Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/27/17> I think I may have just hopped on the “Sol Train”…

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

I would start today’s daily dose with some fancy little saying like, “If you were like me you would…. “but you and I both know you are not like me, hell you may not even “like” me, but I appreciate you being with me. Today I am going to discuss a dilemma I find myself in all too often, the dilemma being that I just don’t have enough damn power in my upVote , and I love to upVote good works.

Until I can work my way up to where I can use that slider switch and select the percentage of value of my upVote I have just gotten use to being selective on what I choose to upVote. For some of you that has meant you have gotten short changed a time or two when I had to protect my vote value for original posts votes rather than upVoting a good comment that I would have liked to pop the clicker on.

So, while I’ve been off work for the last few days leading up to the holiday (I’m done saying Christmas) I’ve been searching around trying to figure out how to maximize my voting with what little value this scum of the earth Plankton that I am has, (according to @busy ) and I may have stumbled upon something that is helping until I get to the point of being able to slide the bar on my own accord.

For the last four days I have been using a tool or app called SteemFollwer , I never am sure if these things are called apps or tools. SteemFollwer is something I found by accident, which is how I find most things on this internet. What I like about it is I can select what % of my vote I want to apply to a post, just like if I had enough Steem power to have my own personal slider.

To use this site you have to select between 5 and 25 posts that you want to upVote from a list of others who are using the service as well. So, for the last four days I’ve been experimenting with the % of my vote and I have settled on using 20% of my upVote strength per vote. There is a selection section where you can choose what authors you want to upVote, it is like a “post promotion” section. So I’ve been going through and deciding what authors I want to upVote each day and clicking the apply button to those posts. Then I take my daily dose blog and post in the post promotion section and hope that some others may find it interesting and select my post like I’ve done with others. There is no guarantee that your post will get selected, and some people have the % set so low on their upVotes , the amount barely registers as a number four digits right of the decimal point. I feel that even though my vote isn’t strong to begin with, at least at 20% the author will get a penny out of me voting them.

There is something about points you can earn and author points but I haven’t figured that out yet. I think there may be also some kind of rewards for referrals, but I’m not 100% sure on that either, but I did see a referral link so I think I will start slipping that in on the bottom of my daily dose blog. Who knows, you might click on it and try the service and we both might gain from it. I have already gained from being able to reward 5 authors for the value of one, so there are winners in my way of thinking.

I like trying new things so I’m going to continue using this for a period of time and see how it goes. If any of you have some knowledge about this SteemFollower service please share it with us, the more we can all learn the better off we’ll all be in the end.

While I am sharing stuff I know absolutely nothing about I’ll share this other thing I found, Sola.AI , evidently it is another site that has its own crypto currency that is called “Sol”, and just like normal, I am a day late and a dollar short. The ICO ended yesterday, but you can sign up and earn Sol like you do here earning Steem. I haven’t a clue about it but I did open an account and got 5 Sol for doing so, so you can’t accuse me of not having a soul, I mean Sol. If you are inclined to sign up over there please feel free to use the link I provided below, I will get like 5 Sol and 100AP points for bringing you into the fold. I see Pappa Pepper over there and he is pretty well respected around here so it can’t be all bad, right?

This Windows 7 doesn’t like the term “upvoting”, keeps giving me the redline saying I am misspelling it, well to damn bad Windows 7, this is an acceptable term now. Just to prove my point, I will defy you, and I have created my own version of upvoting , I capitalize the V in upVoting, making my own unique style of the word, so take that and chew on it Bill and Melissa. Those of you that have noticed this and like the way it looks have at it and use it yourself. Maybe in 10 years or so the masters will get it into their system as an acceptable word and style with the capitol V. Then we can all say I remember back when ….

Don’t know anything other than that today, just relaxing and learning.
Until next time,



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I know many like Steemfollower but the two times I checked it out I personally didn’t like it
But great if it works for you

Yes, it might not be for everyone and I think that it takes time to get used to it. That is why I have decided to give it a fair amount of time in my trial of it. A lot of the folks that play in the poker league use it and so I am more inclined to give it a shot in order to gain more acceptance with that bunch of folks.

I have no issue with Steemfollower and if it works for people it is greta to have the tool to use

I used to use steemfollower but got lazy. I might return though if only to treat it like a voting bot. I did not like reading posts I found in there when I first started, because it was hard to find quality content. There's also a concept of points market that gives good returns on vote value too.

I don't see a capital V in your signature :)

I'll look at Sol since I'm curious, thanks for sharing.

Thanks @eonwarped , my fingers and my brain were not in sync about describing the upVoting terminology and style, I've replaced signature with the word style now to convey the thought correctly now. I also thought about changing my name to sultVpapper, but that just doesn't work.

I love the slider, but it cost me an arm and a leg. You got 20% on this post cuz I'm saving my best votes for something really special. This one's close, but just a cigarillo. Maybe your next one. You often find a way to tickle my fanny.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


I don't blame you, 20% might have been even to generous, I'll do a post on feather dusters pretty soon, if that don't tickle your fanny nothing will.

@sultnpapper, I recently got dubbed with a slider. I just always forget to use it. Thanks for the heads up on a possible tool that will help!

It won't help you but maybe a few others, you have your own personalized model. I'll forgive you if you forget to use it on my posts, I sometimes have trouble remembering things too.

I just found out there is this kind of thing in steemit, so long friend who introduced steemit to me only teaches how to post and vote only :)

I would bet that friend also said, "always vote for me" too, there are a lot of tools and apps that give a whole bunch more insight in how to navigate this platform. Just need to search them out and learn how to use them, and that is what I am trying to do. Thanks for dropping by and making yourself known, and don't be a stranger, I'm right here in the same place everyday. Come back and see me again.

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