Freewrite Day 699 No Panic - Positive Signs for Minnows on NewSTEEM

in #busy5 years ago (edited)

freewrite no panic fitinfun.jpg

The drain of little people out the STEEM door continues, with two more saying good bye to me today. One is gone for good. The other is taking a break to focus on other things and plans to come back in a month or so.

This is not a good plan if you actually believe in STEEM, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrency as I do. Letting your blog languish at such an exciting time is a recipe for failure.

I am watching for positive signs and have seen some adjustments I like post-fork. These are changes that will help small blogs grow and succeed here and I think/hope/pray this trend will continue.

Small Curation Projects are getting more support

  • In recent days and weeks some of the programs I work with have grown. This is because bigger players are delegating to them and/or voting on their trails. The upshot of this is that small blogs will get better post rewards when they use those places and tags.

From the perspective of the big accounts, it is a way to help without actually having to go read and vote for blogs with 300 sp.

####Some Smaller Blogs are Getting New and Bigger Votes

  • In recent days and weeks, I and some other small blogs are getting votes from bigger blogs we have never seen before. A couple of people have even contacted me to ask if I know why they all of the sudden are getting nice votes from people they do not know.

These are bloggers who both blog in niches and do not look up much to see what STEEM is doing. Neither of them contacted me when their rewards dropped right after the fork. They just blog their work and do not look at prices or crypto news.

Now their (always awesome) posts that used to get $3-$5 rewards are now sometimes getting close to $10. They are thrilled and blogging better than before. One bumped two posts a day to three and the other is finally going to try to use one of my dApp recommendations I have given him many times.

How you can help

If you want to help in the effort to save small blogs and do not want to join trails or auto vote, trawl through these places to find pre-curated and undervalued posts. On the other hand, you can also delegate or follow trails and do just as much good with less effort on your part.

Those in bold are places I already see improvement. Thank you very much!

- @trufflepig <<< Finds 25 undervalued posts daily by an AI algorithm. Has a trail that is now growing as bigger STEEMers join in. AI is hot!
- @qurator daily posts, weekly contests, and author spotlights <<< A large group of daily bloggers. Easy to find great posts.
- @c-cubed daily posts <<< manually curated top undervalued posts of the day. Huge effort by the admins on many fronts

  • <<< Daily Curation Project for Undervalued Deserving Content. This guy is going it alone and he is finding great posts. Excellent curating skills over here.
  • @pifc weekly Pay it Forward contests <<< Finds undervalued posts by nominations. Needs sponsors and votes.

Helping newcomers

  • @steevc and his @tenkminnows project <<< Helping redfish obtain over 500 SP.
    - @heyhaveyamet posts <<< Finds and supports promising noobs with good intro posts.
    - @steemterminal <<< Same people as above helping redfish after the intro time is complete.
  • @abh12345 - Curation and Engagement League Participants <<< People who know how to curate. If you are new to curation, be sure to join this place for help and inspiration.

Niche Groups

  • @freewritehouse and @mariannewest <<< helping new authors learn to blog. Best place to support to improve quality in STEEM blogging.
    - @steemitmamas <<< Moms on STEEM #womenincrypto is a “thing. Most crypto projects have 10% women. STEEM has 30%+. Manual curation and lots of support given to newcomers. All the other women’s groups I know of have failed.
  • @tasteem contests <<< International restaurant reviews of excellent quality – tough guidelines and lot of support to help people when they start.
  • @homesteaderscoop <<< A community marketplace of ethical, handmade and sustainable products available for STEEM, SBD (and USD)
  • @canna-curate <<< All about weed and the people who grow, smoke, cook, eat, make clothes and supplies.
  • @naturalmedicine <<< All about natural ways to stay healthy and heal yourself if you are not.


Travel and locations

  • @travelfeed <<< Awesome dApp and team for travel related posts. Great execution so far, HUGE Potential.
  • @socalsteemit <<< Southern California posts on the STEEM blockchain. Excellent curation and good to promote on other social media for star quality.
  • @teammalaysia <<< Biggest country group on the STEEM blockchain. Has a trail and many using the tag.

Promising dApps easy for new STEEMers to start with

- <<< People love to poll on Twitter. They should be doing it on STEEM instead. This dApp has a trail you can join, and is manually curated for quality control.

  • <<< People love to share links on fb. They should be doing it on STEEM instead. I am not sure how to best support this place, but they are trying hard and have quality control in place. Their token is doing well.

Support @steembasicincome with your upvotes

Many small accounts get their best upvote from SBI. Please take a look at this post from my other blog to see how you can help this program grow.

How to Support SBI Easily

It is a very simple set up and you will help hundreds of small accounts. BIG moves here – keep going friends. The more SBI grows, the better for us all.

