Application for #bounty system by @ned

in #bounty8 years ago (edited)

In a recent post, @ned opened a bounty for the creation of a system for it.

Please link to the original post for further details.

I've created a raw solution for the desired tasks and would like to apply for the bounty.
In case my application does not get accepted, i hope it can inspire others to do so.

UI playground

Ok, my UI is as poor as poor could be. It's just raw sketchup, but it should be clear about the purpose. Take a look around on on how the bounty website could be.

NOTE: DNS still propagating, see attached images until then.

warning Told you i'm a shitty UI designer :)

Workflow of a bounty setup


User registration will not be necessary. To verify the requesting user against his steemit profile, a payment of 0.001 SBD will have to be made trough steempay. This is all it would take to verify a user's profile.

Post a bounty

The user will be able to post a bounty much like posting a blog article;
Title, details, and of course the rewarding currency (SBD or STEEM) and each milestone's value.

Each milestone can be closed upon accepting by the publisher, leaving only the open bounties still visible so users will not be confused and keep working on already closed milestones.
Each subscribed participant will receive notice once a milestone has been closed, or a new one has been added.


Anyone can participate in a bounty. The participants should first click a 'participate now' button to be able to receive the bounty. This serves multiple purposes; tracking and competition. This is also a public way to verify if it's best to go for a new project, or continue on the current one as participant.


Hardfork 14 will implement escrowing from the source. There should be no issue on using the new code so nobody has to rely on anyone else except the blockchain itself. Anyone can serve as agent however their will be a recommendation to leave this to a neutral party, for example @ned. Clear guidelines and condition are needed inside the bounty description in order to remain neutral in case of a dispute.

Update and progess

Every participant can upload his work, or have it hosted elsewhere. The participant will be required to post progress using a 'complete milestone' system for easy track, monitor and progress update. All updates will be publicly visible, as well as the number of proposed solutions. It's up to the publisher to decide when the solution will be publicly accepted and by who. Due to escrow terms, there will be a max time for each milestone to prevent people never being paid.

This is my first raw idea of how we could have a neutral platform for hosting bounties based on Steem.
The network itself is the biggest provider of trust with upcoming escrow in the source.

Give me your thoughts!

Keep on doing what you love!

Love my contributions? Please consider voting me as a witness


I spent some time reading through your post and had some notes/questions to consider. I don't nessicarily need the answers to these, but they are things that should definitely be considered/answered in your planning if you're moving forward with it as a project.

  • Verification
    • So registration does happen? You're just not using your keys, and making an account on the site? I don't quite understand how or what you've be verifying.
  • Posting a Bounty
    • Where are these stored? Are they posted on the blockchain?
    • How are notifications handled, email? Is so, are you planning on maintaining a database of email addresses?
    • Do bounties have tags or some form of categorization?
  • Participation
    • How exactly is participation tracked, and in what ways?
  • Escrows
    • I'm not sure how you'd plan to escrow funds without actually assigning the task to someone in the beginning. You need a recipient in order to start an escrow transaction.
    • You could probably use escrow as the last step (delivery), but that doesn't actually prove a bounty is funded until the end.
  • Updates and progress
    • Same with bounties, where are these stored? As users update their progress and upload files, are these all stored in this system and not the blockchain?

Neat. Needs beauty and perhaps a few other UX elements to move onto the next milestone. How about a place for updates/submissions/managing the participants?

I would like to suggest steemit to have a "Recent Activity" tab, where user can check the activies like: new followers, new upvotes and other things.

I'm sure @cass will provide some amazing graphics :-) This is just a conceptual sketch and motivator to get the rest started. Created this raw stuff in like 20 minutes or so :) I'll add some pages for updates and related items.

YOu are the first one I think who put the process into action. Great work man @steve-walschot

I've been playing around with the idea for longer time, but never engaged to it due to steempay.
I hope at least i'll inspire more skilled developers to start working on it ASAP.

Definitely. It will inspire thousands :)

Wow, this is great. Good job Steve. Lemme know how I can help down the line!

Cool :)
A few thoughts/suggestions:
-Will there be a way to crowd fund a bounty?
-Will there be a way to very clearly define when the criteria is met (to try and take away some of the subjectiveness)
-An official verifying agent may be a good idea. If it is someone people don't know/trust - then it could just be a sock-puppet account, and I doubt @ned wants to be the official agent for all bounties :)

Sounds like a good job for witnesses.. or maybe a way that existing users can put their names forward and allow bounty creators to select one based on their individual reputations. then just add in a simple 1%-5% smart contract share to the user for being the arbiter.

Great job @steve-walschot! Let's get this into production and get Steemians working towards these goals. Feel free to add the Bounty I am working:

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