Spinning Plates, Baking Cookies and a New Toy!

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Hey Friends! So, it may appear as though I’ve been less active on the platform lately, but in reality, I’ve been busy with some behind the scenes preparations.

No, the cookies aren't the behind the scenes preparations, but cookies make everything better, right? I'll get to them!

I often compare my crazy life to a circus act. You know the one, the performer who comes out with a calm, friendly demeanor, but totally loses it by the end? The plate spinner! Yes! Except, I try to not lose it every day—just once in a while, right?

But in all seriousness, what I relate to in that act is how before getting a new plate spinning, the performer checks in on all the existing plates and makes sure they’re all going at a good speed before adding a new plate to the mix. This is me.

With homesteading, homeschooling 4 kids, cooking for a crazy list of food allergies and having hubby working from home (meaning kids need to be kept outside or quiet inside for part of the day) I’ve got plenty on my plate, or rather plenty of plates spinning.

Speaking of plates, check out this plate of cookies! Yummiliciousness right there!!

Then there are the ferments, water kefir, dairy kefir, sourdough (2 types: Whole wheat and GF) and whatever lacto-fermented veggies I’m tinkering with at the time. So, when I decided to start blogging, it took me a while of tending to my spinning plates, making sure they were all doing what they were supposed to be doing before I jumped in. Then, after seeing all the possibilities and opportunities available through Steem, I began to broaden my horizons a bit! I went from just blogging about the homestead and allergy-friendly recipes to doing a couple DSound and DTube posts.

And you know what? I’m loving it! It’s such a wonderfully supportive community and I’m really enjoying pushing myself out of my comfort zone and sharing what I am creating with the community. So, in that theme, I recently purchased a Blue Yeti microphone with a bit of leftover birthday money! (Thank you @coruscate for the recommendation.)

I am so excited to start using it, but I’m trying to find the time to play with it without neglecting any of my other plates. It may take a few days, maybe even a week or two, but I will be sharing my new toy, um, I mean tool very soon.

Seriously, do you see the little golden brown spots on top? Those are like little drops of caramel-toffee-ish yumminess! You would not know there were no eggs in these scrumptious morsels!

In the meanwhile, here are some delicious cookies I whipped up for the kids a few days ago. Wildstyle was beside herself! She kept saying how they tasted and felt like real cookies. I had recently made some banana chocolate chip cookies that she also really enjoyed, but these took a cup of boiled dates blended into the batter. This resulted in a chewy texture with an almost caramelized bottom with just the right amount of stickiness when biting through.

As I was throwing the ingredients together, I remember thinking that I should jot it down in case I wanted to post about the cookies, but I was trying to get them finished before the kids came in from sledding and the baby woke up. Time was not on my side, so I hoped I would remember, and just pushed through. Sadly, I do not remember the exact measurements, but I do know that when I added potato starch, I accidentally dumped the bag so it filled the measuring cup and spilled into the bowl, so the measurement would have been off anyway. (Does that only happen to me? I should seriously know better by now.)

I hope you enjoy the cookie photos, the plate spinning metaphor and I do recommend adding a cup of boiled dates, cooled and blended into a cookie recipe sometime.

The boys decided to “help” with the photo shoot. I think they ended up eating their weight in the extra “misfit cookies” as it was the only way to keep them from eating the props!

One of my newest "plates" is also the goal for me to start getting to bed earlier. Yes, that is a plate, because it’s something I have to give my attention to in order for it to happen and become a priority. I don't know exactly how it will happen as that is when I tend to do most of my posting, writing, commenting, editing, etc, but I'll figure it out. Here’s to new beginnings!

I chose @Crowbarmama as a handle because I believe in doing the best you can with what you have on hand. The crowbar is a multi-purpose tool. You’ll notice my photography is a bit rough, my grammar is not the most polished, but as a homeschooling, homesteading mama of 4, if I waited to take my photos until the light was perfect or re-edited my posts a 5th time ( I shoot for 3 drafts), I would never get a post out!

Don’t sweat the small stuff, just Crowbar it!

