Step out into the New Story that You want to Create

in #busy6 years ago

The past that you have already lived is something that is unchangeable.whatever you have done it is done there is nothing that can be done with it .What you can from the past is you can learn from it and use that knowledge and avoid making them in the future that will be something that your past worth for.

Life has many things to teach us if you are willing to learn from it.The things that it will teach you will decide which path you will choose for your life.


If you ever want to success in your life than do not focus on the mistakes that you have done in the past rather learn from the mistakes and make them as a lesson for your life and use them to go ahead in your life.Remember one thing , the path that your friend have succeeded that might not be the path for you, so do not let yourself down when you see a friend have succeeded.

Choose your own path and focus on he things that you are better path and eventually you will be there.There will be many tough situations that you will have be through but do not give up.Do your best for now and create a new story that will make you look back someday and say "I HAVE DONE IT".

Thanks for Stopping by Everyone


Some Of My Previous Posts.



Everyday of your life creates a new story. Everyday is a new beginning of life.

Thanks @rehan12 for sharing this post.☺💚

Thanks sister :)

agreed with your words

Very inspiring. Life, a wonderful creation of universe teaches us everything. What we have to do is, stay tune and learn from mistakes that we had done in the past.!! Motivating post.

Yes we just can not give up and search for the lesson that it is trying us to teach .

Thanks for being here buddy !

Yes, that's why it is said that Life teaches us a lesson, and articles for that lesson are included from our past and mistakes.
You're welcome, I use to be around your blogs.

I just wholeheartedly believe all the lines written. There is no meaning crying on your past and wasting time.@rehan12

Whenever got the thoughts of past negativity I keep remind myself that have to focus on future, just giving my best.

Thus relief much my disheraten soul.

All the very best buddy :)

That should be the spirit always !

Each day is a new starting, creating a new story of life, new inspiration, one more chance to change everything.

Thanks for sharing. ☺

Agreed to the words buddy !

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