Consider This A Goodbye

in #breast7 years ago (edited)

Hello ladies and gentlemen--and to be politically correct, trannies too. Most of you probably don't give a shit, but as I know that about 30-40 of my 1130 followers actually do follow me for my content, I felt an explanation is owed to them.

So why am I fucking off? To put it simply, I no longer consider my time on this platform to be enjoyable, nor productive. I do have a lot of gratitude towards Dan and Ned for what Steemit was able to do for me. If it was not for Steemit, I highly doubt I would have discovered my passion for writing, which is why I will always appreciate having come across this platform during my journey through life.

I also know exactly what I want to do thanks to this place. I have worked a ton of jobs in my life, and in spite of typically being very efficient at whatever I do, I have never had one that lasted long. I either end up getting fired for poor timekeeping, shitty attendance, or for not quietly allowing someone to talk to me like I am a piece of shit.

Some people, including my own family, have interpreted this as me being a lazy cunt who doesn't show respect to those I ought to, but they are wrong. I simply don't enjoy working to make other people rich, as I feel like a little slave-bitch. This is also why I have never allowed someone who believes they have power over me to speak down to me.

So yes. Creating content, making people laugh and think, and getting paid for it, sounds like something I can quite happily deal with. In fact, it sounds fucking ideal. However, at the moment, this is not what Steemit has to offer me.

There's not much I want in terms of material possessions, and so I can live on quite modest means. I am 100% certain that I could make a living from Steemit, but that living could not be achieved through simply creating content.

It has been recommended to me far too often, that if I want to make more money on here, I should go and make an effort to read and comment on this and that so others will come and do the same for me. I loathe to hear the suggestion.

I don't want people to read my shit because I read theirs, and I don't want people to vote for my content because I voted for theirs. Nor do I ever have any desire to read anything I would have otherwise not read just so that some cunt will pay me in either attention or upvotes.

I want to be rewarded for creating content that people enjoy or find useful. I am simply unwilling to play all the other games of deception here. So until Steemit is about rewarding content and not trading upvotes through mostly disingenuous niceties, there is no place for me here. I will never be able to succeed here without betraying my morals, and things would have to get a lot fucking worse for me before I'm ever willing to do that again.

So no, this is not about a lack of faith in the platform. In spite of my Mass-Steemicide post, I have come to believe that Steem will play a large role in the world of tomorrow. But that role doesn't look like it's going to be a good one to me anymore. This really could have been something.

It could have been a demonstration to the world on how to succeed together, instead of on the backs of your brothers and sisters. It could have been an escape for all the fuckers out there working jobs they hate in order to survive on the very lands they were born. It could have been an opportunity for all of us to discover and cultivate the passions that are lost to us through the distractions of life, and the reward aspect would have provided people with the time to do that by negating their need to work 40+ hours a week.

Instead, all we have now is a machine that cultivates deception. So many people on here are learning, day by day, minute by minute, how to better pretend to give a shit. How to better pretend to be people's friends so they can profit from the relationship, and how to better look out for yourself while ignoring the plights of others.

The behaviour of people who spend too much time on here is effected, and they gradually become more self-serving. Some will disagree there, and say it's the opposite, but I would refer you back to the many suggestions I have been given to go and comment on other people's posts to raise awareness of your blog or get comments and votes. That is self-serving, but people are just getting too good at convincing themselves otherwise, or making excuses for why it's okay to be dishonest in this context.

This is why I am leaving Steemit. I don't know where I am going to go to create content just yet. Perhaps YouTube. It's all about money but at least they're fucking honest about it. But, to those who care, I will post on here to explain where you can find my content once I have figured that part out.

I think that's it. Don't let this place eat your fucking soul, people.

Also- I know I have some of you to send funds to. I will do it later or tomorrow.

Goodbye for now, fuckers.


The reason I comment on your posts is mainly because you are sharing important philosophical truths here, and I don't get much chance to share thoughts with people who can articulate similar things that I think about, topics that are nearly forbidden elsewhere. Anyway I never worried much if you necessarily read any of my posts or upvote anything, I was just happy to hear a strong voice talking about things that I think should be said so strongly. The communications that we've had in the comments did help me to remember to check your page for new stuff, but I'd rather not go deliberately looking for people to befriend in hopes that they'll drop by. I still hope that people do drop by though, and naturally the rewards are important, so I keep it simple; I made a list of authors who I want to support, who's stuff I like, and who I enjoy occasionally chatting with, and I visit their pages regularly. It's not even a huge list, because I want to have time to enjoy the content individually. It's something that I can do without feeling like a beggar.
Take care then, maybe you'll wander back through someday soon.