My post is for the #freewrite daily challenge by @mariannewest. Freewrite is a great way to post on STEEM when you do not think you have the time, or talent, or anything to say. It’s a great way to start regular posting, and I know you can do this too! Here is Marianne’s freewrite prompt post for today. Give it a try and surprise yourself.


fitinfun before and after difference.jpg


Thank you very much for sharing your ideas regarding #newsteem. What happens is that sometimes we come to the project with the false idea that everything will happen quickly, but with a little patience and no panic everything will flow. Greetings @fitifun.

I agree, @felixgarciap - patience and persistence is the key right now.

I don't even know yet what changes has happened as I've been away in India with little to no internet but I've been posting everyday and I'll keep on doing so. I can see growth even on my relatively new and small account. But I won't leave!! ❤️

Posted using Partiko Android

You have a wonderful blog going, @dkkarolien. You are in a spot of the world many people are interested in and have great photos, text and formatting. And now India!!? I need to get over to your blog. On my list!

☺️☺️ Thank you so much for the compliment. I'm posting little by little.we spent only a day or two in Chennai and 9 days on Andaman island and 4 days on Havelock island. 😊 It was hugely exciting and interesting 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

If all these minnows that are coming to you are stuggling, maybe you should direct them to other communities that can support them.

The Ramble has a discord that helps people promote their content. Tell your friends to contact @shadowspub. Also, @crimsonclad does a nice minnow show on Saturday's helping to introduce those users to success.

I've asked for names that need support many times, and I just haven't seen the quality producing, lost minnows.

If they continue to struggle and speak to you and you don't want to share their names, my next best suggestion is that you share with them some places they can go for help.

The list above IS the list places I know of to help minnows/redfish. I send people to them all day long, @whatsup.

You cannot expect people to deliver names to you. I do not know the niches you are interested in and this would be a huge effort. I already drop good post links to the places listed above and then they end up on the daily or weekly curations if the admins agree with my thoughts.

Asking people to pick posts and bloggers for you specifically will not bear fruit. Just go where they are already pre-curated and see what you see. I would love to read your review of any of these places if you spends a week or two trying. My experience tells me all of them have great under-rewarded posts. I would love to get your take on that too.

This is the first I have heard of the ramble initiative and will add it to the list. Tagging @shadowspub to give me any details.

I do not have access to watch videos or live streams and so do not have any way to know who is doing shows. I do not recommend anything on exclusively on phones or video since I use neither one.

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Your post has been upvoted by us in cooperation with @bdcommunity.

Thank you SO,SO much, @bdvoter. I am so happy you liked the post and upvoted. You just made my day!

It seems like there's hope for m, for all of us.

There is! Just keep trying and doing your good work, @isgledysduarte.

Really great thoughts and tips @fitinfun, and nice to do a freewrite of it, way to multitask, it's awesome.

This post is AWESOME!

It has therefore got a manual 100% upvote from @thisisawesome, for the Awesome Daily Upvotes in category Freewrite, I give out 1 such vote in that category per day, plus 3 more in other categories, and your post will also be featured in todays Awesome Daily report for more visibility.

The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Steem ecosystem by rewarding it".

Thank you so much, @thisisawesome. I try to multi-task :) I really appreciate your support, promotion, and comment.

Thanks @fitinfun, and thank you for creating awesome content.

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

Great news and hopeful developments. I hope people stick by #steem. Best wishes.

Posted using Partiko Android

I hope so too, @wandrnrose7. It's a hard road right now for many.

@fitinfun I read your other post on supporting SBI, I clicked the link you gave on this post, it would not let me vote or comment on that page so I came back here. My question is can I vote for SBI on my feed page without having to use this auto voter thing you talked about? And why could I not vote or comment, I have seen this when I am on @mariannewest #freewrite page and I click someone's link I can not vote while on her page.

The other place you went might have been steampeak or dPoll. You need to log in there to use them. Many/most of us have stopped using steemit since so many other dApps are better and pay with upvotes when you post with them.

I'm on a laptop - no phone. I use:

  • <<< to ask questions
  • esteem <<< one post a day
  • tasteem <<< restaurant reviews
  • <<< travel posts
  • ntopaz <<< Photo posts
  • steempeak <<< Browsing and wallet
  • steemworld <<< monitoring my blogs and claiming rewards
  • busy <<< Like esteem but a second choice

For sbi voting, it is not worth it unless you set up auto-voting. You will never catch the posts in time to make curation rewards with your vote value. <<< Easy set up to vote for 20 blogs for free, but ask me if you have questions.

I am always logged in to all of these places, or re-login with keychain if they bump me out. It's another layer of complexity, but very worth your effort.

@fitinfun ok, now things are starting to make sense to me, I have been using nothing but steemit, I have been to palnet several times but could not figure out how to post through them also partiko, so now I am thinking I need to make an account with them, then I can use them. I do not go on the internet with my phone, it is a pay for minutes phone. I have a laptop with very good internet connection.

You just need to get the keychain browser extension. It will lets you login easily. You already have accounts with all of these - just need to login, @myjob.

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