Running Matters #10

in #blog6 years ago

the 'Schloss' in Pfäffikon, Sz

TGIF, almost weekend! Man am I ready for it! Ever since being made redundant it’s been a bit boring at work and I find it difficult to pass the time. This week has been better, but also sad, more about that in a moment.

First of all, my post on Tuesday marked my 200th here on Steemit, so another little milestone for me. I guess now, with the ability to post with @steepshot I will post even more often and regularly especially when I go on holiday next Friday. 500 posts before the end of December should be a realistic target to achieve.

I also want to take a moment to stand still at the fact that yesterday was Holocaust remembrance day. @yairdd did a very interesting post about the Jewish Community of Zakynthos. I wanted to do a post on the topic from the point of view of a third generation survivor, but on the one hand I’m not ready to share that yet and on the other hand I had very little time yesterday as I spent quite some time working/perfecting my CV. I’m sure you can all understand that. This is why I took a nice memory from our last family holiday to share with you yesterday.

I do want to take a moment to express that we should never forget the atrocities that happened in the Second World War and that it wasn’t just Jews who were affected. Jews were one of the largest groups that were affected and for me it’s closer to home, but other people were also affected like gypsies, disabled people, people with different political views, people with a different skin colour and many more became victims of the nazis. So please remember and make sure this never happens again! What happens now in Syria, Sudan, North-Korea and other parts of the world is just as bad, if you don’t know how you can help, even just spreading the news and raising awareness can do a lot!

Image Source:


Back in September the company announced a huge deal between ourselves and a huge online player, this impacts us tremendously as I’ve lost colleagues in our office due to this move and I will lose more before I’ll finally leave in June. This week some colleagues visited from Holland and Belgium who have also been made redundant and whom I’ve probably seen for the last time, so I did spend quite some time with them and I even took one of them to my village so we could have dinner together with my family. This same colleague I also tried to explain about Steemit and even convinced her to open an account.

Work-wise is different, on the one hand I want to put in the effort to ensure that I get a good reference, on the other hand I wonder why as it’s not going well with the company and what I do will have little effect on the overall result. However I know that I will reap what I sow, so I try to stay motivated until the last day.

I am also writing a few longer posts at the same time that I will publish at some point once I have put my thoughts in order and to paper as I have a few subjects that I really want to share with you.

My highlight of the week!

a Face-to-face with a Lioness

If I had to pick one highlight of the week, I’d have to say the weekend I spent with my family. The fantastic weather and the great time really helped that we had another weekend spending quality time together and on the same day I broke my own distance record and set it to 14,3 km, I’m now at a third of a marathon distance!

Another feat went by almost unnoticed, I had 3 people who joined the #fiftyrunstillmay challenge from @theaustrianguy after I informed them about it and the last one finished the challenge this week. Here are the 3 people I referred and their 50/50 posts:

The first was @toofasteddie on the 11th January, this guy is closer to a robot than human and was even faster than I am despite starting later. I think he runs just about every day:

Second was @shazza on the 28th March. She’s training to participate in the London Marathon which is taking place next weekend. Good luck @shazza I look forward to your ’experience post’ afterwards, maybe I can learn a thing or two from it.

The last one to complete it was @romaincrx on the 11th April. He is training for a 20 km run at the end of May, so I also look forward to reading about that experience. 20 Km is still a milestone for me at this moment.

Well done to the three of you! Here is my own 50/50 post:

My posts last week:

Me before setting off on for my 14 km run on Sunday

So what am I planning for next week?

Next week is going to be more tough posting wise. There are several things that will require quite some attention from me next week. First of all I’ll be away on Monday on a business trip with my father-in-law. On Tuesday I have an appointment with the unemployment office and depending on what’s discussed then I might have another busy afternoon/evening ahead of me. Wednesday and Thursday might be ok, but I’ll have to pack for our holiday as we’ll be flying out on Friday (evening).

For the same reasons I’ll probably won’t do any updates or other regular posts until I’m back, but I hope you guys bear with me. I will do regular posts from Dubai and the Maldives, but they’ll probably not as thorough or detailed as you’re used to from me.

Thank you for sticking with me, your support really means a lot to me, especially in these hectic and difficult times.



hahahhahah! come on, a ROBOT?
I'm just a veteran athlete, running every time I can, normally days a week ;-)
Thanks for the mention!

LOL, I feel like you're sometimes running every day of the week.

Great post! And thanks for the mention ;)

No worries bud, now it's up to @theaustrianguy

Have a great holiday!

Thank you, really looking forward to it!

Yey, we have a new Running Author of the Week!!!

**Look who won... who is Running Author of the Week 11?!
Resteemed by @runningproject

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