No. You have supported me plenty. I realise now reading through these comments that I have made the post sound like it is completely about money, which isn't true. As I said, I am pretty sure I could make enough money on here if I approached things from a different mindset. I just don't want to do that. But a major thing for me was just to know that people were bothering to read the shit I was spending so much of my time writing, and you were one of the few who did, so I thank you very much for that.

The thing is, I am sure you have noticed by now that I have a message I am trying to get out there into the world. I don't know why I feel compelled to do this, but I know it is something that I must do. I am finding that here on Steemit. my message is reaching only those who don't need to it because they understand what I do, such as yourself. Or, people who just don't care to hear it. I realise a lot of this problem is due to my writing. I can come across as arrogant, harsh or condescending when I type, and that really effects the likelihood of the reader absorbing any ideas I have shared.

I started here as Son of Satire. It was always my intention to share truth, make people think, and do so in a funny way-- as I know that is what people best respond to. I have tried to do this very thing with @eddard and @the-oracool too. Always the same goal, yet different approaches, as I have been trying to figure out what would work the best.

Well, I think that posting on here is not only less enjoyable for me now because of all the greed and disingenuity, but I have also realised how unproductive it is for promoting my message. If I had put the same amount of work ethic into creating YouTube content, I would probably have 30,000 subscribers by now, even if I would have earned nothing in terms of monetary rewards in the process.

So yeah, I know what I am going to do now. For money, I am not entirely sure yet, but I always figure that out so I am not too worried. But for the message, I have a large-scale project in the works that, if successful, will be able to reach far more viewers than I am able to on here.

I do appreciate you reading my so many of my posts, and for sharing your wisdom in the comments section of so many of them. But it's time for me to create content for the cunts out there who need it. You don't, mate.

I think that when we accumulate knowledge that we have a kind of obligation to share that information-- I feel a similar need to inform and share the knowledge that I have, and also sometimes wonder if I am really getting it out there. If nothing else I get to practice here, and the blockchain makes a good place to store all of my writings and art while I slowly work to help make the world better. I'm about to the point where I'm going to start repeating myself here, at the risk of preaching to the choir, since I've covered just about every topic that I'm familiar with enough to write about without references, but my goal is always to improve the world with words, and if there is a bit of reward for that, then it helps, but without the rewards I would find another way to get it out there.

I frequently give people the advice to check out other people's blogs and add quality comments as a way to get more followers. It isn't about 'follow for follow' or any crap like that. It is about making connections with people in the community and getting noticed.

There are thousands of posts created each day. How many people are going to spend the time to dig through all of them and find stuff that is actually good / interesting to them? If you are expecting tons of people to come across your content just because it is good, the majority of the time you will be disappointed.

There are disingenuous people here, and they show themselves in all kinds of forms. Commenting on stuff just to get more attention is one of the many things they do. For the most part, I think that many users can tell the difference between people that are genuinely interested in their stuff vs. people that are just coming at it from a selfish perspective.

It is to bad that you interpret having to be interested in other people's blogs as a requirement to sell your soul. To me it just always seemed like a natural way to network + show that you are interested in other people besides yourself.

@timcliff Being here less than a month, I still understand the frustration of @son-of-satire I cannot say that I would express things in crude terms, as there comes the point in time to rise above the garbage. None of that diminishes from the issues at hand.

With the preface out of the way, I highly appreciate your comment. I already have experienced more genuine networking here on Steemit in just over three weeks than five years on LinkedIn. I am especially grateful for an individual with whom I have been engaging in direct chat who has lent her expertise at my request. Also, I get to communicate directly with a Homesteaders Community. There has also been wonderful dialogue with various individuals. No one is responsible for following me or to even upvote my comments and blog posts. It is my responsibility to make myself and my writings irresistible, so folks do not want to miss out on more.

I came here because I wanted a superior social media and I got it. The cryptocurrency is a bonus. Are the majority of folks sociopaths? Of course, they are. Can I change this fact? Only a fool would attempt. Blinders are not just for horses anymore.

Would have to agree with you about LinkedIn! Seems like the biggest waste of potential ever.

Hugely interested in homesteading and off da grid--followed! My ancestor way back founded a town in the run of Oklahoma, after his previous generations lived as wandering itinerant farmers in the south, so it must be in my blood. I'm currently living as an RV Nomad, trying to help others do the same.

@witnezme I did not realize that one of the members set up this link on another portion until just now. So, this should allow you to join.

I really should have made a video instead, because yet again, I am misunderstood. I am not frustrated, and I certainly didn't mean to be crude. I just don't discriminate against language the way most people do. But, if I was upset, I don't think I would have opened with a joke and used "breast" as a tag for a bit of randomness lol.

This isn't about me being pissed off and rage quitting the platform. It's simply about me trying to spend my time more productively.

I came here because I wanted a superior social media and I got it. The cryptocurrency is a bonus. Are the majority of folks sociopaths? Of course, they are. Can I change this fact? Only a fool would attempt. Blinders are not just for horses anymore.

