The Journey in the SteemMonster World || The Fantasy Story competition arranged by @neoxian

in #steemmomster6 years ago

My eyes were kind of itching and I was feeling the warmth on my body as if something was really burning .I got my eyes rubbing and stood up and I do not know how to react I was completely in a different landscape that I have never seen before .whaaaaaatt the heeelllllll? I told myself screamiiiing.


It was like being in a game that we usually play in our computer.While when I was doing this a voice from the back said 'to stop screaming'.I turned around and to my surprise this was the guy standing behind me .We all do know him as Melric.He is a summoner.While after watching him I was kinda terrified and after few moments I realized who he was and I was asking myself and thinking I have been summoned by him in the Steemmonster world !

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Well then the story goes on.After that I started to walk on the path of the road and after some time it was really looking nice to be there and after some roaming on the land I got to see some of the creatures that I remember in the deck of cards of They were like in a meeting of sorts ,as it was that I thought of.By the way they were all monster in the deck that we all know.

They were from various guilds and they gathered here as because their own guilds were destroyed by some kind of legend (Than I got to know it was one of the legend card character in the deck).While I was kind of welcomed out there but was really uncomfortable to be in the midst of that many monsters.Well who does to be with this many monsters in a single meeting!

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Now as for the meeting, they were discussing that many of their friends (They meant monster friends )have gone to fight the battles with the legendary ones but at the end they never came back.Which only meant that they were killed by the legendary ones.So to prevent their extinction in the Steemmonster world they are all here and they have come to this decision that they will attack the guild and destroy the Legendary Guild(of super powered characters ).I was thinking of positively of them and was going to witness the epic battle and inspired them to fight back for their freedom and be free of that Legendary Guild.Thus few of the ideas were mine as well.

The next day everything was at order everyone was ready to attack the Legendary Guild and so it was that epic time .Their idea was to cover the whole guild and attack all together but to their cause they were caught by surprise.There were 8 gates to enter the Guild and on each of them there stood by the 8 Legendary characters guarding those gates.While it was not that far we all reached to the border of the guild and as soon as we came close to the guild we were welcomed by the Lightning dragon (He seemed to be on duty on that gate).He seemed like he was just waiting for all of us.Than and than started the lighting rage over us ,that reminded me of the Thor character in MCU. As soon as the Lightning started to strike on the spot lied dead many uncountable monsters and to my luck The SUMMONER was by side and he Summoned me inside the guild and WE WERE THERE INSIDE.

When we were inside I was mesmerized to see the beauty of that place ,there were almost all the precious stones that were to be found and some of them I do not know about.The houses were beautifully crafted with marbles and the architectures were out of the world.To my surprise after some moment I noticed that there were people out there and as I thought I have not seen any of them without the monsters only in the outside of the guild.There clothing's were different than mine as there were medieval clothes by which they even looked very cool as well and as there was a summoner with me people were really curious as they saw me with him and I felt like I was the only peculiar creature apart from MALRIC.

Guards were following us and we were taken to the KING of the GUILD which is to my Surprise there was a sign in the door of the king which looked like this.Most of us know the sign don't we ;)

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door image source some edited by me

By that logo I was kind of relaxed and was thinking that I am safe for now as it was none other than the Whale of STEEMIT and I am in good hands with that saying.While as I enter I saw the king NEOXIAN and he was there with his grand seat and as I was welcomed and was an honor to be with the KING and all the other reputable members of the Kingdom of Legendary Guild.

There I was notified that the monsters were eating people and they were in the verge of extinct as the monsters were increasing ever since and thus the king of the Legendary Guild took the step of killing each and every single one of them.Thus the idea of keeping the Eight victorious Legendary warriors was a great success described by the king himself.

After hearing all that I was indeed feeling lucky at least not to get killed or fried by any of the Dragon outside ;) After some time the news came over that all the monster that were in the area have been taken care of.By the news The King and all the members were celebrating the victory over the monsters with a great feast with over 100 of dishes that I do not know even the names of all of them.They were really looking delicious.

I was invited to be a part of it as well.By that I got few of the dishes on my plate and at the very first bite of the meat I suppose that was on my plate I took a bite and unfortunately I felt a bite on my hand which really hurt my hand like hell.Than and than I screamed a loud and fell of off my bed with a bump.Which really hurt me a lot.Than I got to understand that all I was seeing all this time was only a DREAAAAMMMMM.I just slapped my hand and was thinking that STEEMMONSTER has indeed got into my heads very deep enough.

Steemit has really get inside of me in a very deep level.The story was indeed of a great plot that I really liked to write. It was great to take part in the giveaway contest of @neoxian. Thanks man for the trust and belief in all of us.I personally give my thanks to you for the support that you have shown.I hope this small effort of mine will worth your time.

Thanks for Stopping by Everyone


Some Of My Previous Posts.



Excellent steemit post
Thank for the sharing
Thank you so much
My friend

Thanks buddy !

Thanks for your entry! I have read it.