemit donated 20 STEEM out of his pocket towards 20 Steem Basic Income shares to be split among the entrants and the winners.

I Am Happiest - Day 241 - Haiku - Announcing the Launch of #gratitudelog


I am happiest
when I find that for which I
am truly grateful'
One of the best pieces of advice I ever received, and I'm not even sure at this point when or from whom I first received it, was that when things look darkest, find something you are grateful for, and write it down.
No matter how large or how small, everyone of us has something for which we can be grateful, even if it is simply that we continue to breathe in and out.
And studies have shown that people who make gratitude a practice, and keep a record of what they are grateful for, actually putting it in writing, are measurably happier than those who don't.

Anarchapulco Plant Dyed & Low-Impact Dyed Organic T-shirts are at the Printer Having Logos Installed - Mock-Ups and Explanation of Project Intent


This event shirt project has been a long journey spanning over six months, involved many amazing people, and taught @Hempress and I many useful lessons about dyeing and printing on shirts the permanent, healthy, and most environmentally friendly ways possible. We seek to spread the wisdom we have acquired through these recent experiences to other tailors and seamstresses that dye fabric, to steer their methods towards eco-friendly ones that are also healthier for the human body. We want everyone to begin supporting manufacturers that adhere to fair trade practices and don't use excessive packaging. We want to influence people to wear organic, and eco-friendly dyed garments, and over all else, influence others to prioritize having at least a percentage of their wardrobe be second hand or up-cycled clothing. Using what we already have will reduce clothing waste and slow the pollution and resource consumption of manufacturing new clothing world wide.

Correcting the Misconceptions of Peace


I see it all the time, people rejecting peace because it is viewed as passive, weak and often conquered by those who engage in violence. For those who see violence as the only response to violence, comprehending the power of peace may be a stretch. However, peace is not passive, weak or at threat of being conquered, not by any stretch. Instead, peace draws upon an underlying foundation that grounds and connects every single one of us together; love.
While that connection may seem weak or non-existent in some people, it is there. Many work hard to hide or even ignore its existence, but it is there. I know lots of people who are so hurt, injured, scared or alone that they cannot seem to find that connection, but it is there. That love cannot be killed, captured or conquered as it is based in spirit and able to overcome any diversity that it faces.

Steemians Negativity Bias: Everything Is The End Of The World


Have you ever noticed how a fair portion of us buy into the doom and gloom? I am not talking about Steemains only, per se, but the human race. We are conditioned to believe just because something did not go right in the past, it will continue that way.
It is interesting to see how this works with people on here. One thing about the Steem blockchain, it will teach us about human nature.
This week, the big debate is about Steemit Inc's stake. It started with them powering down which led to the immediate conclusion that either every wallet was insecure or Steemit Inc was cashing out. When we find out what the real reason was, it was not as bad as we concluded.
Of course, this sprung the should they have their stake taken or should they not? Should tokens that are ninjamined be allowed to remain in place? I wonder how people would feel about this is Steemit Inc was better at communicating and liked more by the community.

From a slave to a master chapter # 44 - The key of Truth, white lies and fears


Dealing with the issue of honesty always brings up the dilemma of white lies. Is it appropriate to use them at all and under which circumstances, or following the truth should always be exerted even if the price to pay would be causing a severe emotional hurt to others? Another dilemma relates to speaking your truth on your own initiative. For instance, you are enjoying yourself in a cocktail party at work and you bump into your besotted boss who wanders around aimlessly, indiscriminately insulting and affronting your colleagues. Would you comment to them about their shameful behavior? After all, there is no doubt that this is the naked truth. Similarly, there are numerous examples of such situations which can only be addressed according to your own personal discretion. Each human being should form to themselves a layout of demeanor that reflects their highest truths.

Balancing Self: Why The 'Golden Rule' Isn't so Great and How It Can Confuse Understanding Of Our Own Karma.


If experience is drawn by attraction in response to state of being, including the thoughts and emotions we hold - then what is the effect of choosing to live by 'the golden rule' (Do unto others as you would have done unto you)?
Since I understand that the logic of our thoughts gets mirrored out into manifested physical reality - one way or another - I understand that each thought structure needs to be felt and carefully examined for it's likely effects. Holding an idea that I should not do to someone else what I wouldn't want done to me, along with belief in the need to defend self against exploitation and attack - which may include within it a desire for the 'abuser' to 'learn their lesson' - may mean then that I am creating my own karmic issues without realising.

Steem's Reckoning: A Positive Outlook


What I am about to say may come as a surprise to many, but as I sit here playing Steem Monsters (daily quest y'all! everyday!) and see the sort of sad posts displayed in my feed, I want to share a few thoughts.
Death Begets Life
Maybe it's the fact that my mind has been heavily immersed in meditation (which is founded in the nature of impermanence) since the beginning of the new year or that I recently lost one of my beloved pets, our black cat Wix, to a coyote, or the fact that we are ever close to the cycles of life and death on the homestead,
but I see what is unfolding on Steem as very positive.
Foremost let me make the distinction that what I find positive are not the facts that @jesta lays out so well in this post. In fact, we are well beyond needing to reckon with Steemit Inc for the poor leadership, wayward and ultimately destructive (for what is not actively growing is dying) influence (even if said influence is inaction, most of the time).

Free Thinker Radio (1/18/19): What is Radical Unschooling? Feat Dayna Martin


In this latest episode of Free Thinker Radio, Derrick Broze and Micah Jackson talk with activist, mother, and author, Dayna Martin. Dayna explains what exactly radical unschooling is and why it's important. We also talk about Anarchapulco.
Tune in every Friday from 3-4 pm Central on 90.1 KPFT in Houston. You can also listen online at
Catch Free Thinker Radio on Monday's from 4-6 pm Central on the HD2 dial! Listen online at
The Conscious Resistance Network is an independent media organization focused on empowering individuals through education, philosophy, health, and community organizing. We work to create a world where corporate and state power does not rule over the lives of free human beings.

120-121 | The Super Blood Moon Of 2019


Today is January 20th, 2019, which can also be read as 1/20 or 120. Tomorrow is January 21, or 121. Tonight, a Super Blood Moon takes place, that ends a spectacular symmetric set of 18 eclipses, lasting from 12/21/2010 until tomorrow, 1/21/2019. This is a powerful energetical event and is heavily in the shift of the ages involved, including the 2012 Mayan calendar event 12/21/2012, as well as the four Blood Moon Tetrad from 2014-2015, which acts as the center of the eclipse symmetry. Let's have a closer look to understand this better.
What is a Blood Moon and Where to See It
A total lunar eclipse takes place when the moon enters the Earth's umbra (shadow), with the sun on the other side of the Earth. The red color is coming from the redirected light in the Earths atmosphere, where the violet spectrum is filtered out.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.




Thank you so much for all your dedication and support. It truly means the world to me to be part of such a powerful and empathic collective <3 <3

Thank you @paradigmprospect, for your words and for writing such great content, have a great week my friend xx

Thank you so much for including my post @trucklife-family .. I really appreciate it! Not my usual #tribesteemup work .. but I have lots more associated ideas I'm working towards, albeit slowly but surely! :D

I am always inspired when I see your TSU publication @trucklife-family! I enjoy seeing so much thought and consciousness in one place!

Such an amazing selection of articles ~ All in the one post @trucklife-family.

Loved reading @krnel's article on how St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne is going to trial magic mushrooms on terminally ill patients, to help them reduce anxiety and perhaps even change their outlook on life. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

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