One day, not too long from now, you will see the irony in this that I can. Until then, I hope you're able to enjoy your time here as much as I enjoyed most of mine.

Yes, this, thank you Tim.
I am one of the people he's talking about in this post. I love him dearly, but on this point I can't seem to come across to him without seeming like I'm telling him to beg for votes, though that's not at all what I'm telling him to do. Just to comment on people and posts he likes, and it reminds them to take a look at him--that happens to me all the time. Someone will comment on my post and it's like "Oh yeah! You, I like you and what you have to say!" And so I go to their page and read and vote, but because I truly do enjoy them and I've just lost track of them for a time.

I hope at some point he can see this differently. I really do adore this man, and he knows it. And he's depriving people of his amazing thoughts (usually he has amazing thoughts lol)

I did not mean to offend. I have told you before that I don't like this way of doing things. I don't think I will be able to see it differently, but I won't be depriving the world of my thoughts. As I said, I will be continuing to create content, and hopefully, reaching a larger audience in due time.

You kind of brought up something in my mind. I think one of the problems here is how new content gets prioritized so quickly and old stuff gets almost entirely ignored. Also there's nice way to filter our feed or make lists of favorites without doing it manually. This makes supporting people you like a bit unnaturally sometimes.

Exactly! After all it is social media.

Same sentiment basically.

After reading his post, I have to ask myself, am I commenting now on your comment to try and gain a new follower? There might be a little bit of that, but so what if I am? I can say honestly that it doesn't make much difference to me if I don't gain a follower and that it's not my main intention for commenting. I'm not pretending to be someone I'm not, and I'm not wasting my time on someone who I have nothing in common with, i mostly comment on comments as posts that I am impressed by or where I have something to offer. There's bullshit everywhere, we have to look beyond it when there is substance to be found.

I can understand his decision to leave, I just hope he's really exhausted the possibilities and tried looking at steemit from a different angle cause I just found him today and he seems like the kind of person I want to meet here.

He did do a more recent post where he stated that he decided to stick around in some form.

I saw that, it I still felt a kind of resignation from steemit, if only emotional resignation.


That's a very interesting way to look at it. In fact, it makes me wonder if perhaps I am not interested in anyone other than myself, because I lost the desire to go looking for good content on here quite some time ago. It's somewhat paradoxical though, because the reason I want to create content is to help others, so clearly I do care about people other than myself. But, I suppose I am becoming more of a creator and less of a consumer, and so there isn't much of a place for me here anymore if reading shit you don't want to read is required.

I get what you are saying. I wouldn't say it is required, but if you are going to be a content producer (only) it is on you to find some way to drive traffic to your blog. Posting content (even if it is good) and just waiting for people to come to you doesn't cut it (in 99% of the cases at least). It isn't really specific to Steemit either. If you created your own website, whether it be a blog, or some other site that people would use for some purpose - the website will just sit there with pretty much zero traffic unless you can find some way to drive people there. On Steemit, there is the benefit of already having a large number of users using the platform. The challenge is how do you get them to notice your stuff? Seeing as it is a social platform, being social is generally the recommended approach. It is not the only way, but if it doesn't work for you to go that route, then it is on you to find some other way to accomplish the goal of getting people to notice you.

I understand all of this. I have made my efforts, and now I am moving on. I wasn't complaining or in a bad mood. I was only explaining to the people who follow me actively. There's no need for all of this, but I thank you for the effort.

Ok, take care.

But I just found you! Albeit it was because you created a banner for another user and I was interested in commissioning you to make one for me. =)

Hahaha this is what lead me here too and now i'm like NOOOOO!

If it makes you feel any better, I would have said no. I am all for generosity, but too many people ask now and it's just getting ridiculous. There is a generic one that you can download for free anyway, so there's nothing missing other than a name. I hope that will be good enough for you/

Much appreciated for the reply! If you get this message...

You'll be back. They always come back. Muahahahah!

Apparently you were right. Here I am.. Albeit, just to respond to messages. But nevertheless you are correct. Have an upvote you wise and crazy oracle.

To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.

- Mahatma Gandhi

A wise old quote.

Welcome to the 21 century of self-fulfilling egos, you have to take time for yourself and cool-off when the negatives get so much. It's not so much about content here but networking, networking and marketing yourself... there is tons of awesome content there but those who are well connected would continue to get big payout...all the best in your endeavors, I myself giving this Steemit some serious thought and how long I would continue here, its quite clear it ins't about content

I don't need to cool off at all, mate. I was in a really great mood when I wrote this post, and I still am.

