Long Story - Four Days of the Catastrophe - Part 11

in #busy5 years ago


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Part 11

When we started to reconnect to the internet, the whole team was in a hurry to publish the news we had prepared before. As most of the stores were closed and I had no chance to buy, Bülent gave me the idle smartphone that he didn't use. I worked hard to make my social media accounts and email available on the device, but it was worth it, and I felt better when it was done. I put my ankle wrapped with a bandage on the trash can under my desk, and I started to follow the developments in the field of economics with a great appetite. While I was at full speed, Bülent came to me and told me to go home and rest. I resisted a little bit, but he pushed so hard that I had to get up and take the road to the House.

Fortunately, I didn't have to drive a car to go home, because the roads were cut off by the soldiers, and all the tanks of the army were on the streets. Nearly two days after the disaster, the state finally became visible. I started walking home by trying not to put a burden on my hurt wrist. I planned to stop by the market and shop on the way home. However, when I came in front of the market, I encountered a view that I never expected. The market windows were broken, and all the goods were looted. Meanwhile, I noticed that the ATM in front of the market was opened using a bomb.

I went to my flat located on the sixth floor of a residential building by using the elevator. The house door automatically opened the password screen by recognizing me from my face. After trying a few wrong codes, I was able to get in by finding the right one. I took off the tracksuits that Nihan gave me and went to the shower, and then I opened the fridge in hopes of finding something to eat. The serving woman who came home the day before the disaster, fortunately, cooked two pots of meals and put them in the fridge. I quickly took a look at the pantry cupboard because I thought that food supply would be a problem. I was relieved seeing that there was a lot of food out there.

I heated the food in the microwave and ate it, and I went across the screen in the living room. After scanning several financial sites, I saw that all of the organized markets were closed, and banks had limited the money output within daily limits. When I looked at the sites showing the crypto prices, I noticed that Bitcoin had a rise over a hundred percent. As a result of a brief internet survey, I realized that people were queuing in front of the ATMs which could be used to buy crypto; people were depositing cash and buying cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Steem.

When reading an article about the possible impact of the catastrophe on stocks, bonds, and other financial assets, the internet was abruptly interrupted. I stood up and looked out the window, and there was a subtle rain, consisting of dark drops, and the raindrops painting black where they fell. Before long, the tiny blue rocks started to hit the windows of my apartment. I was wondering exactly what we were going through, and what we could have experienced in the following days, and I looked at the “hot topics” tab of the urban dictionary named "ekşisözlük," hoping that the internet blackout was over. "The presidential statement on the disaster" was at the top of the agenda. I clicked and started to read the presidential statement.

At 2:15 on 28.10.2023, a worldwide disaster has started. The catastrophe was caused by a 1,3 kilometer long, 100,000-megaton-weight meteorite that dropped near Libya's Egyptian border in Al Jawf. The explosion caused by the falling meteor did not directly affect Turkey, but the shock wave caused earthquakes on eastern Anatolian and northern Anatolian fault lines. Tsunami waves occurred along the Marmara Sea and caused severe damage on the shores of Istanbul.

The stone rain that started after the earthquake occurred as a result of the scattering of the stone and soil where the meteorite fell. The rocks in the pit created by the meteor were torn apart and ascended to the sky and followed a ballistic trajectory and influenced the neighboring countries. The fact that the sky is dark during the day and mud raining from the air is also linked to the explosion caused by the falling meteorite.

The electromagnetic effect of the falling meteorite during the explosion has caused significant damage to electronic devices in our country, as in other peripheral countries. Since this effect combines with the difficulties caused by earthquakes, there have been difficulties in coordination of the measures to be taken after the disaster, and some of the problems of public order have emerged. As of now, our security forces have fully established order across the country.

The announcement continued to provide detailed information on search and rescue efforts, food supply and security measures and focused on the speculative rise in food prices. I had learned what happened to us a, and now it was time to guess what might have happened.

It was without a doubt the greatest catastrophe of modern times, and it was sure that it would create a tremendous humanitarian crisis. In Europe, there was already a debate about the instability that could be experienced due to food prices and the influx of refugees. In the official statement, citizens were warned about probable new stone rains, and it was expressed that the dust cover in the sky will disperse in a matter of weeks.

After scanning a vast library of news reports on erupting volcanoes, emerging forest fires and social disturbances around the world, I realized that it was almost midnight. I laid down on the couch with the intention of rest and then continue to work, and fell into a deep sleep because I couldn't resist the rebellion of my tired eyes anymore.

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/microphone-music-sound-mic-musical-2130806

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