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I no longer have as many plates to spin as you do, but I remember those days well. I have now reached a second stage in life where I need a mother to tell me when it's time to go to bed!! Here it is, 11 pm once more, and I am reading posts on Steemit. Tsk tsk!

Ha! Yes, those late night Steemit post-reading binges are dangerous! 😁

Well done for buying something for yourself! Sometimes it just takes the right tool to get us started along the path to amazing things. Oh and my sincere good luck with your ambition of going to bed earlier. I know what you mean about needing to give your attention to something to make it happen.

Random suggestion but have you tried meditation? It might seem like just one more thing to take up time in your day, but if you find 10 mins for sitting quietly and focusing on something calm (maybe early morning?), it somehow makes the time during the rest of the day stretch out, so you actually get more done. Maybe because your mind is more focused and can more effectively manage tasks and decisions? I don't know. I just know it's what works for me when I'm stressed and feel like I have too much on my plate - or too many spinning plates! :)

I was doing my Meditative journaling in the mornings and I seriously need to get back in the habit! I agree that my days do seem to go more smoothly when I take that time for myself. I just need to make that a priority which means I need to stop these late night Steemit-comment and reply sessions! Lol!

You go mama! Those are a lot of plates and I'd hug you if I could. Raising little humans to be productive members of society has to be the most exhausting yet fulfilling "work" we do. Day by day! Looking forward to hearing you on the mic? Yeti? Toy?

Aw thanks! Sending you a great big virtual hug! Yes, this "work" is definitely exhausting, but indubitably fulfilling!

And yes, the Blue Yeti is a mic, which for me is a toy because it means I get to spend more time playing music! Yay! It's important for our kids to see us fill our own cups, right? 😉

Yaaay!!! How exciting to have an awesome microphone. 😊

Also, I didn’t realize you guys till had snow!! Wow... isn’t it supposed to be spring already? 😜

You don't know how excited I am! I stayed up fiddling with it last night under a blanket once the kids were asleep. I thought I was pretty sly until my oldest asked me this morning, "What we're you doing last night? I could hear you singing, but it was muffled..." Hahaha!

And yeah... Snow... I don't complain because between homeschooling and hubby working from home, we don't ever have to go out in it, so we genuinely get to just hunker down and enjoy it. However, if I could get my garden going sometime before June, that'd be great... 😉

Congrats on the mic, my brother @trumpit uses the same one. He loves it.

Cool! Now I need to carve out time to figure out how to use it without neglecting my posts or my children! Haha!

Great post! I also have tons going on and lots of plates spinning. I previously won a contest hosted by Candace Cameron Bure where she was talking about her new book Balancing it All. I showed in a photo what I could balance. It was good fun. ;) I need to do a post about that! Those cookies look great! I have a lot going on here as well - homeschool, husband at home working, living in Panama and I'm the only one who speaks Spanish, house work... ;) Excited to find your blog. :)

I would love to see that post! What a fun idea for a contest! So, what led you to Panama? We left California almost 3 years ago for Idaho and I only wish we had moved sooner. I love it up here.

I have written posts about why we move. This is the most recent and it's part 3 (part 2 is linked and part 1 is linked in it). ;) One Year in Panama I will have to make a post about the contest and tag you in it. :)

I did enjoy your plates analogy :)

About the cookies, I’m betting that since you liked them, you’ll be making them again, and will have a “recipe” to share. I can try them then.

I’ve played with adding dates to my seeets before, it turned out well -maybe I’ll try it again. There’s a recipe that’s just dates, pecans and something else mixed together topped with sea salt and those are super yummy.

I will have to remember to post them when I do get around to making them again, which should be soon because they disappeared so quickly!

Dates on their own are too sweet for me. They actually hurt my teeth, but blended with other ingredients, they are scrumptious! And sea salt is good on everything!!


Yummy! Try this with a IPA. You won't regret it.

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You are mama of the year. Doing all of that. Wow. I was hoping for the recipe oh well. The cookies looked great. We all seem to make things on the fly and then forget to write it down. I have done this so many times.

I can understand being so busy though and I don't have any little ones at home. I sure do hope you make some time for yourself in all the busyness.

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