But yes, it is about networking. Only I don't believe it is about marketing yourself, but rather, marketing the parts of yourself (genuine or otherwise) that you feel will be beneficial to your Steemit career. I know this is something that happens on all social media, but the interconnectivity between this and the prospect of earning money has, in my opinion, created a particularly unique type of ugliness.

It certainly is, I consider my posts great and informative, I see folks post the same thing hours later an get 10X the amount of upvotes, so its all about developing your own community that can support you, having a couple whales as friends would certainly hasn't reach the point where all can successful write and create a career here for themselves unless they are actively engaged with a few members with significant SP, probably this is a reflection of the society we live in, some would get ahead because of who they know and who supports them or what they can invest and an get ahead

I'm so sorry to see you go. Thanks for all the hours of wonderful entertainment. You'll be sorely missed.

I am sorry to leave you. You seem to be my biggest fan. Lol. I went to your blog and thought I was on my own one. This post was really for you and a few others, as I know you have been following my fiction. I have certainly not given up on my works, and I will creating a dedicated website where I will releasing chapters of BOO for free, so when that is up and running, I will share it with you.

Thank you so much for your continued attention. If it was not for you, I am sure I would have thought I was wasting my time with a lot of my fiction writing.

Ha ha ha, You know how careful you have to be with those number 1 fans!
You've certainly created some of the most original and interesting content I've read ina long time. I'd be delighted with the opportunity to read more.
Best of luck with everything.

I very sorry to read you plan to leave, or are leaving (past the plan already I suppose). While recently it is getting harder and harder to get rewards on our posts, you can also see this as a phase. Since I started at Steemit January this year, I've seen many rough times for myself. Low Steem, no attention, no followers, suddenly a peak in attention and then rock bottom attention due to the new balance on our platform. Indeed, may followers but hardly any voters amongst them. And I have my ups and downs, and I started to adopt to not attend to Steemit for a couple of days or even week when I get to my down. But I still think, persistence it the name of the game, and although also I do not get a lot of rewards, well it is level of a tip would say, I still try to continue since I still think it'll become better at one point in time, maybe when we get community features (whenever that is). Anyway, I hope you will reconsider, or after some time of from Steemit, we will see you back here; in one or two weeks perhaps? :)

I'm not leaving because I can't make enough money. I can if I just decide to play the game the same way as most. I am leaving because I am starting to run out of money, and if I do not leave, I will end up acting in a way I do not want to in order to make more of it. Plus there are a number of other things I did not touch on, but in essence, I know that if I stay here I will become a shitter person.

I have reconsidered many times already, and I don't plan to again until the situation is vastly different.

Thanks for the words though. And I hope that you get what you want from this platform. I already got what I needed.

Without you going into the other topics, I can imagine at least some of them what they are. I try to not watch it, sometimes even fight it which I do recently. But continue with the stuff I like to publish. I actually think this social experience will show that something with good intentions by those who did not create the network at day one (they have a different agenda, I'm pretty sure) will become a bot network with some humans left who only take care of themselves. So nice experiment, but with a failed mark at some point in time. I wish you all the best with your new projects.

I'm getting to learn some very interesting people with which I can do business outside Steemit, my main purpose of being here with Steemit. I get sucked in a bit more than I wanted, but whatever I do here, is also to test things, like my second account that I dedicate to sharing quality music. I love to do that, although it doesnt bring rewards. But who knows, maybe in a couple of months time, it is more appreciated. I give it some time, 5 to 6 months. When it didn't work, I learned from it at least.

It will suck to see you go, but as you said, life will go on.

@seablue made a great point, the rest of the Internet does suck. However, you always seemed like a man with conviction and I suspect that you're unlikely to come back once you close out of your holdings here.

I'm interested in hearing where you go in your life after Steemit. Good luck.

The rest of the world sucks. Lol. But, it is equally beautiful too. Steemit just encourages an aspect of humanity that I don't want to see reemerging in myself, and if I stick around, I will be forced to act in this way in order to make ends meet. So, I will earn in ways that allow me to be honest to myself and to others.

I thank you for your words, and I will let you know where I end up.

I can't vote this post up, because I want to boo it. So fortunately I was able to find one comment you made in here that didn't make me want to scream or cry or both and give you my vote on it instead.

Flag it then. Lol. It's your power.

Use my flag because I disagree with something? Don't be an arse.
Although considering what you wrote in this letter, asking you not to be an arse might be a tall order right now..
love you, lol

Fucks sake cunty baws. Does that mean you won't be at the first Scottish meet up then? Not that there is one planned or anything but I had always hoped.

I have heard the phrase "cunty balls" before, but this is the first time I have seen it written down. I never realised how much of an oxymoron it was until now. I like it more! lol.


Fuck no. I will be there. I don't drink but I will bring some crack for us! lol.

Hehe, it's a brilliant oxymoron. Always loved it for that.

Good to hear, I'll bring a pipe! ;0)

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